Chapter 7: Just Hanging Out

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"What is that you're reading there, mortal?" Loki asked, and you jumped, your best friend just teleported into your common area out of nowhere, startling you so much you fell off the couch. You weren't expecting him today as it was Thursday, a day you don't normally hang out, although you probably shouldn't have been so surprised as Loki had been popping over the entire week. You asked him from your spot on the floor why he was coming over all the time as you thought it was a little weird, but you made sure he knew you weren't mad or anything as you loved hanging out with him. Loki smiled as he leaned forward, gazing down at how cute you looked; your back remained on the floor, your thighs pressed up against the couch while your feet and lower half of your legs were still on the sofa. What you were wearing was pretty cute too; you had on a pair of little light pink pyjama shorts on and they were covered in dinosaurs, a white fitted spaghetti-strap tank top, an open sweater, the kind with long sleeves but wasn't meant to do up and in a colour, you would describe as a sandy brown, and super cute monster slipper boots. Your hair was up in cute little space buns, with loose tendrils poking out from them, but he liked it, as you looked better with messy hair, it added to your bright and playful personality. 

Loki told you that he just wanted to see you, to hang out with his best friend which made you super happy, you smiled big before you did a somersault, quickly getting up to give your super sweet bestie a hug. In actuality, Loki was worried about what happened in the park on Saturday, as they hadn't apprehended the shooter yet and seeing as you were with them you could become a target too. It was a very real possibility that someone was trying to get to Thor by hurting Jane, and seeing as you were seen with them... Loki was beside himself with worry over you. Not that he'd say anything as he didn't want you to be scared, as he's seen you panic before, you could get worked up pretty quick and it could sometimes take you a while to calm down. He knew that showing up at your school would be weird too, he would have to pretend to be a new student or something, and even then he wouldn't be able to stay with you all the time. Loki had other responsibilities, and he literally had to fight himself on whether or not to go and watch you all day or basically kidnap you and keep you safe until the shooter was caught. Thor insisted you would be fine, as apparently your school used to be the home for Spiderman and his team, so Shield had it tricked out with a lot of weapons and security measures. It was probably the safest school around, so he relented, and seeing as Loki was busy with Avengers stuff during the day for the most part he would just pop over in the evenings to check on you.  

Loki sat down with you on your giant sofa, showing him what you were looking at, it was a copy of the script for the Spring Musical, the tryouts were just before Winter break in a week. "Well, I figure if I wanted to be an actress I should get some practice in, to see if it was something I'm even good at," you admitted, letting Loki look at the thick booklet. You explained that the Spring Musical was the one big show they put on every year, there would obviously be a lot of singing but also a lot of dancing and you loved doing that stuff. Even if you got a small part or just an understudy role it would still be a lot of fun; going through the whole process, the costumes, the make-up, and the song and dance numbers, would be a total blast.  

Loki can see how excited you are and asks you which role you were hoping to get and you tell him you wanted to be the antagonist, although you probably wouldn't get the role as the villain was supposed to be a dude. "Why do you want to be the villain?" Loki asked while letting out a small laugh under his breath and you look at him like he's joking, "oh come on Loki, the villains are so much more fun, they get the coolest costumes and the best musical numbers". The God of Mischief raised an eyebrow at you and you got more excited as you continued, "not to mention historically speaking the villain archetype is really interesting, as they were really the only characters allowed to explore their gender and sexuality, diving into all extremes of humanity... in the past, and even still today the "heroes" always have to be perfect, or what society considers perfect or ideal but people aren't like that so it's a lot easier, at least for me, as someone who isn't seen as "normal" to fall in love with these characters and root for them even though they're sure to lose".  

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