Torn's Lover

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Torn Jamorhnoom. He stood in front of Forth and Beam, with his right eyebrow raised and his hands on his waist.

He stared intently at Forth and Beam. "How long?" Torn asked in an calm tone.

Beam could feel the cold run down his skin from the tips of his toes to his ears. He shifted slightly behind Forth. "Five months, Phi," Forth replied firmly. "And forever will be."

Torn turned his gaze to Beam. "Your name is Beam? Second year medical student?"

Beam lifted his lowered face and met Torn's gaze bravely, even though his heart was beating really hard. "Yes, Phil."

"What are your parents' names, Beam?"

"Vongviphan. They are dead and now I live alone."

Torn looked at Beam with a look that seemed to soften. He took a deep breath then turned to the sofa and sat down on one of them. "You have coffee? Make me a cup. If you don't have it, order it via a fast delivery app. I'm still jetlagged."

Beam touched Forth's arm. "I'll make some coffee. Would you like it too?"

"I'll help," Forth replied. Beam shook his head. "You sit down with your brother. He looks like he has something important to say. I'll follow after making coffee."

Forth hesitated for a moment, but Beam nodded with a smile at him. Forth sat on one of the sofas, across from the one Torn was sitting on. "Did you fly straight from New York, Phi?" asked Forth stiffly.

He could not be too familiar with this eldest brother. They were quite apart in age and Torn was always serious and reserved. He holds and is responsible for the two holding companies founded by Jamorhnoom, namely hospitality and tourism.

Torn is rarely at home and often travels abroad to handle the line of business for which he is responsible. His hard work made the chain of hospitality and tourism industry under the auspices of Jamorhnoom wider and growing and that made Forth even more distant from his eldest brother.

"No. I went to Milan and Paris, then to Thailand. We will open the 8th branch of Universal hotel in Milan and the 4th branch in Paris. The accident you had, and your boyfriend, brought me here. Apart from the party, of course. "

Forth turned his head, staring at the back of Beam who was making coffee at the small kitchen counter in the corner of the room. "Phi Wine and Phi Grant love Beam and I'm taking him the day after tomorrow, at Mom and Dad's party."

Torn followed Forth's gaze, staring at Beam's back. "I thought you were going to settle down with a woman, Wolfie."

"Beam is much better in every way than any woman," concluded Forth firmly.

"You love him?" Torn asked, looking deeply at Forth.

Forth nodded firmly. "I love him so much. I'd do anything for him, as long as he stays with me. I'll marry Beam after college. With or without Jamorhnoom's blessing."

Beam approached them with two cups of coffee. Forth grabbed Beam's hand and brought Beam to sit next to him. He advanced a little so that his position was in front of Beam. Torn smiled.

"Beam, if I may ask, how did your parents die?"

Forth looked taken aback by Torn's question, but Beam smiled calmly. "My father was seriously ill and my mother died in a hit-and-run accident a few years later."

"You know who hit your mother?" Beam shook his head. "I saw him, but I didn't recognize  who were him."

"Phi," Forth cut in a high pitched voice. "Why do you ask that? It's not a good memory for Beam. He's still having nightmares about it."

Torn sighed and looked down for a moment. He then looked up again and stared at Forth and Beam with an unreadable look. "Forth, I met someone. We fit well in the work we do together and in the end, we started to fall in love. He is not physically perfect, but for me he is the most suitable person as my life partner."

Forth was a little confused by Torn's jumping up words, but he smiled. "Congratulations, Phi, you finally found someone who can match your soul. Who is he? Are you going to take him to the party and introduce him to us?"

"That's the problem. There is something that is preventing us from moving forward. We have to address this issue then the outcome will determine whether we will continue our relationship to a more serious stage, or break up."

"Why? Is the matter so serious?" asked Forth confused.

"I'm looking at you and Beam right now and yes, it's very serious, a matter between me and him."

"Uh, what does your problem have to do with your boyfriend, with me and Beam?"

Beam stepped forward a little and sat parallel to Forth. He grabbed Forth's hand and gripped it tightly. An uneasy feeling welled up in his heart.

Torn took his phone from his jacket pocket and called someone. "You can come here. Room 308."

Torn hung up the phone then looked at Beam. "I liked you, Beam, before I even met you. Wine and Grant complimented you and I know, just by seeing you standing near Forth, they are right. You love Forth and I see, my little brother is happy with you. You have managed to subdue little Wolf Jamorhnoom."

"Phi," Forth interrupted impatiently. "What's really going on?"

Torn smiled weakly. "I'm sorry, Forth, Beam. I will introduce my lover and after that we can talk again. However, I want you to know, Forth, I am ready to do anything for your happiness, because I know, you will not back down for Beam."

Another knock sounded at Forth's door. Torn stood up and walked over to open the door. "Come in. They're waiting."

Forth and Beam stood at the same time, as a man walked by Torn's side. The steps are not perfect, a bit limping. He stood in front of Forth and Beam with a faint smile. Forth didn't know the man, but he felt Beam's hand gripping his hand tightly and Beam trembled.

"You..." Beam whispered hoarsely.


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