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Date Night ❤️

Tagged; laceycross_x

Liked by; LaceyCross_x, declanrice, benchilwell and 180,972 others

Username197- his just confirmed it
Username918- his taken!!
DeclanRice - I miss my friend 😩
LaceyCross_x - I miss my friend 😂

"So where are we going exactly?" Lacey questioned for the third time, Mason shaking his head laughing. "You really hate surprises don't you" Mason laughed, as Lacey nodded her head. "I mean how do I know you're not kidnapping me and killing me off?" Lacey giggled, as Mason held a hand to his heart, faking his hurt. "How bold of you to believe I'd be the one to kill you" Mason laughed, "I'm offended" he continued with a smirk, as Lacey rolled her eyes playfully. "But if you must know, we're going for food" Mason smiled, as Lacey nodded her head, smiling at him, placing her hand on top of his as he moved his hand on the gearstick. "I actually need to ask you something as well" Mason whispered, as Lacey looked over at her boyfriend, smiling at how perfect he looked in the lighting coming through the car window. "Okay" Lacey smiled, as Mason smiled at her. "So you know how we have a party just after the last international break, it's usually where we either celebrate or willow in self pity" Mason laughed, thinking back for the Euros. "Yeah" Lacey whispered. "Well, you'll come with me won't you?" Mason questioned, as Lacey laughed at him. "Are you asking me to be your date?" Lacey giggled as Mason sighed to himself, but smiled. "I wanted it to be a cute date request, but it didn't sound like that as it came out" Mason laughed, as Lacey smiled at him. "Of course you doofus, I'd be honoured" Lacey smiled.

"How did I get so lucky" Mason mumbled to himself, as him and Lacey walked hand in hand down the dimly lit pathway, walking off the mountains of food they had eaten. "I ask myself all the time" Lacey smiled, as Mason shook his head, laughing at her slightly. "I didn't think you'd ever mean this much, it's silly really" Lacey whispered, as Mason nodded his head, agreeing with her. "I knew that I wanted you, and it didn't matter how many times you pushed me, I always come back, in one way or another" Mason smiled, him thinking back to how hard it was to get Lacey to be his in the first place, but it was worth it in the end. "I don't know what I did to deserve you" Lacey whispered, as she leant into Masons side, him wrapping his arm around her and attaching their fingers together again, as they continued to walk past the lake and into the other side of the park. "I think, no matter what was thrown our way, we was always going to find our way back to each other" Mason smiled, as he looked down at the girl who had his heart, her eyes counting the stars above them. "I think deep down we always knew, we just didn't know what to do" lacey whispered, as she smiled up at him, as he now took a turn looking at the stars above them. "I think, after your second song I realised that maybe you did feel the same" Mason whispered, as their eyes connected for a brief moment, both of them smiling and just enjoying their time together. "When did you know?" Lacey whispered, as Mason smiled at her. "It's a funny one, I think I knew the second time we slept together, it was the feeling I had when I woke up and saw you there" Mason whispered. "The only person I'd ever sneak out of St George's for" Mason chuckled. "Gareth still doesn't know what happened, and it's something I'll take to the grave" he laughed, as Lacey rolled her eyes. "What do you mean the feeling?" Lacey whispered, as Mason smiled. "It was waking up in bed, your hair all over the place, but the way you're eyes moved slightly whilst you dreamt about whatever it was you was dreaming of, it was knowing that whatever happened outside that wasn't under my control, I still had you" Mason whispered, Lacey smiling at the memories that played over and over in her head, the sneaking around, the moments where she just needed someone, but that someone was always Mason, knowing all she had to do was say, and he would be there, to defend her, or to help her with something. "Do you ever think of what you'd be doing now, if I wasn't here" Lacey whispered, as Mason took a deep breath in. "If I hadn't met you, what I'd be doing now?" Mason questioned, as Lacey nodded her head, the two of them continuing with their walk. "I've never thought about it, I mean, us two just makes sense" Mason murmured, his fingers squeezing Lacey's. "I mean, I'd probably be at Cobham training, my life before you was simple, it was football, and football alone" Mason whispered, "god I hardly even went out with the lads, you made that happen" Mason laughed, as Lacey shook her head smiling. "The life of the party me" Lacey whispered, as Mason nodded his head. "You gave me life" Mason whispered, as Lacey smiled up at him. "You taught me how to live" Lacey whispered, Mason smiling down at her, lifting her chin briefly with his free hand, placing a kiss to her lips. "Is it bad if I say that I love you?" Mason whispered, as Lacey's heart stopped beating, Mason loved her?
"Your face says it all" Mason mumbled, as he let go of her hand, watching it fall to her side out of the corner of his eye. "No, no, I don't mean it like that" Lacey whispered, holding his hand, rubbing his knuckles with her fingers. "Too soon?" Mason whispered, as Lacey shook her head.
"I love you too" Lacey whispered, their lips colliding together again.

Authors Note;
Do you all want me to continue writing this? I'm not lying when I say I can write for days and really drag this out.
I have a few potential story ideas, but I'd rather have your input, after all it's you who read this.

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