Chapter 31

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Uncle's phone started ringing startling everyone out of the silence that had filled the room and he looked at it confused. "Trace it," He commanded Corey who started typing away. "It could be her, please be her. Hello?" He asked unsure with a trace of hope.

"He found me," Lisa's weak voice filled the room. She sounded so scared that it made the guys chest tighten. They needed to find her and make sure she never feels that way again.

"Where are you?" Uncle asked as he looked at Corey who motioned for him to keep the call going.

There was so much silence as everyone held their breaths. She whimpered in pain and fear and the guys anger just grew at the thought of what she could possibly be going through right at that moment.

"It's not true, it's a lie," she barely whispered they almost didn't hear it. "It's a lie."

"What is a lie?" Uncle asked. "Where are you? Tell me where you are so I can come get you."

"I got it!" Corey shouted and everyone jumped up.

"I'm on my way," Uncle said trying to remain calm, "We're coming to get you. Keep this phone on, do you hear me? Do not hang up Sweetie."

They heard her whimper then some shuffling like she was trying to move or something was being moved. They didn't like how she sounded and tried to prepare themselves for what they may see. She said he found her but they didn't hear anything but silence so what the fuck was going on?

Corey tossed Raven the keys as some of them got into one of the vans. North got into another with some of the others and then Uncle jumped in with Owen and the rest of the group and they began following Raven.

They started to panic when the phone went dead but they tried to remain calm. Something was wrong, they could feel it in their stomach but they didn't know what and they didn't like the thoughts that were running in everyone heads.

An hour later Raven pulls into a hotel and Uncle runs into the office. They hear a bunch of scuffling and furniture being broken then Uncle comes rushing out and shouted, "In the back corner!" They take off running and finally after what seemed like forever but really was just seconds they spotted the Trans Am. They rush to the last room on the edge and Uncle knocked that infamous deep cop knock that everyone knows. They hear some movement on the inside but then it grew quiet.

"Sweetie, it's Uncle, open the door," Uncle called out but he was met with silence.

Owen tried knocking and there was more movement, "Darling, open the door please."

Silence so North knocked while Silas knocked on the window. There was more movement but then silence. "Lucian get the fucking door open NOW," North growled then took a millimeter of a step away from the door.

Luke worked his magic and within a minute the door was unlocked besides the chain. Silas reached up and just yanked it off the door. Raven shoved everyone through and stopped, there were clothes still in the bags left untouched and open food containers that remain full. Notepad open with scribbles that didn't even look like letters or made any sense. He heard some movement and opened the bathroom door then rushed forward.

A terror filled scream filled the room then silence. They looked into the bathroom and saw Raven leaning over the toilet. "Try get out window," Raven growled as he looked down at her wrinkled clothes and pale skin. "Doc," he looked down at her neck which showed her jagged low breathing. "Hot Doc," he said confused when she started shivering.

"I searched this whole place," North growled, "There's no one here."

"Next door is empty as well," Nathan said as he entered the hotel room.

"Then what was she talking about?" Brandon asked.

"I think she's hallucinating," Sean sighed, "She's got a fever and being off her meds, looks like she's gotten no sleep from the dark circles under her eyes, open food remained untouched I doubt she ate, with everything I think she's hallucinating. Let's get her to the hospital."

"Got it Doc," Raven nodded as he carried her out of the room.

The ride to the hospital was filled with silence. There was so much relief but also tension. Just what the fuck had their girl gone through the past three days? One thing each of them knew that the other was thinking was that they needed to find this uncle that was terrorizing her so much and fucking end him. They also needed to find the sheriff who had suddenly disappeared off the face of the earth and the doctor and end them as well.

They pulled the hospital but Uncle shook his head, something was not right, "I got a bad feeling Boys. Take her home, I'll have Dr. Roberts meet you there with everything he may need."

"Come with us," Luke said. "You can just call him and have him meet us."

"No," Uncle shook his head. "I need to fill him in on what's going on and it's not safe to do so over the phone. I will catch him up and then let you know when we are on our way so you can have her ready for whatever Sean may need Dr. Roberts to assist him on."

"Got it," They growled then pulled back out as Uncle walked into the hospital. As Uncle rode the elevator up and the knot in his stomach got tighter and tighter. He recognized all the security guards and nodded to them. What was going on? Everything seemed fine so why was he having this feeling? He knocked on Dr. Roberts' office door then opened it, "Hey Doc...Fuck!"

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