Chapter 14: Christmas Problems

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It should have been perfect, all the days leading up to it were great, Christmas Eve was great, and yet, what happened Christmas morning practically ruined everything. It started out fine, making tea and having breakfast with Loki, not so subtly pointing out that "Santa" must have made a mistake, considering for some reason there were presents for the God of Mischief under your tree. "And look Loki, there's even a stocking here with your name on it, what?" you say happy, dramatic, and a bit sarcastic, as you handed the God of Mischief his stocking, watching him with bated breath, waiting for him to go through the damn thing already, incredibly nervous about the whole thing. You struggled for a long time on what to get him and you were definitely still worried if he'd like them or not, even more concerned with the few gifts you made for him. But at least the price wasn't really something you had to worry about, as your mother would always give you extra money for Christmas so you could get yourself what you wanted. She actually gave you money every month for groceries, hygiene products and the like, as she was normally too busy to buy that stuff for you but you rarely, if ever spent the entire amount so evidently, you had a lot saved up. 

Loki first pulled out some lotion, it was peppermint scented, some lip balm and fancy face wash next, and then custom shampoo & conditioner, the bottles even had his name on them and smelled like mango. Loki thought that was it but soon noticed two more boxes, one a bit bigger than the other but both relatively small, but of course, they had to be in order to fit in the stocking. The first box had chocolate in it, but not just any kind, you told Loki it was homemade, you knew he wasn't a big fan of super sweet things so you made dark chocolate and you hoped he liked it. Loki tried one and told you it was delicious, but even the God of Mischief was surprised by how much he liked them, he probably could have eaten the entire box right then and there. Loki then pulled out the smaller box and when he opened it, he was a little confused so you explained, "it's an enamel pin set, they're kind of like the other pins I've made except these are fancier, I guess... they're made of metal, not resin or plastic". You went on, telling Loki you've seen enamel pin sets for the other Avengers but not him, and he deserved one, he was an amazing superhero, so you made him a very special, one-of-a-kind, limited edition Loki, God of Mischief Pins Set. Loki had a smile peeking out from one side of his mouth, trying to hide his joy from how sweet he thought they were, they were adorable, you described them as "Chibi" style. There were several of them, all super cute; there were a couple of him in different costumes and poses, one with him and Thor, his sceptre, a snake version of him with his gold helmet, one with his name and another with his name in Asgardian Runes, admitting that you got Thor's help to confirm the translation for you.  

Loki thanked you for the presents but you quickly interrupted, "we're not done yet!" you shouted excitedly, before apologizing for cutting him off while handing him one of several presents. He unwrapped and opened the box to find several bottles of wine, good quality by the looks of it too, but the first thing out of Loki's mouth was, "how did you get alcohol Gracie?" and you admitted that Ms.Seki might have helped you out, more specifically her husband as he was kind of a wine expert. Loki wanted to give you his gift next so you could open something but before he could say anything you handed him another box, practically ordering him to open it as you seemed equally excited and nervous, and you definitely were. Loki let out a breathy laugh as he opened the box, it was a set of fancy wine glasses, they were gothic in design, a style he liked very much. The glasses were Bordeaux-shaped, the base and handle were dark grey in the grooves of the design, with the outer layer shining like silver. The base itself was on the wider side, the metal twisting like ribbon, or was tentacles a better word to describe the way it curled around the bottom of the glass. The handle was a little different from the base, climbing and wrapping around the glass like vines, with blood-red Swarovski crystals dripping from perilous thorns, with the tips of the vines turning into little dragons, wrapping around the outside of the cup. 

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