Chapter 59: All Or Nothing

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By the time you woke up, everyone was seemingly gone, with you realizing the attack on Asgard must have been very bad if everyone headed out. You couldn't sense anybody nearby, well that wasn't completely true as you soon picked up on something as you exited the room you were previously napping in. You followed your Antennae all the way down the hall to Thor's room, finding him resting in the bed, all bandaged up from what you did to him as Surtur's Champion. Your heart ached as you came closer, with you soon sitting down on the side of his bed, gently taking his hand and apologizing for hurting him, saying out loud to yourself that you wished you had the strength to heal him right now. It was evident that the Thunderer was out of danger, no doubt one of the individuals who knew a healing spell or two fixed him up but he was still in rough shape. With everyone running on empty after the fight, there was only so much they could do, you were just glad it was enough to save the other Thor's life.

"It's alright my lady, it was not your fault," you heard a voice whisper and you could tell just how tired he was from his tone, with you apologizing again. You could barely look at the other Thor and it wasn't just an Autist thing this time, you hurt him badly and could hardly face him. The Thunderer told you again that it wasn't your fault, you had been unwilling turned into a minion of Surtur but his words were a cold comfort as your eyes began to well up with tears. "I'm really sorry Thor, I wish I could take it back or heal you right now but I can't" you whined, trying to hold in the waterworks as if you started to full-on cry now there was a good chance you wouldn't be able to stop.  

The other Thor raised his arm slowly, soon placing it on top of your head, petting you gently as he told you that everything was going to be okay, you were safe now. He soon inquired where the others were and without thinking you told him the truth, completely missing the fact that based on his question and calm demeanour, the other Thor had no idea what was going on in Asgard. After finding out, however, the Thunderer tried to stand, with you immediately telling him to lay back down as he was certainly in no condition to fight as he was in far worse shape than you. "No Thor, you can't, you have to stay and rest, there's no way you'll be able to fight, Miss Amora, help me out please!" you shout, calling over to the Enchantress as you knew she was here.  

"What a troublesome child you are", you heard the voice of the Enchantress before she actually appeared, coming over, repeating what you said to the other Thor but she used harsher words, ones you didn't want to repeat. Amora forced the Thunderer back into bed, insisting that he stay put, saying she'd put him to sleep with magic if she had to be beyond serious on the topic. The other Thor was just as serious, stating that he, as the champion of Asgard and the crown prince, he had a duty to protect his people, he had to fight, even if it meant his death. You shook your head no with your eyes closed before opening them, staring between them and the balcony, letting out a long deep breath as you knew what needed to be done.  

"Do not worry Thor..." you began as you slowly walked over across the room, only looking back once you stepped outside onto the balcony. You gave them a soft smile, promising to do all you could to protect Asgard and her people, while both Asgardians looked on a little confused, although it showed on the other Thor's face much better. Your little grin became a sly smirk as you raised your arm, giving them a wink as Mjölnir flew into your hand to the utter shock of the Enchantress. You raised the hammer up to the sky and lightning struck you from the sky and you were once again transformed into the Mighty Thor. 

It was different this time, not only because you were in another universe but it would seem that your new physical form altered the transformation as well. For starters, you didn't have a cape, most likely because of your wings, which appeared slightly larger than usual. The rest of the armour was relatively the same, although the boots and bottoms were different considering your legs weren't shaped the same as before, plus you still had no feet. So the boots made it sort of look like you had hooves but other than that it was pretty much the same style/design as before. And like before it made you bigger, besides being overall more built you were over 6 feet this time, but you didn't really notice, or more so you had more important things on your mind.  

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