Twenty Four

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Iced Coffee is the future

Liked by; sasha_rebecca, laurenfryer_, dandanadams and 9,736 others

Username172- she is a mood
Username918- she's beautiful
MasonMount - do I not get photo cred? 😬

"I don't know why you so stressed, it's literally dinner" Mason mumbled, as Lacey shook her head, her feet against Masons dashboard, to which he wasn't ecstatic about. "It's dinner with your parents, for what reason exactly?" Lacey replied with her sarcasm, using the tone that Mason has used with her. "Because they wanted to meet you and I can't say no to my parents" Mason mumbled, but Lacey couldn't help but smile at him, she knew his parents and his family meant a lot to him, which is why she had agreed to even go, but now she was left wondering if there was more meaning behind the use of dinner. "So, what do I actually tell your mum and dad?" Lacey mumbled, as Mason pulled into the driveway of his childhood home, Lacey smiling at the sight of the Christmas decorations that were around the driveway, the feeling of Christmas setting in.
"Whatever you want to tell them, they pretty much know everything anyway" Mason smiled, as Lacey nodded her head, but she didn't know what he really meant by 'know everything'.
"You don't have to do anything you're not comfortable with" Mason whispered, as he placed his hand on Lacey's leg, making her look at him with a small smile. "I'm always comfortable with you" she whispered, as Mason smiled at her, a small nod of his head, as they exited the car, walking up to the house.


"Mason, you're staring at her again" Debby laughed, as Mason shook his head, he couldn't help the smile on his face as he watched Lacey sit with his niece, playing some game on the floor as his sister stood watching with him. "They time will be right one day" Jasmine stated, as she watched Lacey play with Summer, both of them laughing. "I just can't believe how well she's handling it all, I thought she would crack, and maybe she will in time, but she's really obsessed with anything baby related" Mason mumbled, as Jasmine placed a hand on her brothers shoulder. "I'm just glad we're all here together for our own little Christmas" Jasmine smiled, as she walked over to Lacey, crouching down and playing with her daughter and Lacey. "She's right pet, the time will be right one day, maybe for now you just need to focus on the both of you and whatever pathway life takes you down" Debby smiled, as Mason nodding smiling at his mum, he knew what he wanted for Christmas this year, he just hoped she felt the same.

"You're honestly a natural with kids" Mason whispered, as he and Lacey put Summer to bed, they were heading back to London shortly after, but Mason wanted to spend one last moment with his niece. "You're great with her, Uncle Mase" Lacey teased, as she leant against him, taking the chance for a stolen moment in time, where it felt like nothing else mattered apart from both of them, Mason wrapping one of his arm around Lacey, holding her a little closer, smiling down at her. "And one day, maybe in the distant future, you'll be a great dad" Lacey whispered, choosing her words carefully, not wanting to ruin the moment. "I'm sure we will both be great parents" Mason whispered, as he placed a kiss to he forehead, before both of them crept out of the room, closing the door quietly behind them.

"Ah, come on you two were just about to open the last of the presents" Tony smiled, as Mason and Lacey walked into the living room, seeing a few presents scattered around the room. "It's too early for this" Mason mumbled, but he smiled, sitting down on the floor, pulling Lacey with him, sitting her down as close as possible. "Let me take some photos" Lacey smiled, as she held out her hand for Masons phone.

As Mason and Jasmine opened the presents they had brought each other, they couldn't help but laugh and smile at the sillier gifts they had brought, slogan tops, and Mount football tops, for a moment, looking in you would think it's just a normal Christmas Day, everyone wearing a Christmas hat, or tinsel wrapped around their waist, the hum of Michael Buble playing in the background. "And last, but certainly not least, Lacey" Debby smiled, as she held up a box, as Lacey looked at her with wide eyes, "oh no I couldn't" Lacey whispered, as she shook her head, Debby giving her the well known Mum look as if to say 'take it'. "Okay, okay" Lacey smiled, as she opened the small box, pulling out a red collar with a bone attached to it. "Okay, I'm a little confused" Lacey giggled, as Mason smiled at her, looking over as Jasmine briefly, who was recording everything on her phone. "I know your apartments quite, and quite frankly boring when I'm not there" Mason smirked, as Lacey rolled her eyes playfully. "So, this is yours" Mason smiled, as Sam brought a large box into the lounge, Lacey shaking her head. "No, you didn't" Lacey smiled, shaking her head as Sam placed the box in front of her smiling.


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World meet baby without a name, I'm absolutely in love ❤️

Tagged: masonmount

Liked by: sasha_rebecca, laurenfryer_, masonmount and 9,726 others

Username98- he brought her a fucking puppy
Laurenfryer_ - welcome to the fur baby club!
Sasha_rebecca - sky will have a friend!
MasonMount- I think you should call him Mount ;)

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