Chapter 8: Walk Of Shame

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Loki began to stir as he heard the sound of mumbling and slight moaning, and he had no idea what it could be until he heard a familiar voice call his name. He recognized it as your voice and shot awake quickly discovering that for some reason he was sleeping on top of you, and at this realization, he immediately got up and backed away. The sudden movement and sound, however, woke you up and you instantly sat up accidentally causing your powers to move several nearby objects, basically just a few couch pillows and the bowl of popcorn from last night. You were all bug-eyed for a second, breathing heavy and looking around to see what happened when you got all tired again and flopped back down onto your pillow as you just wanted to go back to sleep. 

You weren't sure what time it was and floated your phone over from the TV tray where you plugged it in at about 3 am as it was pretty much dead at that point. You look at the clock on your phone and let out a groan, realizing you had to get up and get ready for school, even though you really didn't want to leave the house, all you wanted was sleep. But seeing as your brain was already awake you wouldn't be able to get back to sleep for a while, and you groaned again as you sat up, rubbing your eyes turning over to look at Loki with a sleepy and slightly grumpy expression. You stare at the God of Mischief for a moment, tilting your head a little to the side as you weren't sure what the expression on his face meant, but all you managed to say was "what?".

Loki isn't responsive and as you fully wake up you start to worry something was wrong, getting a little closer as he sat there frozen, with you soon asking him, "Loki, what's wrong? Are you okay?". You reached out to try and comfort him, but he caught your wrists and you tried to pull away, a little surprised by his actions, finding that you couldn't as Loki was seemingly in shock for some reason. "Loki, please, is something wrong?" you spoke again, although your words sounded a bit more like begging as you were starting to freak out a little, and it clearly showed on your face. Loki eventually snapped out of it, whispering, "I'll never hear the end of this from Thor", and now you were just confused, and you think about it for a moment, before saying, "um, Thor knows you're here". Loki let's go of your hands, looking at you with a very serious expression asking you to explain what you meant by that, how did Thor know he was here?  

"Um... well, he called me last night, or I guess it was really early this morning..." you began, recalling the scene; how Loki still had his arms around you at about 1 am when your cell phone started ringing and seeing as you couldn't escape from Loki's grasp you had to use your powers to grab it. You quickly picked up the phone, pretending to sound a little sleepy as it was a school night and you were supposed to be sleeping right now, recognizing the number as the Avengers line. It was Thor who called quickly stating, "apologies for disturbing you at this late hour Miss Andersen, but my brother hasn't returned to the Avenger's tower, you wouldn't happen to know where he is currently?". "Oh it's no trouble, Thor," you began letting out a nervous little laugh before continuing, "yes, he's actually with me... at my house, he fell asleep on my couch a few hours ago, he looked so tired I figured it was best just to let him sleep... but I'll make sure he's back first thing tomorrow morning". Thor offered to come and get him but you declined, perhaps a little too quickly, but you didn't want Thor or anyone to see you like this with Loki, it was way too awkward. 

You got up as you continued explaining, first popping in to say good morning to Lily before excusing yourself to go to the washroom but before you did you promised to make breakfast for Loki. You picked your outfit for the day, setting it aside on your bed before heading off down to the kitchen where Loki was waiting and you asked him what he wanted for breakfast, but he didn't care. The God of Mischief was much more concerned about what happened last night as he didn't really remember what transpired, the last thing he remembered was watching that documentary with you, Loki was worried he acted inappropriately towards you. "Oh, well... you didn't do anything wrong... or at least it wasn't your fault... um..." you started, a little embarrassed by what happened as you got out the waffle maker, planning to make a couple of waffles to have with some fruit and tea. You continued as you made breakfast, "you were asleep when it happened so um... you weren't in control of your actions," you were tense and Loki could tell how uncomfortable you were from just talking about it and apologized. "Oh no, it's okay... um, I'm just not used to sleeping with anyone... next to anyone I mean... I really am fine, by the way, really I'm good... I mean... I am a little tired, I didn't get a lot of sleep but I'm not mad or anything... I actually don't really know what I'm feeling right now but it's not bad... I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed because... nothing like that has ever happened to me before," you spoke nervously, and Loki, taking a deep breath asked what exactly happened last night, pretty much ordering you to give him a play-by-play.  

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