Chapter 5

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Lisa looked up from the book she was reading and frowned when Owen and the man that reminded her of an Abercrombie & Finch model and surfer mixed together walked into side by side talking. She went back to her book as they just walked around. She felt like she was being watched but every time she looked up they were reading the back of a book or talking so she tried to shrug it off.

Giving up on being able to get lost in the book, she sat it to the side and pulled out her sketch book. She tried to concentrate on the roses wrapped by chains and thorns dripping with blood drawing that she was working on. As she was shading the door opened and the sheriff strolled without a care in the world type of attitude.

"Hi Lisa," he smirked as he leaned against the counter getting in her personal space again.

"Hi Sheriff Jones," she said quietly as she moved her sketchpad to the side.

"You look very sexy today," he eyed her up and down.
She frowned and glanced down at her black jeans and Slipknot shirt. She internally wanted to throw up from his too much Axe body spray. "Um, thank you," She mumbled.

"Have you heard about the police department charity ball that is happening next month? You are going to look ravishing by my side. When are you going to quit fighting what is happening between us? Have you thought anymore about my offer?" He clicked his tongue behind his teeth and winked at her.

"Um I don't wear dresses," She tried to find a way out of it.

"You can for one night, Sugar," He smiled. "You will look even more ravishing than you already do. We will be the talk of the town with you on my arm."

"I wouldn't have anyone to watch the store, and I can't just close early on one of my busiest nights of the week," Lisa kept trying to turn him down politely but he wouldn't let up.

"Well I just thought it would be a good way to take care of that little problem of yours. They probably will leave you alone if they see you with a high ranking officer of the law such as myself. I am the sheriff after all." His dark soulless eyes gleamed with an intent that send shivers of fear down her spine.

Luke and Owen walked over and set a book down on the counter.

"Blackbourne, Taylor," Sheriff Jones growled. He gave them a look of disgust as if they were beneath him but they saw the tiniest glint of fear in his eyes as well. He knew exactly who they were and what they were capable of if pushed.

"Sheriff," They said in unison.

The door opened and in walked two of the creeps from the hallway. The two greasy men looked at Blackbourne, the color drained out of them then they turned and almost tripped over their feet rushing out the door. Lisa looked at them confused and they just gave her a blank innocent look.

"Sugar, you need to stay away from these two and the rest of their group," Sheriff Jones glared as he stood completely up as if his six foot height would do anything to intimidate them.

"Why?" she asked lost.

"What do you think of this book, Cupcake?" The model guy asked.

"Oh, this is actually book four of the series," she said curiously while looking at Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. "Have you read the series? It's amazing. I have the whole series, it's one of my favorites. It's a very popular series in the fantasy genre."

"No, one of my brothers was talking about it and the movies so I was thinking about reading it to see what he was talking about," He smiled at her.

She smiled back and handed the book back. "You want Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, it's the first one of seven. If you like magic and wizards and action then you will like this series."

"Then do you have the whole series?" he asked excitedly.

"I do," she nodded. "But why don't you get the first one and see how you like it yourself instead of just going off my recommendation? If you like it then you can always come back to get the whole series."

"Great idea, Darling," Blackbourne said softly to her.

"Her name is Lisa," Sheriff Jones glared and slammed his fist on the counter making her jump. It was obvious he was getting agitated.

"How much do I owe you?" Blackbourne was completely ignoring him.

"First, you need the first book of the series not this one," She said sliding the book back to the duo. "Then that book is $15.95 without tax." The model took the book, disappeared, then reappeared with the correct book.

"Thanks Cupcake," he smirked at her.

"Her name is Lisa," Sheriff Jones growled.

"She doesn't seem to have a problem with the nickname," Blackbourne said nonchalantly. "But if you have a problem with it, then we will stop Ma'am."

"It's okay as long as I have your actual names," she said meekly.

"I'm Luke Taylor," the model smiled as he pushed his shoulder length blonde hair out of his eyes.

"Owen Blackbourne," The man with steel grey eyes and a three piece suit said giving her a millimeter smile. He fixed his tie as she nodded.

"Trouble is more like it," Sheriff Jones muttered under his breath as he fixed his walkie talkie on his shoulder then adjusted his badge. They could tell it was more of a sign of trying to intimidate by his work status than anything else.

"All officers we have a 10-101 code purple." Officer Jones' eyes shot to his walkie-talkie and then to Blackbourne. His eyes narrowed with suspicion.

"This isn't over." The sheriff looked back at Lisa. "I can't wait to see what you pick out for the ball." Before she could respond he rushed out of the store.

"Is he always like that with you?" Blackbourne looked a mix of concerned and angry.

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