Take Me To Heaven

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Beam sat between Forth's legs and leaned his back comfortably against Forth's broad chest.

Forth held his phone in his right hand and read the papers the lecturer handed out for quizzes, while his left hand stroked Beam's shoulders and arms, occasionally stroking his hair or neck.

Beam closed his eyes, enjoying Forth's touch. He was very tired because he had two quizzes to take today and Forth's hand movement relaxed him.



"Why did you choose engineering?"

"I like everything that has to do with machines. Most of my family is in engineering-related fields, so maybe it's tradition too."

"And I thought you were an economics student." Beam laughed amusedly.

Forth kissed the top of Beam's head and lingered in the fresh lemon scent of Beam's silky hair. "I'm sorry, baby."

Beam shook his head then looked up and kissed Forth's chin. "It does not matter."

"You? Why take medicine?"

Beam sighed. He held Forth's left hand tightly. "It's because of my father."

"Your father?"

"Yes. He died of liver cancer and was late for serious treatment because he never said anything about his illness. My mother and I had no idea that he was very sick. We didn't see any signs. He giving us everything we need and want. He's even been saving for my college needs since I was seven years old."

"When exactly did your father die?"

"When I was fifteen. Since then I've never thought about anything other than becoming a doctor. I want to help other people who are sick like my father."

Forth kissed Beam's neck and whispered against his fragrant skin. "You'll make a great doctor, Baby."

Beam smiled and squeezed Forth's hand. He moaned softly as Forth kissed behind his ear. Forth had put down his phone and now his right hand was stroking Beam's thigh.

Beam skin is very soft and warm. He wore shorts and Forth gulped feeling the softness of Beam's skin against his hand.

Beam looked up, rested his head on Forth's shoulder and lifted his hands behind his back, wrapped around Forth's neck. He turned his head and kissed Forth's cheeks and neck, causing his lover to moan softly.

"Baby..." Forth called hoarsely. He stroked Beam's thigh and climbed to his side. "C-can I touch you more?"

Beam nodded with a face as red as a tomato. Forth positioned himself to pick up Beam and move him to the center of their bed bridal style. He was on top of Beam with his left elbow supporting his weight so it wouldn't fall on Beam and his right hand stroking Beam's hair.

"You're so . . . beautiful," Forth whispered, staring at the Beam beneath him.

Beam smiled and both hands reached out, wrapped around Forth's Neck and tugged at him.

Beam kissed Forth's forehead, the tip of his nose, and both cheeks, then looked at Forth's full lips.

Forth looked into Beam's eyes as he slowly landed his lips on Beam's. He kissed all over those luscious lips, licking and sucking and then he went out of control when Beam stuck his tongue out for Forth's mouth. Their tongues intertwined, dancing their feelings for each other.

Forth's hand slipped under Beam's shirt, feeling Beam's hot skin on his palm. Beam held his breath as Forth's palm cupped his nipples.

"Babe, its ... its ... tickles," said Beam, biting his lower lip with his dreamy eyes on Forth's lips. "Oooh...."

Forth opened Beam's shirt and stared in awe at the slender, pearl-white body beneath, with pink nipples.

Beam groaned and squeezed Forth's shoulder as he felt Forth's tongue lick his nipple, while his fingers fiddled with the other nipple. "Babe, ooh ...pleaseee, don't tortured me, aaah ...."

"Oh my God, Beam, you smell so sweet like vanilla," Forth muttered over Beam's nipple.

Beam felt himself floating in cloud. He bit Forth's ear and whispered in a seductive tone. "Take me to heaven, Babe."


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