Chapter 49: White Butterfly

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"You wanna tell me what the two of you are up to?" Fury said to Natasha and MJ in an interrogation room but neither lady was able to answer because the Director of Shield just kept talking. "We have got both of you on tape taking Miss Andersen to visit Dr.Morbius without permission and then we also got you two in the Evidence Vault also without permission, you're going to tell me what is going on right now", but both women said nothing, but they didn't have to, as everything clicked in Fury's head after saying it out loud. "Son of a bitch" the Director muttered under his breath before he got on his phone to call Maria Hill, as finding you was their new top priority. "Wait... you mean she's missing?" MJ blurted out and Fury turned to glare, inquiring in a rather harsh tone that you disappearing wasn't part of the plan, and both ladies shook their heads. "We had a place we were meant to regroup at," Natasha said before ordering MJ to go and check the meet-up spot while she headed back to the Tower to aid the search from there. Fury wouldn't let them leave though, they were still very much in trouble for what went down but MJ wasn't having it as she broke open the door, "you are free to arrest me Director, but after I find my friend". Natasha was right behind her, tossing a copy of the flash drive you gave her to Fury, saying as much before chasing after Miss Watson.  

Fury watched the video on the drive, seeing you on your bed with Pharaoh, admitting that of sound mind you broke into the Shield Triskelion to steal the formula Dr.Michael Morbius made. "I convinced Ms.Natasha Romanoff and Mary Jane Watson that I needed to get closure with Dr.Morbius so without knowing my other plans I convinced them to take me to the prison and then to the Evidence Vault under the pretexts that I wanted to remember and reminisce past missions as another form of closure, they were unaware of my true goal and should not be held accountable for my actions", you said, next apologizing for your actions and saying goodbye before the tape cut off. The Director pinched the bridge of his nose, letting out a huge sigh as he understood why you did what you did but he was also incredibly furious at you, it would be so much work to clean up this mess. Fury then messaged Tony to let him know what was happening and to start looking for you immediately, they needed to find you before it was too late, unaware that it already was.  

They were hesitant to tell Loki, actually Tony was hesitant to say anything to anyone at all, he was so frustrated by these turn of events, more so that you didn't say anything. Why didn't you come to him and loop him in on this, he could have helped, he could have tested that formula and improved it so he could make sure you'd be okay and it wouldn't kill you. But seeing as he had no idea what was in that formula he would have to go to see the only person who would, bringing Steve as extra backup as both the Asgardians insisted on coming along. Loki was acting all calm and polite but the Billionaire knew that he was a ticking time-bomb, whoever came up with that saying "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned" clearly never met the God of Mischief. They arrived shortly, with Steve and Tony going inside to talk while Thor and Loki waited not outside the door but in the other room where they could see and hear what was going on. Everything seemed to be going fine or at least, the way a normal interrogation would go, as Dr.Morbius wasn't cooperating with them, only giving them vague unhelpful answers, but that all changed once Loki and the others noticed something.  

Upon Dr.Morbius' wrist was a bracelet, not just any bracelet but one of your signature friendship bracelets, the God of Mischief exploded at the sight of it. Loki immediately ran in, pinning Morbius up against the wall, demanding to know where he got it from but the Living Vampire only smiled, "you know exactly where I got it from... Cariño". The God of Mischief could not hide his shock at this bastard using your nickname for him, summoning his sceptre, ready to absolutely destroy him but luckily for Michael, Tony and Steve held him back. Thor was there a second later, ordering his brother to calm down as this wouldn't help find you but as apparently, Morbius had a death wish, he went on about all the time he spent with you. "I remember all those long nights in the lab, even a few in her room, we had so much fun or at the very least, I did", the Living Vampire said with a smirk, while everyone else froze in place, with Steve and Thor getting just as mad. The Thunderer called him a monster as he slugged him across the face, causing his nose to bleed while also fracturing his jaw and skull in several places, knocking him unconscious. Thor took a few minutes to calm down as guards arrived to escort the potentially brain-damaged Dr.Morbius away, with each Avenger present hoping they just lock him up and throw away the key.  

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