Chapter 4

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"What's up Bro?" Luke asked as he popped some chocolate in his mouth.

"First off spit out the candy," North growled then sighed, "second, your best friend fucked up hugely! Mr. B is livid."

"Fuck, what now?" Luke asked.

"Right now get your fucking ass down here NOW and follow Baby. Gabriel made her fucking cry and feel like shit for being afraid of Max."

"She's scared of dogs?" he asked confused.

"Yes and Gabriel made fun of her for it and she kicked us out of her shop for it. She left crying so find her and make sure she is okay NOW LUCIAN!" North hung up on him and Luke sighed.

"Fucking hell Gabe," Luke clenched his phone then made a phone call. "What did you do Gabriel?"

"Fucking seriously Luke," Gabe sighed into his ear, "She was fucking scared of Max! Of fucking Max!"

"So what Gabe?" Luke asked. "Did you ever fucking stop to think that she has no fucking idea who Max is or who we are or I bet she was fucking bit as a child so now she associates every dog to biting her? You are fucking scared of itty bitty spiders!"

"Look I fucking know I fucked up, alright?" Gabe sighed. "I'm already fucking dreading what Mr. B is going to do to me and now fucking North, Raven, and Silas, alright?"

"Shit man, you are in for it," Luke chuckled. "Oh shit, there she is, got to go." Luke hung up his phone then parked his car. He got out, leaned against it and pulled his phone back out. He acted like he was typing away but he was actually recording her.

She was at the park and swinging softly. He watched her wipe a few tears away and turned it off. He sent the video to Blackbourne to let him know where she was at. After a while she went and sat by the pond. She gently moved her fingers back and forth on top of the water and he snapped a few more pictures and sent those to Blackbourne as well.

He followed her back to the apartments. This time he snuck in so he can find exactly which apartment was hers. He watched her unlock the door to 313 and sent a text to Blackbourne so he would know. He looked around and frowned at the condition the building was in. He took pictures and sent them off. Hearing her door turn he quickly went around the corner and slipped the mirror out of his pocket so he could see what was going on. He watched her enter the hallway then lock the door behind her.

He could see a few men watching her so he pulled his camera out on his phone and recorded. He bit his tongue when he saw the way they were looking at her. He made sure to get their faces because he knew the moment Blackbourne saw he would want their information. He hated how there were no cameras in this building and how there seemed to be no security.

He followed her back to her shop and after a few moments after she reopened he walked back in. "Hi, welcome to Lost in the Pages, is there a book I can help you with?" She asked softly.

He smiled and shook his head, "I'm not really sure what I want today, what do you like to read?"

"Oh, well," She smiled softly. "I am a huge Stephen King and Anne Rice fan. I also like Ed and Lorraine Warren books or any paranormal true hauntings books as well as true crime books."

"Interesting," he smirked, "I may just have to check those out, thanks."

"Right over there," She pointed to a section. "Enjoy."

About ten minutes later he saw the sheriff walk in. He frowned and sent a quick text to Blackbourne then called him and put the phone on speaker so Blackbourne could hear what was going on. Luke walked a little closer so he could hear better.

"So Lisa, how is today going?" the sheriff asked leaning on the counter, getting into her personal space.

"I would be better if you would do something about those creeps in the hallway of the apartments grabbing me when I walk by Sheriff Jones," she glared at him as she stepped back and crossed her arms.

"I've told you to call me Jack," he smirked, "and I've already told you I can't do anything about them being in a public area."

"So I'm just suppose to let them keep grabbing my butt or my arm and push me up against the wall and say what they want to do to me in my ear?" She asked trying not to cry. Luke forced back a growl and knew Blackbourne was probably doing the same thing. "But yet if I try to fight back you can arrest me for assaulting them? That doesn't seem fair, Sheriff Jones."

"If you fight them then that is assault," he sighed, "I can't do anything about them talking to you, Lisa. You are such a sexy woman after all."

"What about them shoving me up against the wall or grabbing my butt?" She huffed, "That's sexual assault as well as assault."

"They are not hurting you," He rolled his eyes.

"And I can't hurt them if I was to try stop them from touching me," She pointed back.

"Then why don't you just move if you don't want men appreciating your body and pretty face?" he asked. "How about this? Go out on a date with me, let me show you a real good time and I will have a chat with them."

"No thank you," She sighed, "We both know you are after one thing and I will not give it to you."

"You will change your mind eventually," he smirked as he stood up. "And I will be ready when you do."

"Creep," She muttered as she watched him leave.

Luke came up to the counter and handed her a book. She smiled when she saw the title Graveyard: More Terrifying than Stephen King Because It's True! By Ed and Lorraine Warren. "I love this book!" she smiled as she rang it up for him.

"It won't give me nightmares will it?" He asked and she chuckled.

"No, it won't," she said handing it back to him along with his receipt.

"Well if it does, I'm coming to find you and you have to cuddle with me to protect me from the ghosts," he smiled and she rolled her eyes.

"You will be fine," She said and he waved as heleft. The rest of the day went fine and soon it was time for her to leave. Shewalked back to her apartment and was shocked to see her hallway was empty. Shelooked around confused then cautiously entered her apartment. She locked thedoor behind her and frowned. It was weird the creeps weren't there when she gothome, very weird.

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