Chapter 30

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Lisa sat up with a gasp and rushed to the bathroom to throw up but her chest and throat hurt since there wasn't anything in her stomach. Once the automatic jerks of throwing up stopped she slid to the floor and moaned. The cold tile felt so good against her burning skin. She just wanted to stay there for a bit. She might as well since she really didn't have anything to do besides watch TV. She couldn't leave until she felt better and was able to put a plan together. Where would she go this time and what name would she want to take? She saw the red liquid start to grow and frowned, where was the red liquid coming from and what was it?

"I found you Sobrina (Niece)," a deep voice surrounded her.

"Tio (Uncle)," Lisa gasped and looked around but didn't see anything but her bathroom. A dark shadow passed by the hotel window and she shivered. She crawled over to her bed and the sudden banging made her jump. She pulled herself up and found her phone. She slid back down to the floor as the banging got louder. Then all of a sudden it stopped. She wanted to throw up again but she had to do something first. Her mouth felt like cotton, she hoped she would be able to talk but she wasn't for sure if she would be able to. She had to try she just hoped they would answer the phone call since they didn't have this number yet.

"Come out come out wherever you are Sobrina," the voice taunted as she covered her mouth to stop the whimpering that was threatening to escape.

She pressed the numbers by heart and pleaded for the ringing to stop soon and someone pick up.

"Hello?" Thank the lucky stars they did. Now she just had to get the words out but they felt stuck. She had to try though.

"He found me," She gasped as a few tears slipped free.

"Where are you?"

"Come out Sobrina, you're little Mafia Kings are dead, there's no one to save you from me," The dark voice echoed in her room.

No! They can't be dead, it isn't true she thought as the banging started again and got even louder and she whimpered. Her door started shaking from the force of the banging and she gasped. Her hand went to her mouth to stop it making her drop her phone. She could barely hear someone saying something but the ringing in her ears made it impossible to figure out what was being said.

"I know you are in there Sobrina, just come out already," the voice taunted. Where was it coming from? She looked around but there wasn't anybody in the room with her. Her window was shut and locked so where was her uncle? "You are just making your punishment worse. How could you turn your parents into the feds? They loved you and gave you everything you could ever want and yet you got them killed. You killed my brother and best friend then tried to run away but I found you little girl. It's time you pay for your selfish deceitful ways."

She suddenly remembered that the bathroom had a back window. She crawled towards the bathroom but her nerves were so shot she face planted a few times. There were spots in her vision and she felt like she was on a tilt a whirl.

"It was so much fun killing all those so called Mafia Kings," the voice chuckled with so much ice in his voice that she actually shivered in fear. "I managed to capture them one by one and torture them for information on you Sobrina."

She made it to the doorway of the bathroom and fell. It hurt to breath and the spots were getting larger at times. It felt like she was swallowing fire. She had to keep going, she couldn't let her uncle get her.

"Those stupid fools wouldn't tell me anything about you no matter what I did. Although I have to admit I got pleasure hearing them scream but unfortunately they wouldn't beg for mercy or tell me what I wanted to hear."

"It's lies," She whispered as she fought off the darkness. "It's lies."

"Oh no you don't Sobrina, don't you pass out on me," the voice chuckled and she jolted up whimpering in pain.

Banging on the window startled her making her whimper as the room started to spin. She started dry heaving and fell. She had to get away, she had to. She felt the ice cold tile and kept pushing forward. She grabbed the tub and slipped, leaving behind a red smear. The red liquid was blood? Where was she bleeding from and why didn't she feel any pain? She couldn't focus on that right now, she had to get away. She pushed herself back up and fought against the spinning. She managed to stand and spotted the window above the toilet. She stumbled to it and the banging stopped. She gasped making her lungs scream so she tried to breath again. She kept gasping as the fear of silence snaked through her body. It was too silent now, where was he? She had to get out NOW! She pushed against the window and cried in relief when it opened. She stepped onto the lid of the toilet when suddenly two hands grabbed her from behind. She screamed as blackness surrounded her and she succumbed to the abyss.

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