Chapter 31: Discussions

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"What if I had said no?" you laughed after Loki began giving you a full tour of the place, finding that the Mischievous Asgardian had already moved in all of your belongings into one of the rooms upstairs. All but your bed anyway, as it wouldn't have fit, but your large couch and all of your crafting supplies were there, as were all of your artbooks, projects and other miscellaneous items. You grabbed your Loki plush the second you saw it and hopped onto the couch, immediately laying down, feeling very safe and relaxed, surrounded by all the familiar things. You then sat back up, asking Loki your question again, and the God of Mischief simply smiled, admitting that there was no doubt in his mind that you would have accepted his offer. Loki knew how much you wanted to get away from your terrible mother's influence, but he didn't say that instead remarking on the many times you talked about moving out and becoming "independent" from your mother. You nodded your head, admitting that you weren't exactly independent as you would be living with him instead, but you were very happy to be here with him, looking around the room further. You noticed that all your stuff was more or less in the same place on their shelves or in their drawers respectively, and you asked how he got it all right, impressed, if not a little confused. Loki admitted that he pretty much just teleported everything over the way it was, the exception being the clothes hanging in your closet as he couldn't teleport the room. Loki then showed you the closet your room had, finding all of your clothes either hanging up or nicely folded in the built-in drawers, thanking your sweet boyfriend with a kiss, taking the opportunity to change clothes before continuing the tour. 

The next stop on your tour was just a few steps away down the hall, at the opposite end from where the master bedroom was, explaining that you had a room for your own space and so did he. Entering into the room, you were taken aback, as it was beautiful and not exactly what you expected, it was narrower than your room but it was also longer, divided into two separate areas. On the right was a library of sorts, there were bookshelves all along both walls, the shelves themselves extended all the way to the ceiling and at the end was a large window with a comfortable-looking bench, one large enough for someone to sleep on. On the left side was a meditation space, for Loki to relax and practice magic and the like, with you soon asking him if it were possible for you to learn to cast spells and stuff. "What your powers aren't good enough for you?" Loki asked, letting out a small laugh and you glare at him as your face became red, feeling embarrassed for inquiring about it. You turned away and Loki shook his head, coming over to wrap his arms around you, wanting to know why you had a sudden interest in magic as besides admiring anytime he would cast a spell, you never really brought it up before so he was curious. 

"Well..." you began, trying to put your thoughts together, "I had a lot of time to think while I was... you know where..." you paused again, feeling Loki's grip get tighter and you leaned into him, turning yourself slightly to rest the side of your head against him. "We usually do what I want to do, and you say you have fun but I don't think their activities you'd pick or do without me... I was trying to think of something we could do together that you'd really enjoy and what came to mind was magic," you admit, taking a breath before continuing. You also turned around before speaking again, wanting to hug Loki back as you weren't sure if he was still upset from you bringing up the whole kidnapping thing. "You're really good at magic and you like bossing around... I mean training the young heroes at the Triskelion so I thought it might be something we could do together, just the two of us", you say finding yourself only being able to look back up at Loki once you finished speaking, but it didn't last long. 

Loki peered into your eyes, looking at you with such a sweet and warm expression and you couldn't handle it, blushing wildly as your gaze hit the floor, tensing up because of it. The God of Mischief softly called your name and by some miracle you managed to meet his eyes again, doing your best to focus and not turn away a second time. Loki told you he'd be more than happy to show you some tricks but also taking the time to explain that he loved everything they did together, you introduced him to so many new Midgardian things and yes, he probably wouldn't have done them without you, but that just made it all the more special. "Stop saying cute stuff" you blurted out, immediately pressing your face against Loki's chest, hiding how embarrassed and overloaded you felt at that moment, your boyfriend really was too sweet to handle sometimes.  

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