Forth's Lover

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"Forth has a girlfriend?" Max asked. "Seriously?"

"No. No way, he would have told us if it was true," Park argued.

"But he always disappears at dinner and only comes back after midnight, humming and smiling like an idiot," Lam said with a frown. "He made us work hard to record the campus moon training sessions and never ride his bike again."

"You know, he also ignored the challenges from the Geologists and sent Ming and his men to handle them," continued Tul, shaking his head.

"We should ask him." -- Max.

Forth entered the room whistling. He would pick up Beam at five in the afternoon and go to the beach together. "Hey guys, what are you guys talking about?"

Max and Park stood together and ambushed Forth, forcing him to sit on the sofa between them.

"Hey, what do you want?" asked Forth annoyed.

"Say it, Forth," Lam snapped coldly. "You have a girlfriend, right?"

"Huh? Girlfriend?" asked Forth confused.

"You've been disappearing and going off on your own lately, humming and smiling around like an idiot when you come home in the middle of the night. Who is she?" Max asked coldly.

Forth was taken aback by Max's words. "I don't have a girlfriend," Forth argued quickly.

"But you met someone," Lam replied quickly. "Who's she?"

Forth smiled broadly. "Yeah, I met someone interesting. He's amazing and I like him."

"He? Who is he? You never say things like that about anyone and after all, who would dare to approach you? He must have a lot of guts."

"I'll introduce him to you guys later. I still don't know what I'm going to do at this point. He scares me a bit."

"You? Afraid?" asked Lam and Park at the same time.

Max and Tul looked at each other. Forth? Afraid?

Forth took a deep breath. "Yeah, sometimes ...."

"You're in love, Forth," Max said. He pointed at Forth with a look of amazement. "I've never seen you like this before."

"Tell me who it is, we'll help you," Tul said enthusiastically. "We're glad you finally found your soulmate."

"No. Not yet. I don't want to ruin what I have with him now. He probably doesn't have the same feelings as me."

"Why don't you try telling him?" he asked. "Maybe he's also waiting for you to open up."

"I... don't dare. Not yet. He is unreadable."

"Never mind, we'll help you any time you need help," Max said, patting Forth on the shoulder. "Let's get ready, we're having fun tonight. The campus moon event is making me tired. I need a drink tonight."

Forth smiled and stood up from the sofa. "Sorry guys, I can't come tonight. I have an appointment with him. He's alone and I want to be with him."

"Why don't you just take him to the bar?" Park asked.

"He's not in the mood to play at the bar. Have fun, guys. Here, use my card." Forth tossed his credit card which Park immediately grabbed happily.

Forth's credit card was an unlimited credit card and that meant he could order expensive drinks tonight. "Good luck, Forth. Don't forget to bring a lube and a condom."

Forth raised his middle finger before entering the room.

"Guys, is that our Forth? Or some alien took him away?" Hissed Lam.

"I can't believe there someone can make Forth feeling scare," whispered Max. "Who is he? Forth lover?"


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