What's Wrong, Beam?

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Beam restless. There was something unusual about Forth. He had twice canceled their dinner appointments and twice left suddenly in the middle of their date.

Forth looked worried when he finished the call then apologized to Beam because he had to "take care of something".

This afternoon, Forth also did not appear and only sent a short message earlier.

[Baby, sorry that I can't accompany lunch. I'll make up for it later tonight.]

"Beam? Why are you eating alone? I thought Forth would have lunch with you here?" asked Phana in surprise, when he returned to the medical school after having lunch with Wayo and saw Beam sitting alone in the cafeteria.

Beam looked up and smiled blandly at Phana who took a seat across from him. "He . . . has to take care of something," Beam replied, placing the spoon on the plate. He is no longer interested in finishing his food.

Phana's forehead wrinkled seeing Beam's attitude. "What's wrong? You guys fighting?"

Beam shook his head. He didn't know how to explain the situation. He and Forth never really fought, in stark contrast to Kit and Ming--where Kit was always the one who got angry easily and Ming was the one who gave in.

He and Forth also never show excessive intimacy, like Phana and Wayo--where Phana always tries to pamper Wayo in a way that is sometimes excessive according to Beam's taste and Wayo who always tries to show that he really adores Phana.

He and Forth loved each other in their own way and showed their feelings casually in public, but when they were alone, they could never let go of each other.

"Beam," called Phana while touching Beam's arm. "You're daydreaming!"

"Ah!" Beam woke up and quickly smiled. "I was just thinking about something."

Phana tilted his head. He had a feeling that Beam was hiding something from him. "Beam, tell me. What's wrong? Did Forth upset you?"

Beam chuckled. He shook his head and lightly slapped Phana's hand. "Hey, you're overreacting, Dad. Forth is busy with something so we don't see each other quite often. I miss and worry a little about him. He often forgets to eat when he's busy. That's all."

"Are you sure that's all? You looked so gloomy lately."

"Oh come on, Pha, you're acting like a fussy dad again. Let's go to class now. I don't want to be late and get scolded sadly by Professor Than."

Beam walked ahead of Phana, who then followed after hesitating for a moment. He sat next to Beam after arriving in class. Beam looks engrossed in his phone, so Phana decides to message the group.

Guys, is Forth with you guys now? - Phana.

His reply came a few minutes later.

Didn't Forth have lunch with Beam at your faculty, Pha? - Lam.

Hey, Babe, your calling is too affectionate. Phana, not Pha-Park.

Stop your silliness, Baby, or I'll slap your ass - Lam.

Don't talk about slapping ass in public, you perverts! - Max.

Max! - Tul.

Max! (2) - Kit.

Kit! Where are you? You'll be late for class if you don't end your date with Ming right away! - Phana.

I just finished parking. I'm going to class - Kit.

Pha, what's wrong, why ask Forth? Wasn't he with Beam? - Tul.

No. Beam looks gloomy and I'm sure he's hiding something about Forth from me. What do you guys know? - Phana.

Forth seems busy and has been away a lot lately, but I think it's because he's with Beam? - Park.

However, Beam has been alone more often lately. - Kit.

Something's not right - Max.

Let's continue this afternoon. The Professor has arrived. Kit, get your short legs running fast over here. The professor will start taking attendance - Phana.

Meanwhile, Phana hear Beam sighed  after turn his phone off.


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