Chapter 24: Final Curtain

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You let out a sigh as you wait off to the side behind the scenes as you weren't in this one, feeling not so much down but a little embarrassed, not letting it show on stage during rehearsals but Spencer could tell you seemed off the second a scene was done. "So what's eating you?" Spencer asked, and you looked at him a bit surprised, before making sure no one else was nearby before telling him the truth, leaning in to whisper, "my boyfriend is here, he's sitting in the back of the auditorium". You then let out a groan before admitting to how over-protective he was, not that you minded it most of the time but him being here during rehearsals was definitely throwing you off. Spencer laughed for a moment, before saying that he understood completely as his boyfriend was also in the back of the auditorium, promising to come to every rehearsal after finding out what happened with Cody. "Same, he just wants to protect me, which is... oh my god so hot, but also like... I need some space, the theatre is me time, my thing, my space, you know?" you stated, and Spencer wholeheartedly agrees.  

It was nice talking to someone who understood and you wondered if Loki and Spencer's boyfriend were sitting anywhere near each other or not, picturing their interaction, but in reality, it was nothing like how you imagined. They ignored each other for the most part during rehearsals, Loki would read for the most part, only looking up occasionally to stare down at you when he heard you speak or sing. Spencer's boyfriend, Tyler, would do the same, except instead of a book, he was on his phone, looking up from the screen every time his boo would sing or deliver an epic line. He did get up sometimes and quietly did a lap around the auditorium or some form of workout as he had a hard time keeping still, he was a super energetic football player after all. Today, was different though, Tyler actually said hi to Loki, obviously unaware he was the God of Mischief but seeing as they were the only ones sitting in the audience he decided to try and make conversation.  

He introduced himself, saying that he was dating Spencer, the male lead, he was secretly so proud of his boyfriend, as in his mind his partner was perfect in every way. Loki, surprisingly responded, saying that he was with you, but didn't say much else, going back to his book, that was until you and Spencer popped on stage singing your big duet. Afterwards, they looked at each other for a moment, with Tyler complimenting your voice before Loki awkwardly did the same but for Spencer, and from there they started talking about the two of you. "We met after one of my games, his older brother goes to my college and they went to a game, I saw him, went up to him and we just hit it off, what about you?" Tyler said, with Loki replying, "I met her in Central Park last year, I thought she was annoying at first but she changed everything for me...". Loki ended up looking at the ground as he spoke, surprising even himself, as he didn't expect to open up and talk with some random guy, but part of him liked it, talking and bragging about you. 

Eventually, the topic of Cody Reich came up, with both men absolutely pissed off about it, the mere mention of his name was enough to make their blood boil. "I swear if I ever get my hands on that Cody kid, I'll... I'll..." Tyler stated, getting so frustrated he couldn't finish speaking, how dare he try and hurt his sweet Spencer, he was perfect. Luckily though, Loki had him covered, saying, "you'll... end up in prison for your actions?", with Tyler stating a very serious "possibly", but there was a mischievous tone to it. "I'm guessing it's the same with you," Tyler asked, but Loki just smiled, "oh no, I wouldn't end up in prison... they wouldn't find enough evidence for it to be traced back to me". At Loki's words, Tyler was both terrified and impressed, he was just thinking about possibly beating Cody up, but clearly, your boyfriend was a lot more intense than that, maybe he was a mafia guy like the rumours said he was. 

It was a long few weeks, between rehearsals, homework, and training, you were busy all the time and it was exhausting, you really had no time to yourself to do what you wanted. On the bright side, you slept great, it had been years since you slept through the night without waking up and you don't know why, your best guess though was that you were actually happy. You were pursuing your dreams, becoming closer with all your friends, training to be stronger and control your powers better, and you felt more comfortable and accepting that you were a mutant. And if that was enough, on top of all that, you were head over heels in love with the most amazing person in the universe, someone who understood and accepted you for who you were, as no matter how many times you would doubt yourself, Loki was there for you and because of him, you felt there was nothing you couldn't do if you set your mind to it.  

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