Chapter 29: Snowstorm

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You ran and ran and didn't stop, well more so, you used your powers to glide over the top of the snow, knowing that actually running through it would slow you down seeing how deep it all was. It was hard enough making your way through with the wind blowing so hard, considering it was the end of March this was probably one of the last snowstorms until September or October and Mother Nature was definitely putting on a good show. But you tried to push it to the back of your mind, focusing instead on whatever was in front of you, as visibility was so bad you couldn't see more than a meter in front of you. White-Out storms like this were really scary, you couldn't tell where you were going, all the trees and rocks you passed looked pretty much the same, and you were the only thing that could light up the area. Although you got ahead of Cody, if you lit up anymore there was a chance he'd see you through the snow, it would no doubt be dim but he could track you a lot easier that way when an idea popped into your head. 

You changed course, taking a hard right at a tree in front of you, summoning a ball of light and sending it off in the direction you were going before, hoping Cody would follow it away from you. As you could still see your light off in the distance and no longer heard Cody's growling and snarling, you figured you could stop and breathe for the moment as you were rather tired from all that running. You slowed down but didn't stop completely, not until you reached a very large pine tree, taking shelter underneath its branches, putting up a shield around you as the snow began to cover it. As you sat there in the cold, pulling up and wrapping the top layer of your skirt to cover your exposed arms you were completely unaware that Cody found some new toys to break. But you soon heard it and instantly popped out through the snow discovering that the storm had slowed down quite a bit, deciding because of that, you would try to help. 

You ran off towards it, panicking more as the voices were disappearing, there was only one left and it was weak, soon they'd be gone too but luckily, at least for that one you got there in time. You found him, surrounded by his pack, the whole area covered in blood and the torn-up bodies of wolves, it was horrifying to see, they were all dead except for one, but without immediate aid, he would soon join the others. "I'm so sorry", you whispered as you began to cry, you didn't think Cody would find any other living beings out in this storm and you pulled the wolf close, feeling a little dizzy from healing such a grave injury. You watched as this wolf's dark brown, black, and grey fur turned white, the same way Lily's scales did, and you swear, he even looked a little bigger than before but you dismissed it. Once the dizziness went away you put up a shield around the two of you, to block the snow and wind, not that it was too bad, at least when comparing it to before but it was still plenty harsh.  

The first few minutes after the wolf woke up were definitely awkward and guilt-filled, as you had never had to comfort someone for something like this nor had any frame of reference for it. He stared in shock at the lifeless bodies of his pack and family, you could feel his pain and you couldn't help but tear up again, apologizing for not being able to save them. His thoughts were clear, he was lost and unsure of what to do as he wasn't a full-grown wolf yet, he most likely wouldn't make it on his own and before you fully realized what you were saying you offered to take care of him. You blamed yourself for what happened, even though deep down you knew it wasn't your fault, as you couldn't control Cody's actions or the wolves, still, that's how it felt and it wouldn't go away. The young wolf turned to you, he could feel what you felt, all your pain and guilt for the loss of his pack, and you could feel his grief and despair at having no one left, forming a bond at that very moment. You wrapped your arms around him, placing your head on his shoulder, next to his head or as close as you could manage as he wrapped a paw around you, sinking his head upon your shoulder. 

You gave the wolf a name, well first asking if he had a name and when he said that he didn't, you picked out the name Pharaoh, you have no idea where it came from but it felt right. His icy eyes that seemed to glow and soft white fur just screamed Pharaoh for some reason and you inquired if he liked the name and he did, thanking you for it, but you could tell without him saying so as he was wagging his tail a little bit. But what was weird, or at least surprising about it to you was the fact that Pharaoh referred to you as Alpha, as in the leader and you weren't really sure what to do about it at first. "You can just call me Gracie if you want to Pharaoh, in the human world we call each other by names rather than rank unless, of course, that human is of Royal Blood, but I'm not so don't worry", you explained, finding it cute and a little weird to be called Alpha, as personality-wise you were the farthest thing from it. You then heard a very familiar sound, "speaking of royal, I think I know who made that sound", you say quickly getting back on your feet, heading off with Pharoh towards the sound of thunder and lightning in the distance. 

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