Chapter 58: Fire Princess

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Only a few hours had passed by this point but it was seemingly already too late, with a portal opening over New York City. It ripped across the air like a sword tearing through fabric, the invisible wall of space cracking like invisible glass that only could be seen now that it was broken. Slowly but surely, a horde of Fire Demons made their way through, getting properly lined up before kneeling as whoever was in charge came through. It was not Surtur, but his Champion, which was you and you appeared very different from your usual self, anyone who knew you would probably be terrified.  

Your outfit was pretty much the same as the one the other Loki had you in but now it was a dark red instead of green. The gold cuffs that decorated your arms and legs were black and covered in spikes and the control collar was gone. The circlet that was on your head was also gone, replaced by a large black crown covered in spikes but there was more to it as it had to accommodate your Antennae and the large ram-like horns that sat on your head. They expanded back and out to the sides, they were huge, and they too had black metal cuffs with spikes while your Antennae seemed larger and even sharper. And if all that wasn't scary enough, you didn't really have hair anymore, it was all fire, along with your wings. Your eyes glowed brightly with Surtur's evil flame as well, with your sweet smile and happy face replaced by a cold, dead, and dark expression. Your heart was dead, burnt to ash and the rest of the universe was going to burn with it, starting with Midgard. 

The demons are about to head off and cause destruction but you stop them, ordering them to wait, insisting that they couldn't just simply attack, they needed a plan. "And there it is," you say with a wicked smile, as a certain Web-head was coming your way and you knew he'd do perfectly. Spiderman opened up with a joke, making puns about fire and demons which normally would make you crack up a little. You would then follow up with your own pun if you could think of one but not today, or ever again as you were going to see Surtur's plan through. You let out a fake-sounding laugh, letting it go on a little too long before speaking, "oh, little spider, you have no chance against us, against me, or our master, Surtur... the Asgardians struggle to even fight off a handful of my demons, what makes you think a little Midgardian like you would stand a chance against an army?". 

You smirked before ordering two of the demons to kill him, with Spiderman being barely able to dodge their attacks, soon being launched off the building. At that point you tell your demons to hold, stating that he would no doubt die from his injuries if he wasn't dead already, making sure Peter could hear you. Several of your soldiers noticed the Wall-crawler trying to get away but before they could go after him, you stopped them again. "You two follow him, but do not engage and make sure you are not seen, he will lead you to Thor and if he does not, then find the Thunderer and lead him back to me, feel free to kill the Spider-child after that, the rest of you, will split up, we need to take out the strongest first, and the rest will follow". You gave them the locations, the headquarters of the Fantastic Four, the X-Men, the Avengers Mansion, and several others. Places like Wakanda and Atlantas would obviously have to wait, they were too far out for the moment and would be difficult to reach, you couldn't spread your army too thin after all. You had everything in place, soon announcing quite loudly as they flew off, "go, we will rid this world of heroes and then set fire to all things on this worthless planet, until its flames outshine the sun". 

Meanwhile, it was going exactly as planned, Spiderman flew off and contacted the Avengers with his membership card, he was a stand-by member and got it from Tony. He contacted Thor, going on about how Surtur apparently sent an army of fire monsters that showed up along with some fire queen or princess, as she had a crown of some kind, so that's what he was going with. Peter didn't know it was you or he would have mentioned as much, with the Thunderer heading out to go face the army, telling Spiderman to continue on to the Avengers Mansion to update them on the situation. Of course, when Peter arrived he was very surprised to see another man who looked like Thor and another man who kind of looked like Wolverine. It took a few seconds to click but Spiderman eventually realized that this was your Thor and Wolverine, making the Asgardian-looking guy in green your Loki. 

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