Forty Two

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Happy Birthday to one of my favourite human beings, here's to many more years of you annoying me 😂

Tagged; masonmount

Liked by; declanrice, sasah_rebecca, benchilwell and 10,937 others

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"Happy Birthday Babe" Lacey murmuerd, as Mason opened his eyes, seeing his girlfriend sat on his bed, wearing one of his chelsea training tops, smiling at him. "I dont want to get up yet" Mason mumbled, as Lacey shook her head laughing. "It's time to get up, we have a big day" Lacey smiled, as Mason opened his eyes again, peering at his girlfriend with a smile. "What day do we have planned?" Mason whispered, the smile taking over his face. "You'll have to get up and see wont you" Lacey whispered, as she stood up from the bed, smiling at him, before leaving the room, the doorbell downstairs ringing, letting Mason know that they wasnt alone anymore.

"You didn't really wake him up did you" Declan laughed, as Lacey nodded her head, plating the pancakes up she had made, ensuring she didn't burn the waffles in the process. "I'd of woke him up too" Lauren chuckled, as she ate some of the strawberries, whilst the three of them waited for Mason to come downstairs after his shower; Lacey knew this because she heard him singing his usual shower songs.

"Good morning sunshine" Jacks thick Birmingham accent called as he walked into the house, Sasha following him with a smile. "The earth says hellooo" Lacey sang back, as she hugged Jack and Sasha.
It had been a while since they had, had the time to spend time as a group.
Everyone's lives were just a little hectic at the moment with the World Cup games upcoming, the constant football training for their home teams, everyone working all the hours of the day, so it was nice for them all to be able to spend time together to celebrate Mason and Declan's birthday as a group. "Chilly meeting is there?" Jack questioned, as he picked up a pancake, eating it, which made Lacey glare at him for not waiting for everyone, but the smile on Jacks face made her laugh. "God these are good" Jack mumbled. "I know, now wait" Lacey scolded him. "To answer your question yeah, his meeting us with Ellie at the gates" Lauren smiled.

"Happy Birthday Mate" Jack said, as Mason walked down the stairs, smiling at his friends. "Thanks bro" Mason said, hugging him, as Declan wrapped Mason in a hug, lifting him off the ground. "Happy Birthday" Declan shouted, as Mason laughed at his best friend. "Oh my god you did pancakes" Mason smiled, as he popped one in his mouth, smiling at Lacey. "How come he don't get moaned at?" Jack mumbled, as Mason laughed at him. "Because it's his birthday" Lacey smiled, as the six of them began to eat breakfast, getting ready for the day ahead of them.


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If you look very, very closely you will see Mase and Dec crying

Tagged; declanrice, masonmount

Liked by, jackgrealish, laurenfryer_,laceycross_x and 288,927 others

DeclanRice- I didn't cry, I screamed
MasonMount - funny.
JackGrealish - I can confirm I heard the girly screaming

"As much as I love the fact we're all here, I could think of something I'd rather be doing alone with you" Mason whispered to Lacey, as they stood back from their friend group at the hook a duck stall. "Youre needy lately" Lacey whispered, as Mason shook his head. "Wanting to spend time with my girlfriend is not a crime" Mason whispered, as Lacey smiled at him. "No, but anyone would want to think you want me pregnant" lacey giggled, as Mason stayed silent, his eyes casting over Lacey briefly, before she looked at him, putting two and two together. "Is that what you want?" Lacey whispered, as Mason sighed, shaking his head. "I'm not saying it isn't" Mason whispered, as Lacey nodded her head silently. "Is this because of the miscarriage?" Lacey whispered, as Mason shook his head, sighing, before he grabbed his girlfriends hands, walking away from their friends slightly. "I just feel like we was robbed from it" Mason mumbled, as he toyed with Lacey's hands in his own. "I know what you're saying, but you said yourself everything happens for a reason, and right now we're really good, do you really want to push for something that will happen in its own time, naturally?" Lacey whispered, as Mason sighed, his feelings and thoughts of Lacey leaving again spinning around in his head. "I just wish you wasn't going on tour" Mason mumbled. "So soon, anyway" Mason continued, as he watched Lacey's eyebrows raise. "You know that's like me telling you that I don't want you to go and play away in Albania, right?" Lacey whispered, feeling her heart sink, was Mason really playing this card right now.
"I know, I know, I just feel like we finally get together after months of it being a what if, to be pulled apart" Mason mumbled, as Lacey nodded her head, pulling her own hand away from Masons, Mason going cold at the feeling of her hand being taken away. "I think we need to talk about this at home" Mason whispered, as Lacey nodded her head.
"We should probably go back to them" Lacey whispered, as she looked at her friends who were laughing about a toy duck Declan had won, showing it Lauren who was smiling ear to ear, engulfing her fiancé in a hug, smiling together, to Jack and Sasha who were taking photos together, Jack kissing her cheek making her smile ten times wider, then to Ben and Ellie, a beautiful couple who were blossoming and thriving, Ben holding her close, as she tossed a ring over the bottles, Ben clapping and cheering her on as she won a small teddy, holding it close as Ben looked at her adoringly, but all Lacey could think about was how she stood there, awkwardly with her own boyfriend, the thoughts of a relationship being the end of their friendship, or their not so perfect relationship.

Authors Note;
This is the last chapter I've actually pre-wrote (can't say I've ever not wrote in advance but with how rubbish I feel after the dentist I just haven't had the time today) I'm hoping that I'll be able to write some bits tonight to post tomorrow, but if not I promise they'll be updates on Thursday.
As always, thank you all for reading and your continued comments, votes and messages - they are ALWAYS appreciated ❤️

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