Chapter 39

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"She's got another one," Sean sighed as he walked into their new mansion and plopped down on the couch and tilted his head back.

"What?" Victor asked as he stopped playing the piano.

"She left another one at the hospital," Sean groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair.

"Who was it this time?" Brandon asked as he came into the living room.

"According to the note another lackey that was at our old place," Sean yawned.

"That teen four," Raven said as he sat down the gun cleaning stuff he was using.

"Fourteen, Raven, fourteen," Corey said as he looked out the window.

"That means she caught each one of the guys we fought, plus the medical student drop out and Jones' brother," Kota said not looking up from his book, "and yet we can't find her and it's been six months."

"Dr. Roberts did say she has reached out to him indirectly," Uncle said as he came into the house.

"What do you mean?" Owen asked while cleaning his glasses.

"Well he said he came into his office and her old anxiety prescription bottle was on top of his laptop. He went and got it filled then left it on the bookcase. He got called away and when he came back later that night the bottle was gone. Every month it appears on his desk and he gets it filled then leaves it on the bookcase and by the end of the day it is gone. He tried setting up a camera but I guess she's picked something up from you boys because every time it is frozen and by the time it goes back to playing the bottle is gone."

"What about?" Corey starts to ask and Uncle shakes his head, "He has tried waiting and she just waits until he falls into a deep sleep or the next day while he is out on his route. He even left notes asking her to reach out of me or us and she just replies it's not safe."

"What about her night terrors?" Sean asked and Uncle sighed.

"He asked about as well and he handed me this," Uncle pulled out a piece of paper. He turned it over and in big red bold letters was the word BAD, then in tiny letters was That's whats making the hunt to end the battle take so long.

"But we can help," Axel sighed, "We just need to know where she is."

"I'm sorry but even I don't know that," Uncle sighed. "She left the phone Dr. Roberts left for her and she destroyed the USB that Jones was trying to get. I have no way to reaching out to her. I don't even know if she knows you have moved to a new place."

"She knows," North nodded.

"How do you know?" Uncle asked and the team sighed in unison.

"She's visited us while we were sleeping without us knowing," North said. "Her Yogi bear was moved off the chair I leave it on in my room, my necklace was moved, and my hoodie went missing as well."

"My book was not where I left it and the bookmark was on a different page and replaced with a different bookmark," Kota admitted. "Never found the one I was using."

"My chocolate stash was refilled," Luke nodded. "Although her favorite chocolate was taken out of it."

"My music pages were mixed up and moved," Victor said softly. "And my pencil disappeared that I was using to write my notes."

"My tie that I laid out was replaced with a different one," Owen nodded. "That tie has yet to be found."

"My scrubs were changed to a different shade of purple," Sean sighed. "My spare name tag is missing."

"My couple of my bath bombs were missing and the brush wasn't in the correct drawer," Gabe shrugged like it was no big deal. "My favorite earrings are missing."

"My boxing tape for my hands disappeared even though I know for a fact I put it in my bag," Nathan shrugged. "My shirt that I left on the floor was put in the hamper too."

"My pinky ring disappeared," Silas admitted, "and my Greek mythology book was left on my table instead of my bookcase."

"My fish tank had a new decoration in it and my dreamcatcher is missing a feather that isn't under my bed or anywhere else it could have just fallen," Axel nodded.

"My gun kit moved," Raven nodded, "my shirt gone."

"My computer was powered off and moved off my bed onto my desk," Corey admitted, "One of my bracelets is missing as well."

"My pocket knife is missing," Brandon nodded, "My tools I left of my desk were cleaned and put back in my toolbox."

"My recipe book was put back on my desk," Marc admitted, "and my favorite coffee mug is missing."

"How in the hell did she come in without triggering the alarms or cameras?" Uncle asked confused.

"After the first night North realized her bear was being moved he told us about it. We tried taking shifts and staying awake to see when she would come back but she just waited until we were all out of the house and too far away to come back once the alarm did trigger," Owen said calmly. "Max is so attached to her that he doesn't wake us but we know she has been here because she leaves him his favorite bone each time. We left her a note on the window we realized she entered after she disabled the alarm saying we wanted to help her but she just crumpled it up and threw it away. She also went through all our phones and deleted her contact."

"We may not like it," Axel said shaking his head, "But we also understand this is something she feels like she has to do. She knows she can reach out to us when she wants. We just hope she will when the time comes and she finds Miguel."

"Let's also not forget that Miguel took North's car and ditched it," Luke pointed out. "Which means she has Raven's car."

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