Chapter 42

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Lisa parked Raven's car at the gate and got out. It screamed trap with the silence looming around, not even the wind had a breeze. She took a deep breath and shut the door. She placed the keys in the gas compartment so they couldn't be used against her and pulled her hair up in a bun. She wasn't taking the chance of having him pull it to hurt her. She took another deep breath then double checked the knives she had on her. She also checked that she had Raven's gun then slipped on North's hoodie to help cover it and mask her nervousness. Thinking about all the things the guys had endured because of her gave her the strength to end this, even if it killed her, she was ending this.

She walked over to the gate and rolled her eyes when she was able to push it open. He was expecting her, of course he was. She made it very obvious what her mission was. As she walked up the driveway she kept her senses heightened for any traps. Her mind raced with various training scenarios her parents forced her to take and for once she was grateful for all the pain they forced upon her, she would use it and turn it against her uncle. She wasn't sure how much pain he knew she went through from the hands of her parents but she wasn't going to allow him to hurt anyone she cared about anymore. She also would make sure he didn't pull anymore backstabbing attacks this time. One way or another she was going to kill him and end this, even if it meant she died by his hands just so she could get close and personal to make sure she ended him.

There were no guards at the front door or securing the perimeter and she watched the trees for movement but there was none, there was absolutely no one on the outside of the house. Was he seriously alone or was she missing something? No, she couldn't start doubting herself, that lead to mistakes she wasn't about to allow. Of course, the front door was unlocked and unattended. He knew she was there and was just waiting for her. He was trying to manipulate her into thinking the house was alone to lower her sense of confidence but it wasn't going to happen. Years of surviving her parents may have traumatized her but also taught her how to endure more than she thought possible even if she didn't want to survive it at times. Sure sometimes she couldn't handle some stuff but she's learned how to suppress those moments and fight through them to endure how cruel life can be.

She started up the stairs and took comfort in the cold metal of the knives and gun pressing into her skin. She was very thankful for the extra few hours of sleep she got at the boys mansion, it had done wonders to her mind. The few hours she managed to get some sleep at the hotel was seriously affecting her mind and body thus prolonging the hunt of minions but she eventually got it done. She hated what the night terrors were doing to her but she wasn't risking going back on more medication other than what Dr. Roberts gave her. She wasn't going to be her uncle's play toy anymore, no matter what. She finally figured it out that it was him that was messing with her computers to track where she was and watch her. She didn't need Corey to verify it. She was going to leave Kota her bookstore and Corey could use the computers to do with as he wanted. If she made it out the only thing she would take would be the money in the safe and then start over. The guys would do whatever they wanted with the rest of her stuff, she would take with her the stuff she had of theirs at the hotel but that was it. She couldn't risk sneaking back into the mansion to gather more memories even if she wanted. She really really wanted her Yogi Bear but she couldn't risk it. She knew he would be safe with them. She would find a new comfort somehow somewhere that would give her a sense of security eventually. She just had to make it through this first.

She walked down the hallway to the room at the very end because it just screamed his office. She opened the door as the chair at the desk turned. There sat the man she despised as much as her parents. His white suit screamed stolen power. His black greasy hair reminded her of the T-birds from Grease and made her stomach curl. His tan skin screamed fake and not the natural tone from being out in the sun and she knew it would be a disgrace to their ancestors. He screamed fake, stolen, unappreciated power. She could tell he practiced his stance for hours, unlike the natural unconscious stance Owen and the rest of the guys take when they sit at their desks that demands respect.

His black eyes use to send shivers of fear down her spine but while they were filled with hatred they no longer did anything to her. The fear was gone and she could tell the moment he noticed, there was the briefest of hesitation in his movements but by the time she blinked it was gone. He sat his cigar down and smirked what she thought was suppose to be an evil grin but honestly Raven, North, and Silas got the smirk down was better. They would make the devil proud with their smirks, her uncles would just make the devil laugh.

"Hello Tio Miguel," She smiled so sweetly one would think they could get cavities from her smile.

"Hello Sobrina," Miguel said as he stood and pointed a gun straight at her face.

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