Chapter 54: Earth's Mightiest Heroes

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You did end up staying with this universe's Avengers, staying in the room next to Thor, which was a bit strange but you got along with him fine, with this Thunderer even taking you to Asgard. It was quite different from the Asgard of your universe, for starters, you met Thor's half-brother, Balder the Brave, Asgard's Shining Light, which totally took you by surprise. There was no Balder in your universe, at least that you knew of so it was certainly a shock for you. "Hello, I'm Gracie of Midgard, it's a pleasure to meet you, Balder, the Brave", you tried to be polite, giving him a warm smile but you still felt awkward as he to thought you were of the Fae. "Haha, no, just a regular human being or I was a regular human being... then my mutant powers kicked in when I was a kid, then I was exposed to some kind of formula that unlocked more of my abilities, and then recently my mutation super-charged, transforming me into this butterfly moth creature whom everyone is mistaking as a fairy..." you words sort of ran away with you as you thought it over, feeling very strange about how you got here. 

The Warriors Three and Lady Sif were similar enough, with you soon having to prove your might against Fandral. He, along with Hogan and Volstagg believed that a little fairy like you couldn't possibly be a warrior like them, while Lady Sif was on the fence about it. You seemed a little too friendly and spacey to be a warrior but Sif knew that looks could be deceiving, I mean others underestimated her based on gender alone. You didn't really want to fight any of them but Fandral kept flirting with you, making you uncomfortable. The other Lady Sif who told you that fighting him was probably the only way to stop him from making romantic remarks was to beat him in a fight. So, slipping on your X-Men uniform, you headed to the Arena, with many Asgardians coming to watch, with definitely put you on edge, as fighting for entertainment wasn't something you were into. Pharaoh sat with the other Thor, with you instructing him not to get involved as this was just sparring not a real fight so you'd be okay.  

You were both given a sword although the one you were given was a little heavy for you, as you didn't have Asgardian super-strength after all you couldn't wield it. You carefully handed the sword over to Lady Sif, saying you wouldn't need it, getting into a fighting stance before summoning your claws. Seeing as Fandral wasn't really taking the fight seriously and you were the battle itself didn't last very long, with you soon knocking him on his ass. You rushed him rather quickly, striking several of his pressure points, knocking him back, while at the same time making Fandral lose hold of his sword. You take his weapon, using your powers to launch it away, having the blade strike into one of the pillars of the arena while Fandral tried to recover. After that, you went back in on the attack, getting more into it than you thought you would but at this point, it might have been more out of habit. You spent so long feeling scared and alone while battling vampires, training, and fighting for your life so it was hard for you not to take any brawl lightly. You came at him, blocking every move and attack Fandral threw at you, with you slowly getting faster, with the Asgardian having a hard time keeping up. Eventually, you get him with a spinning hook kick to the face, sending him back and onto the ground, with you soon being declared the winner.  

Fandral told you that you got lucky but you corrected him by saying you won fair and square while using a very small percentage of your powers. You realize at that moment that you were indeed very powerful, you never really thought about it too much before but if you could take Fandral down with ease you were probably decently strong. Perhaps with even more training, you could probably become a rival for even Thor, maybe, but that was a bit of a ways off. It was an interesting topic but there were millions of other things to think about or do, so you left the arena to hang out with Pharaoh. You inquired if it would be okay to take Pharaoh outside for a bit, as you could tell your Cute Furry Boy had a lot of energy to burn through. The other Thor said that was fine, so everyone watched as the little white wolf grew into a huge beast and take off into the sky with you. It was quite fun, just flying around with Pharaoh, it was definitely his kind of place considering all the snow-covered mountains that surrounded the place. You told your Wolf that they'd have to visit again before returning back to their universe and Pharaoh agreed wholeheartedly.

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