Chapter 43: Vampire Saga - Reinforcements

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You had just finished up your element of the plan, stretching as you left the Medical Bay, so happy to be able to move around again, as when you're told to stay still, all you want to do is move. You next headed off to find the others, or anybody really to inform them that you would be stepping out for a bit to possibly gather move help but nobody was around which was weird. Of course, your brain jumped to the absolute worse conclusion but before you could freak out too badly you ran into someone you weren't expecting at all, a certain fish out of water, or two. Triton and Prince Namor were there and you couldn't be happier to see them running over and hugging the Inhuman immediately, about to do the same with the Prince but just as you were about to make contact, you apologized, backing away as this was definitely inappropriate. "It's good to see you again your highness," you say nervously, as you stuck out your arm to shake his hand and he takes it, soon kissing your knuckles as he returns your greeting. You blushed and pulled your hand away, clearing your throat as your gaze drifted from both men, "um... Prince Namor... please don't take this the wrong way or anything but... *clears throat again* I have difficulty with certain forms of physical contact and you kissing my hand makes me uncomfortable, and I'd appreciate it if you refrained from doing so in the future".

There was an awkward silence over the next few seconds or at least you were experiencing one as each moment of no response was absolute hell, you really didn't want to hurt his feelings or offend him but you couldn't help but internally panic from the possibility. Your eyes briefly flashed up at the Atlantian Prince and then over at Triton before returning to admiring the floor, feeling almost worse as you couldn't recognize what they were feeling as to you, their expressions were a bit cold and blank. But before you completely exploded from nerves and being so incredibly tense, Prince Namor apologized, giving you a slight bow of his head as the last thing he wanted to do was to upset you, promising to not do it in the future. You nearly fell over as you could finally breathe again, letting just how nervous you felt about it as you placed one of your hands to your chest, taking in long deep breaths. Both royals found this almost amusing, your reactions were funny and unexpected at times, so your clear relief from such a thing was enough to make them both smile, at least a little one from the corner of their mouths. Their smiles did grow a little wider as you flashed a wide grin of your own, as you were so happy he wasn't mad at you or something, next asking how Atlantis was, hoping the city wasn't in chaos due to his absence. 

Namor told that although it was quite hectic while he was absent, the kingdom was more or less okay and things returned to normal once he did finally return. "So no declaration of war I take it?" you say slyly with a smirk, and the Prince plays along, following your statement with, "not today, but there's always tomorrow". But before much else was said, Triton cut in, informing both of you that there was still work to be done, which you instantly agreed with, asking the Inhuman to notify the others that you would be leaving to gather more support. "Where will you be going, if I might ask", Prince Namor said and you let out a nervous laugh, "well, um... sorry it's a little nerve-racking just thinking about it, but I believe it's our best bet, assuming I can get there in the first place". You didn't really answer his question as you were overwhelmed by anxiety all of a sudden, thinking about where you had to go all by yourself, to state you were nervous was an understatement. You mumbled to yourself as you took a step back, summoning Mjöllnir and turning back into Thor, giving both men a bow before excusing yourself and awkwardly rushing off outside the building to hopefully talk to Heimdall and get into Asgard.  

You left them in shock as you headed to the roof, not really sure what to do as you had never seen Thor open a portal to Asgard before, and Loki just called to him that one time so that was what you were going to try. You cleared your throat and did your best to sound confident while trying to talk to someone you couldn't see nor knew if he was actually listening to what you had to say. It didn't seem to be working, although that could have been because of your nerves, as you weren't exactly shouting but talking at the sky, perhaps you needed to be louder? You let out a sigh, closing your eyes as you cleared and focused your mind, gripping Mjöllnir tight with both hands, you hold it close to your chest and you concentrated on channelling its power. You started to glow with white lightning sparking off of you, floating slightly above the roof and when you opened your eyes, not that you had any way of knowing as you couldn't see yourself, they were glowing too. You looked up at the sky, speaking in a voice that wasn't quite yours, as this voice seemed so much bigger and more mighty despite the fact that you weren't actually speaking too loudly. "Heimdall, Guardian of the Bifrost and Watchman of the Gods...", you began, releasing more of your light and power, hoping that this would get his attention, soon saying the words, "open the Gates of Asgard to me, open the Bifrost".  

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