Thirty Six

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Everyone is silent as Taehyung wriggles in Jungkook's arms. The true blood realises that Taehyung wants to be put down. So he slowly puts him down.

Taehyung takes a deep breath and slowly walks towards the room in which Soobin is. His heart drops when his eyes fall on the multipara monitor.

All the vital signs are gone. There are just straight lines that he sees.

Taehyung gulps. He does not know how to feel.

His baby is not breathing.

He knew something was wrong when he realised that he could not feel Soobin at all.

Taehyung's legs starts shaking and he is about to fall on the ground but Jungkook holds him as soon as he can and sits him down gently on the floor.

He slowly turns towards the Kim couple and looks at them with desperation in his eyes. "Tell me what h-happened, hyung." He says quietly.

"S-Soobin.... H-He had a cardiac arrest and he could not s-survive it." Seokjin somehow manages to say.

"H-How?" Jungkook asks, his voice not more than a whisper loud.

"Respiratory compromise. He had a respiratory failure caused by the severe internal injuries and the many surgeries he went through. His body could not take it." Seokjin tells, tears continuously falling down his own eyes.

Taehyung sits there, motionless. He does not know how to feel. Soobin cannot die. He cannot leave his mama like that, right?

They got him the best treatment. They had a doctor supervising him all the damn time so he cannot actually be dead.

This is a really cruel joke everyone is playing on him. "He was a fighter, Jungkook. Our Soobin was so s-strong. He endured so much. He-"

"STOP LYING!" Taehyung shouts on top of his lungs to stop Seokjin from talking. He harshly rubs his eyes and stands up. He looks at Seokjin with such a deadly aura that the older omega would've been dead if looks could actually kill.

"Stop lying, hyung! This isn't funny. You cannot pull a prank like that on us." Taehyung says and the rest of the three present in the room realise how hard it's going to be for Taehyung to accept this because he is in denial.

"T-Tae, I'm n-not lying. I-"

"Yes, you are. You said m-my baby is d-dead. How c-can you say s-something like that to a child's p-parent's. S-Soobin was ab-absolutely fine a few hours ago w-when I saw him. B-But now you're saying that h-he's no more alive? W-What kind of a j-joke is this?" By now, Taehyung is crying badly.

Jungkook bites his lips and looks away as his own tears don't stop from flowing. Its really going to be hard for them to make Taehyung understand but it's hard for him too. It's hard for Jungkook to accept the reality. It's not easy for a parent to see their child's dead body. But he knows the truth. He knows that being in denial cannot change facts.

"It's n-not a joke, Tae. You have to ac-accept that Soobin is no more. There w-wasn't any improvement in his condition. I... I loved Soobin too but-" Seokjin tries to say something but he is interrupted by Taehyung again.

"Loved? What do you mean by loved? You love him, hyung. N-Not loved. U-Use correct tenses pl-please." Taehyung says and everyone looks at him helplessly.

Namjoon squeezes Seokjin's shoulder and the older omega gets the message. His husband is trying to tell him that he should not force Taehyung to accept the reality just yet. So he stays quiet and looks at Jungkook who is silently crying himself.

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