Chapter 22

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Almost as if on cue Axel and Nathan walked by then noticed Sean and Lisa were in the room so they walked in. "Hey what are you two doing home?" Sean asked even though he had a feeling Owen sent out a group message letting them know what was going on.

"The shipment of jellyfish got delayed so there was no reason for me to be at the aquarium," Axel shrugged nonchalantly.

"My marital arts tournament got switched to next so I decided to come home and rest," Nathan said as he plopped down on her bed. "Did you decided to let Kota have another day at the bookshop Peanut? I swear I haven't seen him that excited in a long time."

"Sheriff Jones showed up while I was in the back with Brandon," She whispered as she slowly started to relax under Sean and Nathan's rubs. "Dr. Sean and Owen thought it was best for me to come back here." She let a yawn slip out.

"She needs to rest but I have to get to the hospital," Sean said motioning to Axel to keep rubbing her back, he nodded and took Sean's spot.

"Good thing our plans got changed," Axel said softly. "I wouldn't have liked if he was stupid enough to try and show up and none of us were here with you." He watched her slowly drift off to sleep. Once she was in a deep sleep he looked up at Sean, "She's scared to go to sleep isn't she?"

"Yes," Sean nodded. "But I've done some research and there have been some cases where if the person feels relaxed and safe enough they are able to overcome the night terrors. We have noticed she craves touch and affection but she also flinches under sudden touch. Also she froze when I grabbed her wrists to look at the bruises the sheriff left her the other night so wrists are off limits right now. Something happened to Pookie and we need to find out what it is but I think we will have to wait for her to tell us."

"Unless we can find this Dr. Smith fucker," Nathan growled, "I'm going to beat the shit out of him for all the information I can."

Sean chuckled softly. "I think there's going to be a line when it comes to him and whoever else hurt her. I have a feeling a lot of our pent up anger is going to be released here soon."

"Don't be late Doc," Axel nodded as he watched his doll. "We got her safe and sound."

Sean took a picture then sent it out, "I will let everyone know she is sleeping so if their plans also got what was it you said? Oh yeah changed they will know to be quiet and hopefully she will sleep peacefully for more than an hour or two."

They nodded and he left. They watched her sleep clutching her bear and Axel growled as she whimpered when they stopped rubbing her back. She calmed down once they started back up, "I swear all the fuckers that hurt her in any way will have a slow painful death."

"Agreed," Nathan smirked an evil smile.

Over the next four hours some more of the team came back to the house and peeked in to the room to see if she was still sleeping. Marc came home first and took over Axel's spot so he could get some paperwork done and then Victor came in and took over Nathan's spot so he could take care of a few things. Sean had let them all know that as long as they were rubbing her back she remained calmed and Axel and Nathan confirmed it. Luke and Gabe had just walked and took over for Marc and Victor. Every one kept the rest of the team that was away updated and everyone was pleased she was getting some much needed rest.

Owen sent out a text saying he would pick up Chinese for dinner and they sent their requests and he when Luke asked about Lisa's request Owen sent an angry emoji then replied that he remembered what she said was her favorite when they were playing twenty questions and he needed to start paying better attention when it came to her. Luke replied that he remembered other things about her then North replied he would regret saying that once he got home so Luke pleaded for North to leave his candy stash alone but North didn't reply after that so Luke was trying to think of a way to go make sure it was okay without having to leave his precious Cupcake.

All of a sudden the intercom in every room buzzed and Sheriff Jones' voice filled all the rooms, "I know you have Lisa you fuckers, quit holding her prisoner!"

Lisa sat up instantly awake and started shaking in pure fear.

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