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Jungkook is stressed. Out of all the packs, why did Taehyung have to come from the Crimson Shadow pack? He absolutely hates that pack and he has a good reason for hating them. Now he can understand the things a little bit clearer. If Taehyung comes from the Crimson Shadow pack, then the asshole who he called his mate must be from there too. It infuriates him.

He links Hoseok to come to his office and once the older is there, he tells him to find out more about the Crimson Shadow pack because a few years ago, they shifted from where they used to live. Since they never bothered the Dark Wood pack after that until recently, they never tried to find out about their whereabouts.

Once Hoseok goes out of his office, Jungkook sighs deeply and rests his head on his desk. He hasn't been sleeping properly for the past two days. He couldn't sleep the day before yesterday because he was continuously thinking about Taehyung and yesterday he couldn't sleep because he got to know that Taehyung came from the Crimson Shadow pack. Jungkook knows that the answers to all his questions are at the Crimson Shadow pack so he needs to trace them and find out more about them.

Soon there's a knock at his door. He tells the person to come in and fixes his his hair with his fingers. He wonders if he even looks like a head alpha right now or if he just looks like a tired mess.

"Hello, alpha Jeon." It's Namjoon who entered his office. Jungkook stands up and greets him, "Hello, hyung. And since you told me to call you hyung, please call me Jungkook."

"Okay, Jungkook." The older smiles at him. The people from the Night Walker pack are really nice.

"I found out which pack attacked us along with the rogues." Namjoon says. Jungkook looks at him curiously, a cue for Namjoon to continue.

"It's the Crimson Shadow pack."


The training ground of the pack is busier today. Everyone is training harder and with more determination. Taehyung, who has been watching it from the kitchen that has a window overlooking the training area, is surprised. Is some kind of a fight going to happen that they are training this hard?

"What are you thinking about, Tae?" He hears Seokjin's voice from behind him. "Is something going to happen, hyung? They are training so hard today." Taehyung says, his eyes fixed at Jungkook who is telling everyone to do better. Namjoon is telling them how to defend themselves. Yoongi is there too.

"Apparently they found out which pack was behind the attack on our pack and they are planning to do something about it." Seokjin says. Taehyung looks surprised at the new information. "So who was it?"

"The Crimson Shadow pack." Seokjin answers. Taehyung's eyes widen. He wasn't expecting this. Why did they come after the pack he was currently living with? Did they find out about his whereabouts? Was his life going to be in danger again?

"Hey, Tae. What are you thinking?" Seokjin asks. Taehyung looks at him, desperately wanting someone to talk to but he can't. He isn't courageous enough to do that. Also if he suddenly tells Seokjin and Namjoon about it, they would be so disappointed. They would think that he has been living with them for months now but still he did not trust them. But the reality is that he trusts them a lot. It's just that he doesn't trust himself.

"Taehyung?" Seokjin shakes Taehyung's shoulder to bring him back to reality. "Sorry, I kinda zoned out." He smiles sheepishly at the older.

"So what are we going to do about the Crimson Shadow pack?" Taehyung asks Seokjin.

"We are obviously gonna find out the reason why they are after us. We never offended them in anyway. But this may lead to things getting violent because that pack is nothing but trouble. So they are getting ready for any challenges that might come up." Seokjin says, pointing towards the people who are training hard. Taehyung nods his head as they keep looking out.

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