Before Missing

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Tuesday, twenty minutes to midnight.

Forth looked at his watch and sighed. Beam hasn't come home yet. He must have been so mad at him that he decided not to come home for days and skipped class two days in a row.

Beam did that because he didn't want to see him. Forth's eyes felt hot and he quickly wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Forth's stomach rumbled. He's very hungry. Forth immediately waited for Beam in front of his room door after leaving school at 5 pm and he missed his dinner because he was afraid he would not see when Beam came home.

Forth stood up, stumble and brushed the dust off the back of his pants. He had to eat dinner so he could come back tomorrow morning and bring Beam breakfast.

Forth walked unsteadily out of the Beam dorm complex. He had just reached the threshold of entering the parking lot when he saw three men swarming his motorbike and one of them kicked his motorbike to the ground with a loud noise.

"Hey! What are you guys doing to my bike," shouted Forth as he ran.

The three of them turned around. They stood in front of the overturned Forth motorbike with their hips on their back.

"Ohoo ... Forth Jaturapoom, the hero," said one of the largest. He pointed at Forth while laughing sarcastically. "It's true, this is your motorbike."

"Who are you and what do you want?" asked Forth sarcastically.

"You hit my brother and left him badly beaten. I will make you feel the same way as him."

"Who's your brother?"

"Ken, third year economics student."

"Economics, huh? Does that mean he's one of those cowards who ganged up on my juniors until they were hospitalized? And now you're saying you want to get back at me?"

The big man frowned. "My brother ganged up on your juniors? Don't make it up, bastard! You're the one who ganged up on my brother."

"Bring your brother here, in front of me and I will show you the video camera footage in the field where your brother and his friends ganged up on my juniors and when I beat them for refusing to take responsibility."

The man looked confused. Forth became impatient. He felt his hands begin to shake and his vision dim. He took out his phone and opened the video app then showed the three men in front of him.

The big man gasped when he saw the scene in the video.

The man on his right nudged his arm. "Phi, nine of them ganged up on three and err... that Forth, he single-handedly beat up nine."

The big-bodied man looked at Forth. "Did you report this incident to the police?"

"Your brother would be in jail if I reported him," Forth said angrily. "Now that you know what really happened, you'd better get out of here. I could beat the three of you alone if I wanted to, but I can't do that if you don't push me."

The big man nodded. "I'm sorry, looks like I have to start beating my own brother now. Regarding your motorbike, I will compensate if there is any damage. I will send my brother to meet you and apologize."

Ford shook his head. "No need. I don't want to have anything to do with your brother and his friends anymore. Just tell them to stay away from engineering. Go."

Two of the three men got on the Forth motorbike then all three gave a wai before leaving.

Ford sighed. He was just trying to start the motor when he suddenly felt dizzy and his vision was spinning.

The motorcycle key fell to the asphalt as Forth's body fell like a wet cloth.

Someone was running towards Forth. "Poom!"


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