Chapter 41

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Max walked over to the chair and barked. "What is it Max?" Kota asked as he walked over. "What's this?" He picked up a crumbled up piece of paper and stood. "What's this North?"

"I don't know," North shrugged.

Kota uncrumpled the paper then turned it around for the group to see. "She left us the address of her next hit," Kota said as they looked down to see an address on the paper.

"Guys," Corey said looking down at his phone, "It's Miguel Medina's address."

"She's going after her uncle," Nathan growled.

"We have to let Uncle know," Luke said, "we may actually need help on this."

"I don't think she meant to leave it," Kota said looking back to where he found it. "I think it fell out of her bag and she just didn't notice. Every time she let us know she was here was intentional for us to see. This wasn't, if Max hadn't pointed it out we may not have noticed and just threw it away thinking it was trash. She intends to go after him all by herself."

"Like hell she is," North shook his head. "She will get herself killed trying to go after him."

"How are we going to help her when we don't even know when she is going after him?" Victor asked.

"We find her," Uncle said coming into the house.

(Hours later)

Lisa slipped out of her hotel and tossed her bag into Raven's car then took off. She was pissed she couldn't find the paper with the address but she was glad she had remembered to type it into her phone after she wrote it down.

She turned up the volume on her music to help soothe her anxiety. She needed a clear head for what she was about to do. She took a deep breath and started to softly sing along. She couldn't afford to make a mistake tonight.

As she drove her mind slipped back to when she escaped her uncle at the guys old place. She knew she was losing a lot of blood from being shot in the back and she had actually started to get dizzy from blood loss when she came upon a hospital. Thankfully they didn't ask questions until after they got her stable. She gave them a false name and by the time they realized that wasn't her actual name she was stable enough to escape and hit the road again. She had a scar but it was just another one on her body she would force herself to not reflect on. The hospital also bandaged up the one on her leg and took care of a few other wounds she gathered. Once she was well enough she started hitting the spots she knew people would talk and that's how she started tracking down the guys that worked for her uncle. He really didn't train his men well, they liked to talk after a few drinks and teases from her. Once she got them alone she gathered strength from the guys and started using some tactics she was forced to endure and watch from her parents on how to gather legit information. She refused to kill anyone, she wouldn't slip that far into the darkness but she would push to the brink of it then drop them off where she knew Sean and Dr. Roberts would handle the rest. She could feel herself losing control of her mind so she snuck up to Dr. Roberts office and made it clear she needed help. Thankfully he instantly understood but she also knew it would only be a matter of time before the guys were informed. She couldn't let them see her this way. Sure, they were the Mafia Kings but she refused to let them see the darkness in her. She didn't want to be Amore Medina around them, she wanted to be Lisa Thompson. They were two separate people and they were not going to mix, she would make sure of it anyway possible. She couldn't bare to see the disappointment and anger in their eyes now that they knew the truth, knew what she was capable of, and what trouble she brought with her. She knew they wouldn't want anything to do with her anymore and while it broke her heart she would make sure the trouble ended tonight and there would be no way of it affecting them ever again, at least from her blood. She hated that she knew she couldn't sneak in to see them anymore after tonight, if she made it out alive that is but she just couldn't bear to see the anger and resentment in their eyes. She wanted her memories to be those of when she was Lisa and the caring, sweet memories she had of them. Those memories would be her strength in the future. Now that she knew how they were related to Uncle she couldn't reach out to him anymore either. She knew she had limited contact with Dr. Roberts now and there would probably be a time she could no longer go to him either because as stubborn as the Kings were they would probably stake out his office. She sighed, after tonight if she made it out alive, she would have to start over completely with no contact with the Kings, Uncle, Dr. Roberts, anyone connected to them ever again. She would have to start a new life over as a ghost.

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