Chapter 50: Daddy Dearest

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"You really don't know why the Professor wants to see me?" you ask Colossus, as you had literally just finished making breakfast for everyone as it was your day to do so and now you had to go see the guy in charge. You grabbed a blueberry waffle and headed to Professor Xavier's office, wondering if you should have brought tea or coffee, ask if he wanted tea or coffee, as no one could stay mad when they had a nice hot beverage. So nervously you knocked on the door, opening it rather slowly after hearing a calm and gentle come in, walking in to find the Professor, Hank, and Wolverine. "No need to worry Miss Andersen, you're not in trouble", Charles said kindly, and you sort of relaxed, still standing a little awkwardly and before anything else is said Hank spoke up, asking you about their deal. "When I'm in the mansion I'm not supposed to use my Image Inducer, because there is nothing wrong with the way I look and this is a safe space where I can be myself," you say reluctantly, as your new appearance was something that came up quite a lot while talking with Mr.McCoy who was now a teacher and counsellor at the Xavier Institute. 

You turn away for a moment, not seeing Wolverine roll his eyes, obviously thinking you were being dramatic but both Charles and Hank gave him an "are you serious" kind of expression. You took a deep breath, turning off your Image Inducer, before facing everyone again, feeling even more timid than before, averting your eyes as you inquired what it was the Professor needed. "I'd like to re-introduce the two of you, Gracie, this is Logan, *turns to Wolverine* Logan, this is Miss Gracie Andersen," the Professor said and you hesitantly came over to shake his hand. Logan asked where you met before and you then inform him that you met several months ago while fighting the Juggernaut. "I hope you've been well Mr.Logan", you say smiling shyly, before inquiring if that was all or if there was something else, adding "I hope you don't take that the wrong way, I just...". You turned away, losing your nerve, you were still very uncomfortable in this new form and although you tried to hide it from the others it was quite obvious as your Antennae and Wings would droop when you were feeling down even if you had a smile on your face. 

However, they started perking up of their own accord, more so from surprise as the Professor informed you that Wolverine was your father. "Are you really my dad?" you ask in disbelief while a single tear escaped from your eye, and after looking away for a second, Logan did confirm that he was indeed your biological father. You stood there frozen for what felt like a very long time but it wasn't more than a minute or so, you were in shock, and out of nowhere you started full-on crying. "Ah, crap," Logan thought as he took a nervous defensive position, he was a tough guy but he still kind of felt bad for making a kid cry, especially when you were technically his kid. But the next thing they knew, you lit up, brighter than a star as you jumped him and Logan nearly fell over, but you still wouldn't let go as you whispered something you always dreamed of saying, "hi dad". Your mood then hit a new high, as you started breathing really fast, kicking your feet as you soon started to make happy noises, squealing with joy as you finally found your father.  

Logan then made you let go and tears soon returned to your face and Logan asked what was wrong now, sounding exhausted, annoyed, but also with a hint of genuine concern. "No, it's just... I always considered Mr.McCoy like my dad and now after finding out the truth, it's like I have two dads, I-I'm so happy", you sniffled, fanning your eyes with your hands trying to stop and after another two minutes or so, you succeeded. Your mood then shifted again and you let out a gasp, before loudly shouting, "I'm half Canadian", you then did a fist pump before hugging Logan again and declaring, "I have to tell everyone!". You then rushed over to the door before stopping, immediately turning around to go and hug Hank and Charles, saying thank you and then goodbye as you ran out the door. All three men could hear you as you bolted down the hall repeatedly yelling Kurt's name as he was the first person you planned to tell, it made Beast and the Professor smile, while Wolverine just let out a groan, already exhausted with having to deal with your mood swings.  

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