Thirty One

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Taehyung feels like his heart would leap out of his chest any moment now. He is silently waiting for Jungkook in his room. His hands are shaking badly. He does not know why the ravenette told him to come here but he is scared. He shouldn't be scared of his own husband but he is right now.

As far as he can remember, Jungkook has always been so kind and humble to him. He has taken such good care of Taehyung, showered him with his love and never raised his voice in front of him.

But today after getting scolded by Jungkook, Taehyung doesn't know what to feel about it. After overhearing the conversation of those people in the pack ground, he is scared and also very sad. People think so low of him. They think Taehyung enjoyed being raped and physically abused. Why do people blame the victim for getting raped? Why do those victims have to hear what those judgmental people say? Who gave those people the right to comment on him without knowing shit about him?

The luna of a pack is a very respectable position. But it seems like he is not much respected in his pack. People look at him with disgust and talk bad about him behind his back.

It's not like Taehyung wasn't aware of this situation. He knew it all along that not everyone can like him. Not everyone can be as understanding as Jungkook or Seokjin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Jimin, Hoseok and Jongho for that matter. Oh and Eunha was understanding too but she didn't know everything about Taehyung.

A tear slips out of Taehyung's eyes as he remembers the girl. She helped him a lot but she died while protecting his son. She gave her life while trying to protect Soobin but now Soobin's life is in danger too.

Why is the Moon Goddess being so cruel to Taehyung? Why does he have to keep getting hurt? Why do people who he gets close to get hurt? What has Taehyung even done to anyone that he is going through this? Maybe he did not do good deeds in his previous life and the Moon Goddess is angry at him.

Taehyung wipes his tears with shaking hands and tries to calm himself down. But he cannot really do that. Not when he has no idea where and in which condition his son is and he is also guilty for not looking after him well.

Jungkook was right. He wasn't obliged to talk to Junho. Because of that, he forgot about Soobin and their little baby got kidnapped.

Taehyung's self pity and self agony session breaks when he hears the door creek open. He immediately stands up when he sees his husband walk inside the room with a frown on his face. His eyes are still glowing red, making Taehyung scared.

The purple haired male's hand curl at the hem of his shirt in anticipation. He doesn't know what's about to come.

The ravenette keeps taking steps closer to Taehyung and the omega keeps stepping back. His heart is beating erratically in his chest.

He gulps when he feels his back touch the wall behind him. He sees Jungkook place both his hands on either sides of his head and lean closer, but not too close, to his lips.

Taehyung swallows dryly and looks into Jungkook's eyes, "Wh-What do you w-want, Jungkook?" Taehyung manages to ask.

The ravenette's eyebrows shoot up and he glares at his husband, "What do I want? Does it even matter what I want?"

Taehyung shudders, eyes blurring with tears again, "W-Why are you saying l-like this, K-Kookie? Obviously i-it matters." Taehyung slowly places his hand on his husband's chest, hoping that the action would calm his down a little.

But Jungkook just holds his hand tightly and removes it from his chest. Taehyung is sure that his wrist would bruise up pretty quickly.

"If it matters then why did you do it? All I ever wanted from you was for you to take care of yourself and our son well but you couldn't do either of them?" Jungkook asks him, eyes full of hurt and pain. It's the emotion he has been hiding from everyone behind his anger.

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