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Heart on your sleeve like you've never been loved, running in circles now look what you've done

Liked by; sasha_rebecca, laurenfryer_, dandanadams and 8,749 others

sasha_rebecca - I miss you, counting the days now..
dandanadams - not long till we land! so excited for you to see bump!
username928 - I cant wait for her to come back to the UK and see what her ex is doing

The Daily Mail;

Mason Mount has been seen cosying up to a new girlfriend. Whilst nothing has been confirmed from Mount himself, Morgan Leighton has confirmed that she is currently in a relationship with the football player. Mount has been seen going out to more local events in the clubbing industry, but according to his new girlfriend's Instagram it is clear that this is her line of work. Questions have arose about whether this new girlfriend is a rebound from previous on and off girlfriend Lacey Cross who is currently touring on LA to promote her music, but is due to arrive back in the UK at the end of the month, a question on everyone's lips; will the two reconnect, or are something best left in the past.

Lacey sighed to herself, as she put the tablet down that she was reading the article on, deciding to pick up her phone and see what Mason's Instagram was saying. She hadn't really looked at his social media since arriving in LA, deciding herself that something's were best not to be done, but the truth was she wasn't over him, no matter how hard she tried to get over him, and the truth of that shone through in her latest music she had been writing and recording.

Lacey sat with a hand on her stomach, to anyone else they wouldn't realise she was pregnant, or even had a bump, but when she wore a tighter top or a dress that was tight, it just looked like she had, had a bigger lunch than usual, but the small bump was a permanent reminder to her that her and Mason had happened, and she knew that the media would have a field day with that information if they found out, so for the foreseeable future, Lacey opted for baggier jumpers and tops, until the time was right to tell people, to tell Mason herself. It was her news to share, and she would ensure she would be the one to share it with the group of friends that she missed more and more everyday.

"Is this where my best friend is currently living?" Dani's voice called out into the dressing room Lacey's things were scattered around in, as Lacey jumped up from her seat, running to hug her best friend, careful not to attack her every-growing bump. "Oh my god, look at you!" Lacey squealed, as she hugged her friend, holding her close. "I know, he is a kicker as well" Dani laughed, as Lacey's eyes grew wide. "I'm having a nephew?!" Lacey shouted, jumping up and down in excitement. "Tell me about it, that was my reaction too" Callum laughed, as he hugged his sister, telling her how much he had missed her, and how he couldn't wait until she got home and could see everyone.

The afternoon consisted of Dani and Callum showing Lacey odd video's and photo's of the group she missed so much, seeing everything that they were doing and experiencing, and she couldn't help but feel slightly jealous of everything they were doing without her, but she knew that their lives would continue after she left. "Is there a reason as to why Mase isn't really involved in any of this?" Lacey questioned, finally asking the question that had been attacking her brain since they had began to show her photos and videos. "His mainly with his new girlfriend" Dani mumbled, but Lacey heard it clear as day, feeling the ping in her chest that she knew she would when someone confirmed that what she was reading earlier was true, but she couldn't be upset, she had decided this, she wanted this to happen, no matter how hard it was to accept the facts of it.

"I mean, he still comes out and stuff, he always brings Morgan, and she isn't really talkative, it's like there's a split in the group" Callum mumbled, as Lacey nodded her head, understanding what he was saying, the truth was, if Lacey and Mason had ended up together, it would of never of changed the groups atmosphere, I guess bringing an outside into the group of friends who were already close friends would of changed the atmosphere. "I'm going to grab a drink, anyone want anything?" Callum questioned, as he stood up from the sofa they had been sat on, both of the girls declining before he left them to it.

"So, are you going to tell me why you are visibly glowing" Dani smirked, her eyebrows raised, as Lacey shook her head laughing. "I don't know what you're talking about" Lacey giggled, as Dani rolled her eyes. "Fine, don't tell me, i'll wait" Dani laughed, as Lacey sighed to herself, before holding her breath, did Dani know?

"Is there anything else I've missed then?" Lacey smiled, as Dani shook her head. "Not really no, I mean Mason had a bit of a drinking phase, but his over it now, an clearly over you, so maybe you need to get back on the bandwagon and move on yourself, it's what you wanted Lace" Dani stated, her voice sympathetic, knowing her best friend still had feelings for the footballer, but also knowing she would have to come to terms with it sooner or later, and Lacey was opting for the later option. "It wont be long till you're back home anyway, maybe you can get a dog" Callum laughed as he come into the room, smiling to himself. "A dog sounds like a good idea if i'm being honest" Lacey smiled, as the three of them continued with their catching up, Lacey silently wishing she was going back home with them.

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