The Survivor

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Beam was stunned. The plastic bag in his hand fell to the ground as he stared at what was in front of him.

Beam is furious with Phana and Kit. Since the two best friends have lovers, they don't have time for him. At first, they kept to their regular Wednesday night schedule. Having dinner together, doing homework or just watching movies and playing games together, but this afternoon Wayo suddenly had a fever and Phana panicked and immediately ran out of the classroom after Professor Niti left.

Not long after that Kit gets a call and he tells Beam that Fifi is taking him to dinner with her older sister who is coming. Fifi wants to introduce Kit to her.

Beam thought to himself in his room after the afternoon lecture. He didn't want to go out and eat dinner alone, but his stomach wouldn't compromise. Beam finally chose a food court near the Economics campus. Many say that the Indonesian fried rice in the food court of the Economics campus is very good. Beam was grateful that he decided to try it because it actually tasted good.

After dinner, Beam decided to walk a bit to burn some calories. After all, it was only 9 o'clock and he had no errands to do or movies he wanted to see.

Beam stopped by a convenience store near dorm 9 and bought a snack. He walked slowly around the park of the economics campus and towards the back of the engineering campus basketball court before returning to his own dormitory. And this was the scene he saw on the engineering campus basketball court.

There were at least eight to ten men lying unconscious in the field and in the dim light that emanated from the dim lights in every corner of the field Beam could see dark smudges in random patterns on the stone floor of the field. Blood.

Beam is feeling nauseous. He knows what happened. He doesn't know who's fighting here, but Beam is sure it's not over yet. He was already preparing to run from the scene, when he heard a groan among the unconscious people in the field.

Beam froze when he saw a man move, freed himself from the others' grip and seemed to be trying to sit up. The person sits with bent knees and supports his head with both hands.

Beam felt his heart beating fast. He didn't want to get involved in anything dangerous and his feet started to move again, but the loud noises that were slowly approaching towards the field made him panic. His guess was right, the battle in the field was not over yet and whoever survived there would soon be finished if the people in the distance found him.

Unknowingly, Beam ran to the field and approached the person sitting among the other unconscious people.

Beam pulled the man's hand hard. "They're back! Hurry up, you have to get out of here. They'll definitely finish you off if they see you can still sit here."

The man looked up at Beam with an unreadable gaze. Beam pulled him back and started running away from the basketball court, his hand gripping the survivor's hand tightly.


How's that? I need different style of my beloved couple Forth Beam anyway, so ... just spare my imagination, lol ...

Happy reading, my lovely readers, give comment too if you care 😘😘😘

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