Chapter 44: Vampire Saga - New Challenge

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It was getting closer and closer to sunset and everything was coming together, the plan was set and all the pieces were falling into place, the Hulk and Smashers, the X-Men, and a few other heroes were all set and ready to go just outside the forcefield. All the teams were set with you and the rest of the Spiders, at least the ones who were here, were finishing up the last of the Luminescent Incendiary Devices or "Light-Grenades" as Miles called them, they were crucial for the plan you guys put together. Princess Shuri, the Black Panther's younger sister had just confirmed that everyone was ready to go on their end, as she was in charge of all the Vibranium Nano Suits and light bombs on her side, getting assistance from an X-Men, the one called Beast who you haven't met as well as a few Shield Agents and Wakandian Scientists, so they were ready long before you all were. It was a little awkward, for everyone else anyway as they may or may not have overheard the loud and how you say "passionate" discussion between the two Wakandian Royals. The Black Panther insisted that his sister begin her flight home to the safety of their Homeland before the fight begins, with the Princess already in a Vibranium suit, one she had customized to her liking as she had a few extra minutes.  

You just kept yourself immersed in your work, despite everything going on around you and to be honest, the others were impressed by your work ethic, if not a little frightened by it. Not that you appeared scary by any means, your thinking face was actually quite amusing, although some, like Loki, would consider it adorable. The problem was with how focused you were, how focused and driven you could become, the others couldn't help but be amazed as when you set your mind to it, you could move mountains. The daunting and potentially horrifying part of your concentration and determination was the possibility of having to stop you from working on something you were fully committed to. Once your heart or brain was set on something it was nearly impossible to get you to stop and the thought of standing in your way was nearly bloodcurdling, considering what you were capable of and what they've all witnessed in the past. It was absolutely spine-chilling for the others to think about, all that power hidden beneath such an unassuming sweet goofy smile and your clumsy and bubbly personality, with the secret ability to make nearly anyone smile. 

You were finishing up with the last batch of Vervain Smoke bombs, double-checking to make sure you had the correct amount before moving on to channelling your energy into the chargers of the Light Grenades. Although that might have not been the right word to describe them, as these devices were quite large, with you powering up the cores that would deliver the final payload. According to Amadeus, each so-called "Light-Grenade" had a blast radius that would cover an area of several blocks, so if they all timed this right, they could take out hordes upon hordes of Vampires with just a single device. Of course, there were dozens and you had been charging up cores all morning while having to sit relatively still, but of course, you couldn't do much moving while donating litres of blood to the Cause. The plan was to use your blood to lure in a bunch of Bloodsuckers to different locations, drawing them out from the Main Nest and setting off the "Light Grenades" while also setting off dozens of Vervain Smoke Bombs in the surrounding area to slow down any vampires who managed to survive. Your blood was already in place, in separate devices set to go off with the click of a button, releasing the blood and luring them in but they wouldn't be doing so until after everything else was in place.

There was a good chance that the Vampires would target the Gate, connecting New York to the outside, so with the help of more than a few volunteers, they got blood traps set up there as well. They all knew Dracula had their original plans and the knowledge to take down the Forcefield so they took extra precautions, even adding two more Arc-Reactor generators as a backup if the energy used to power it was taken down. So hopefully, with the new safeguards in place, the Force-Field would be safe from Dracula and his army of the undead. The others, however, well, at least Natasha, Blade and the other Howling Commandos were still a bit worried, as it was still a bit too quiet, despite it being the daytime. Many of the subway tunnels used by the Vampires to get around seemed rather empty, well, that was what the cameras were showing anyway, as Amadeus had hacked them to monitor the enemy's movement. There was activity down there in nearly every passage and tunnel the past few times the Iron Spider checked but not today, which was very concerning, where were all the Vampires?

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