Chapter 12: Old Friends Meet New

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The party was a blast, there weren't a ton of people and the lights and music weren't too bright or loud so it was fun, you had a good time pretty much doing your own thing with Loki. Everyone came over throughout the evening to wish the God of Mischief a happy birthday, a few even giving him a birthday card or small gift, with the Billionaire just handing over a small card with cash, telling him to get himself something nice or something nice for you before giving him a wink and walking off. You danced for a while, rocking out just being your usual goofy and cheerful self while trying all of the yummy appetizers and officially meeting all of the Avengers. Hawkeye was one of the last members you talked to, and you promptly apologized for injuring him before offering to heal him if he wanted, and although Clint was skeptical, he took you up on your offer. You lit up for a moment, and during that time you put your hands on the sides of his face and Hawkeye lit up all over for a second too, watching with amazement as some of the smaller cuts disappeared entirely, while his back, which had been sore for a while felt so much better. "Wow kid, thanks, I feel great," Hawkeye said as he picked you up, crushing you slightly with a tight hug, freaking you out a little bit and you laugh nervously as you told him it was no problem, you were more than happy to help him out, as you were technically the one who injured him. 

Loki however, didn't like Clint just picking you up and hugging you like the two of you were close and he found himself getting jealous and protective, coming over to take you away from him, making up the excuse that he wanted to dance some more. You didn't really catch on, and went along with it, thrilled to dance with your bestie, although you did feel a little dizzy from using your healing ability, and you ended up having a little trouble at first, with Loki having to catch you before you fell over. Loki pulled you in and you ended up slow dancing for a few minutes, with the God of Mischief asking if you were feeling okay and you nodded your head, informing him that healing Mr.Barton took a little more out of you than you were expecting. After that Loki took you over to sit down for a bit, but you were a little uncomfortable being surrounded by others who were sitting near you, and you soon got up, making up the excuse that you were thirsty and that you were going to get a drink. Before Loki could offer to get you something or say that he'd go with, you were already gone, practically rushing away, as if you were trying to escape, which you were. 

You weren't sure of what drink to get, you were thinking of just getting some water but seeing as it was a party you thought you should have something else, like an alcohol-free mixed drink. You were about to go up and ask the bartender for the drink you decided on when Thor walked over and you said hello as he hands you a drink, you stare down at it for a moment before thanking him. You were about to take a sip when Loki appeared out of nowhere and took the drink away, reminding his brother that you were 18 and not allowed to consume alcohol. "Not unless we go to another country," you say without thinking and Loki looks at you confused so you continued, "the drinking age in the U.S. is 21 but for most places, it's 18, but there are a few countries that ban alcohol all together". "Let's go to another country then", Thor said cheerfully, wanting to party with you but Loki promptly shut that down, saying he was not taking you anywhere to party, but the Thunderer shot back, saying he would be coming too. They argue, back in forth for a few minutes, they weren't angry or anything, Loki sounded annoyed with Thor being all nonchalant while you just stood there, whispering "I just wanted a Shirley Temple...". You did eventually get your Shirley Temple, although it did take a bit, but in the end, the party was really fun but to be fair you had fun nearly every day of your winter break.

With everything that happened you ended up inviting Peter over to talk things out, MJ ended upcoming as well, which you thought was odd at first but you soon understood. You revealed to them that you had powers, showing off a little, conjuring a small light, floating over their drinks and even healing up the wounds you gave Peter, apologizing for hurting him. Peter was cool about the whole thing, "you weren't in control, I'm not mad, so don't worry about it", you asked if he was sure and he was, insisting that he was fine, especially now since you healed up the last of his injuries. Although the wall-crawler was much more interested in knowing how long you knew he was Spiderman for, as he definitely heard you when you called his name the other day while in costume. "Do you remember waking up in a closet at school covered with a blanket?" you laughed nervously, giving him an awkward smile as Peter went a little pale, he was shocked "that was you? That was like more than two years ago!". Peter thought he was going crazy when he woke up all bandaged in a closet, under a blanket and as he thought more about it, he discovered something shocking, "wait, if my math is right... you were the first person to technically find out my secret identity, holy crap, that was when I was first starting out... and yet you didn't tell anyone". You nodded your head, "I didn't really know what to do at first but... it wasn't my secret to share and besides I didn't mean to find out, but I had to take off your mask to stop the bleeding on your face". Peter's eyes went wide, realizing you were the reason he didn't die that night, with him getting up, pulling you into a hug, thanking you for saving his life, but you just smiled, more than happy to help your good friend. 

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