Chapter 8

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Lisa looked up from her book when the bell on the door rang. "Hi, welcome to Lost in the Pages," she smiled at the tall Native American that walked in.

"Hi, are you Lisa by chance?" he asked and she nodded. "Kota asked me if I could come by and bring you these, he said he forgot to give them to you last night since he had to stop Max from chasing a squirrel. I'm Axel Toma by the way."

"Oh thank you, Axel," she smiled as she took her books from him. "Oh I have his hoodie, if you don't mind me giving it to you to return." She grabbed and handed it over.

"Oh that's not Kota's," he smiled recognizing it instantly. "That's North's."

"North?" She asked confused, "But Kota was wearing it last night."

"North is his brother, he's got black hair and snake bite lip piercings," Axel explained.

"Oh, he was one of the guys that protected me from the creep a while back," She said instantly remembering him. "Well, here is his hoodie."

"Thanks, I will give it back to him," he said looking around. "Wow this place is neat."

"Thank you," She said softly. "Please look around, I am just going to go put these in the back."

She came back and saw him walking around, she opened her book back up and went back to reading. After a bit a shadow came over her book and she looked up to find Axel standing there smiling at her.

"What are you reading?" he asked curiously.

"Book of mythology and folklore," She replied as she held it up showing the title World Mythology An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics by Donna Rosenberg.

"Oh wow, interesting, what part are you reading now?" he asked intrigued.

"Various Native American legends," She answered as she marked her page. "Is there something I can help you find?"

"Nope," he shook his head. "I actually have to go run some errands, I just wanted to return those, Kota said they were important."

"Yes, thank you and please thank him and North for me," she nodded and he left.

It had been a few weeks since she had seen any of them but she really didn't have a chance to dwell on it since her business was busier than ever. It was now a couple of days before the charity ball and she was trying to forget it was happening but it was hard since there were flyers everywhere and she had the numerous texts and phone calls from Sheriff Jones reminding her.

It was finally time to close the bookstore so she locked the door and flipped the sign to close. She turned on her music and started fixing the books that were in the wrong place as well as putting up all the stray books that were laying around. While she was cleaning up the children's play area she felt a shiver go down her spine. It felt like there was someone watching her but when she looked out the glass window she didn't see anyone. Feeling cold she went back to the counter and pulled out North's hoodie. She slipped it on and smiled softly as the memory came back of how she got it back.

She ran into Kota and Max a couple of nights after Axel brought her books back. He was walking Max and Max ran up to her for pets as she was locking up the store. He said she looked cold and he didn't want her getting sick so he had her put it on. He walked her back to her apartment then kept on walking Max. She had been waiting for one of them to come by so she could return North's hoodie but it had been a few weeks now and nothing.

She would occasionally get the feeling she was being watched but every time she would look around there was no one there. She sighed and finished cleaning up the whole store. She headed to the office and began doing some paperwork. When she was done it was nearing midnight. She yawned and slipped out the back door. She locked it and yawned. She stepped out on to the sidewalk and began heading to her apartment.

"There you are, Sugar," she turned to see Sheriff Jones rushing up to her. She sighed and wrapped her arms around her stomach. "What are you doing out this late at night Sugar?" he asked as he tried to wrap his arm around her shoulder. She stepped out of his grasp and looked down at the ground, missing the angry glint in his eyes. "You should be at home getting your beauty sleep so you are well rested for our night together at the charity ball."

"I already told you Sheriff, I have to work that night," She sighed as she tried to take another step away from him but he just stepped closer to her.

"You can take the night off," he smirked. "You deserve to have a night off since you have been so busy."

"I don't have a dress," She tried to find another excuse, "I don't wear dresses, I told you that already."

"I know for fact you wore one the night you met Blackbourne and his men," he smirked and an ice cold shiver went through her. That smirk had evilness in it.

"How did you know about that?" She asked as she tried to take another step away from him but he grabbed her arm and pulled her to up.

"Is everything okay here?" Owen asked as he, North, Silas, Raven, and Nathan stepped out of the darkness and into the streetlight.

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