Chapter 44

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Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

"Fuck," She groaned as she reached out to try and turn off the alarm. "Five more minutes," She mumbled as she tried to find the alarm without opening her eyes. Her pillow started moving and she tensed up. Pillows don't move like they are laughing. Hands started rubbing her back and she started to relax under the touch despite her brain being fuzzy. The scent of the ocean surrounded her and as she kept relaxing more and more, she realized she was laying on top of someone and could hear their heartbeat. The only person she knew that smelling the comforting smell of the ocean was Silas. But if she was with Silas then was it all a dream? Was she hallucinating again? Yeah, that had to be it, she had to be hallucinating right now, that or dead because she had absolutely no pain whatsoever, she wasn't exhausted, her body didn't ache, and she could smell all fourteen of the guys' cologne if she focused on it. She decided to just enjoy the hallucination and shifted a little so she could hear his heartbeat better and soon drifted off to sleep again.

Silas felt her go lax and smiled softly as he kept rubbing her back gently. "She's asleep again."

"Good," Sean whispered as he watched the machines for a little bit. "She needs to sleep as much as possible to let her body heal properly. She was really touch and go there for a bit."

"She definitely scared the hell out of us," Marc said as they watched her sleep. They would take shifts on holding her. Partly to keep reassuring them that she was really there but also because if they weren't touching her in some way then she would start having nightmares. Since they have been holding her she hadn't had a night terror and they wanted to keep it that way.

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

"Five more minutes," she mumbled as she reached for the alarm while trying to go back to sleep.

Her pillow started laughing and she froze, didn't she already go through this part of the hallucination? She inhaled the deep, rich musk smell that was only North and hummed in appreciation. She snuggled deeper into him and smiled softly as he ran his fingers up and down her spine. "Best hallucination ever," She whispered softly.

"We're really here Baby," North smirked and she shook her head before going back to listening to his heartbeat while soaking up his warmth.

"Nope," She mumbled. "Real North wouldn't like me after seeing what I'm capable of, Raven would, not rest. Dream North, Owen, Sean, Silas, Kota, Victor, Gabe, Axel, Marc, Brandon, Nathan, Luke, Corey, and of course Raven would accept me no matter what. Stay in dream land it's the best," She whispered while soaking in the comfort that was covering her.

"We're really here Baby," North said while looking at the guys taking in the new information. Raven was beaming but the rest were confused on why she thought they wouldn't like her. "Talk to me Baby, explain why real us wouldn't like you for protecting yourself?"

"They only know me as timid Lisa but once they knew the truth about my identity they wouldn't like me because of all the stuff my parents did that they had to stop. I killed my uncle and nearly killed his minions. I'm just as bad as my parents. I lied about who I was to them. They fell for Lisa not who I really am who is a dark broken killer."

"We kill also," North said while running his fingers through her hair.

"You kill for good, Raven maybe just for the fun of it but, it's always just been for good reason. I went to a dark place and killed for revenge, it's not the same," She yawned. "I'm too dark for real you."

She drifted off to sleep again and they looked at one another. "What the fuck?" Gabe asked softly.

"Let's start planning on how we can get her to understand that we aren't going anywhere, we are it for her," Kota suggested. "We aren't going to let her run again and we don't care about her past, if anything it just connects us even more. She is perfect for us, we just got to help her see that."

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

"Fucking hell," Lisa groaned then huffed. "Stupid fucking alarm."

"No alarm Kitten," Raven smirked, "Wake?"

"No," She pouted and hummed as his arms tightened around her covering her in the unique smell of gun powder and something that was just Raven. "Stay in dream land."

"Wake Kitten," Raven chuckled. "Sleep too long I no like."

"Nope," She smirked. "I stay in dreams with you."

"Stay wake with me Kitten," Raven chuckled. "Stay all us. Open eyes Kitten. We here no go away."

"Yes you will if I wake up I'll be all alone again," She pouted. "Always alone when wake up. Nope, I stay here with all of dream you."

"Trust Bear Kitten?" Raven asked and she stopped running her fingers along where she knew he had tattoos on his chest.

"Of course I trust you Bear," She whispered like it hurt her he would question that.

"Then open eyes."

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