Chapter 16

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"BECAUSE." He yelled, before clenching his jaw and lowering his tone. "Because Nathan has trained for almost his whole life. How long have you trained for? One and a half year? Nathan has been training since he was six. He doesn't come home having bruises or a broken hand, after he fights, which is rare, because he isn't allowed to either. None of the guys do. They've all trained hard. But you are not trained enough if you don't even know how to punch without breaking your hand."

"I know I went too hard on you in the beginning, but now I'm trying to let you be. I'm trying to let you fight. That's why I just tell you not to bruise yourself, because that's all I care about. You not hurting yourself."

Okay. I lost control. Now I'm seeing Elonzo lashing out, for the first time.

"Why do you all have to make me the bad guy, when I try to keep you away from all the danger and injuries? Why am I always the villain? I try to keep you away from such things, but what do I get in return? Being called sexist by my own sister, for having different rules for you and the guys, when clearly you had a very different life, unlike our dangerous one." He was yelling now. All I could see on his face was anger. Maybe I went too far.

"Do you even think about how I feel? When all I'm expected to do is care for you? Do you know how I feel when you come home with bruises or a broken hand after getting into a fight? I am just looking out for you, to make sure you're safe and away from the disturbing things we do. I'm always just worried that what if the opponent is stronger than you and hurt you."

By that time, Elonzo was practically shaking, anger and sadness visible on his face.

"I got you after fifteen years, Evelina. I lost fifteen years of your life. I think that should be the only explanation on my part." He clenched his jaw, shook his head and walked out.

Leaving me there to curse myself. I didn't notice the tears flowing down my cheeks.

Why can't I keep my mouth shut? Why did I have to say all that.

I just hid my face in my hands and sobbed.

What have I done?

After crying for a long time, I walked out of the office and started walking towards his room.

I opened the door and peeked in.

Empty and silent.

I went and sat down on his bed, waiting for Elonzo to come. I feel so bad.

I know, I shouldn't have vented it out on him. But I was angry and frustrated from the nightmares and hiding everything inside. I don't want to bother them, but it seems impossible to hide everything from them now.

I laid down, staring at the ceiling, as tears slipped my eyes.

I haven't seen Elonzo lose control, before. Maybe I did push him too far.

My eyes fluttered open, when I heard shuffling around me. I sat up straight.

"Where were you?" I asked cautiously, wiping the drool from my face.

"Gym." Elonzo replied simply, not looking at me.

I was waiting for him, but don't know when I slept. Elonzo was sitting on the other side of bed, reading a book, as always.

"Are you mad?" I asked, stupidly. Of course he is.

"No." He replied, not looking away from the book.

I shuffled closer to him and wrapped my arms around him, looking up at him, while he just sat there, not hugging me back. I could feel the tears fill my eyes as he became blurry.

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