Proposal Plan

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"What is it?" asked Lam. He placed a bowl containing tomyam and a bottle of mineral water in front of him. "You have been gloomy all morning."

Forth put away his own bowl and sighed. "It does not matter."

"Beam told you to sleep on the couch?"

"Huh? No. He hasn't been home since yesterday and apparently not today either."

"He got another long shift?"

"Yes. Likewise the day after tomorrow, he will not be able to attend my graduation."

Lam looked at Forth. "You two fought over that?"

"No, no," Forth said quickly. "I don't want to make Beam feel bad. After all, his job is more important. He's going to take a specialist and I'll support him."

"Good then. You're lucky because Beam is not only a nice, gentle and handsome guy. He's also smart and most importantly, he loves you very much."

Forth's face lit up again. "He said he'd prepared a party for me the night after graduation. He even ordered a very nice suit for me."

"I know. Beam invited us and the seniors."

"Where's Park?"

"He's doing something."

Forth and Lam finished their lunch and then returned to the administration room to complete the paperwork for graduation.

Forth's phone vibrated and he saw a message from Beam.

[Babe, I love you.]

Forth smiled broadly. Beam often sends simple love messages like that unexpectedly and makes Forth feel so loved.

[I love you more, Baby. What are you doing?]

[I just finished one round of patient examinations in the pediatric ward. What are you doing?]

[I'm in the administration office. I miss you.]

[I'll be home tomorrow afternoon. The suit I ordered is ready and I'll stop by the boutique to pick it up before going home.]

Forth and Beam exchanged messages for a while before Beam finally said that he had to go back to check on the patient.

Forth misses Beam even more. He was a little sad that Beam wouldn't be able to attend his graduation ceremony, but Beam had made time to make a party for him, which cheered Forth up a bit.

"Hey, Forth!" Max patted Forth's shoulder from behind.

Forth turned. "Max. Where have you been?"

"I accompanied Tul to get the ring," Max said as he sat down next to Forth.


Max showed Forth a blue velvet box and opened it. A pair of white gold rings with diamond eyes and beautiful tribal engravings shine brilliantly in the box.

"You're going to propose to Tul with that ring?" asked Forth admiring the ring.

"What do you think?" Max asked.

"A very beautiful ring. Can you tell me where to order it?"


"I'm thinking of proposing to Beam at the party and marrying him as soon as possible. I need ring, too."

"Are you sure you want to marry Beam?" asked Tul who had just returned from the cafeteria. He handed Max a bottle of thai tea and sat beside him.

"Of course. He's the only person I want in my life. I can't live without Beam."

"What about him?" Max asked.

Forth picked up his phone and opened the conversation app. Forth showed his conversation with Beam to Max and Tul.

"You're so loved," Max said with a big smile. "Even Tul isn't that sweet to me."

Tul hit Max's arm. "Hey! Don't make me think about asking you to sleep on the couch."

Max grabbed Tul's shoulder and kissed his hair while laughing heartily. "I love you, Babe."

I'm afraid of losing Beam," Forth muttered with a dreamy look. "He's been getting busier lately with his duties at the hospital and I'll be starting work soon too. We'll be seeing less and less and I'm afraid we'll drift apart. I want to strengthen our relationship with an official and strong bond."

"Have you discussed this with Beam?" asked Tul.

"A few months ago we talked about this. However, seeing how busy Beam has been lately and also with my thesis work, we haven't talked about this anymore."

"Hey, Lam, has Park contacted you?" Max asked when he saw Lam approaching the table where they were gathered.

"Not yet. I don't think it's easy to get tulips at a time like this," Lam replied, sitting across from Forth, Max, and Tul.

"Why is Park looking for tulips?" asked Forth as he packed some of his work files into the folder. "You guys planning an event?"

"Hm. We're going to have a party after graduation," Lam replied.

"I have to go," Max said, patting Tul on the shoulder and showing something on his phone screen.

"Ah, me too," Lam said after reading the message on his phone. "Park has got the tulips and now he needs me to do something else."

"Hey, you guys going to leave me alone?" asked Forth with a frown.

Tul patted Forth on the back. "Go home. You look pathetic alone here. People will think you're heartbroken."

Forth stared in disbelief as his three best friends left him alone. He took the phone and typed a message to Beam.

[Baby, are you still examining patients?]

Forth waited for a few minutes, but Beam didn't read the message. Forth took a deep breath and then walked away. He walked languidly into the parking lot, imagining his lonely apartment without Beam. In the parking lot, in front of his motorbike, Forth picked up his phone again and typed a message.

[Phi, I need your help.]

His reply to his message on the Jamorhnoom brothers chat group came quickly.

[Why? You got into a fight and the police caught you?] -- Grant

[Don't tell me you didn't get approval for graduation the day after tomorrow because your thesis was considered plagiarism?] -- Wine

[Please, Phi, you guys are driving me down.] -- Forth

[Shut up, twins. Let Forth do the talking. What's the matter, Forth? What help do you need?] -- Torn

[I will propose to Beam, after the graduation ceremony. Help me arrange it, Phi. Please?] -- Forth

[Okay.] -- Torn

[I'm okay too.] -- Grant

[I'm okay too.] -- Wine

Forth smiled widely and whistled as he started the bike.


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