Chapter Twenty-Four

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Savannah wakes up a few days later to find the bed empty. She emerges from the bedroom and discovers Chris playing the piano with the baby in the bassinet nearby, observing him. She sits on the piano bench beside him, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek.

"Thank you for letting me sleep," she expresses her gratitude.

Chris pauses his playing, smiling at her. "Of course. You get up in the night more than I do. Did I wake you up?" he asks, running his fingers through her hair.

Savannah, yearning for his touch, shakes her head. "No." She scoots closer to him on the bench, pulling his lips to hers with a sense of urgency. He responds, moaning softly, as they both feel the longing they've been suppressing since her return. Chris eagerly grabs her waist, pulling her even closer.

Their passionate moment is interrupted by the baby's cry. "God, Savannah, I've missed touching you," Chris admits, reluctantly pulling away.

Groaning, Savannah rests her forehead against his. "I know. Me too. In a few more weeks. I'm sorry."

Chris shakes his head, picking up the baby. "Don't be. I understand." He hands her the baby. "He's probably hungry."

After finishing the feeding, Chris takes the baby back. "I'll put him down. Why don't you go take a bath? I'll be in there in a bit. We have to talk about something," he suggests.

Savannah nods, standing up. "Anything bad?"

Chris shrugs. "Not bad per se, more annoying."

She chuckles. "Okay." Savannah settles into the bath for a few minutes before Chris joins her, sitting on the floor beside her. She leans against the side of the tub, curious about the matter at hand. "What's up, babe?"

Chris groans, pulling out his phone. "My manager and PR team have been trying to get ahold of me since last night." He shows her his phone, displaying pictures of them together buying baby stuff and a photo of her leaving the bridal shop. "You can imagine what people are saying: 'Chris Evans Girlfriend Is Pregnant And They're Getting Married.'" He rolls his eyes. "We are going to have to release a statement of some sort, and I may have to do an interview to clear it all up."

Savannah takes his phone to look at the pictures. "But I wasn't even looking at wedding dresses, not for myself anyways. You do look happy buying baby stuff, though. And they got us kissing."

Chris retrieves his phone. "I know. What do you want me to say?"

She shrugs. "I trust you. You're the one that has to deal with this all the time. Whatever you want." Savannah pulls his face closer to hers. "Just make it clear that you're very much taken."

Chris chuckles. "Well, I think the photos imply that already."

Savannah insists, "Well, make sure it's explicit. Put your phone up on the sink."

Chris complies, placing his phone on the sink. "Why?"

She shrugs, a mischievous smile on her face. "Is the baby asleep?" She points to the monitor on the counter next to his phone. "Come in here with me." Chris laughs, climbing into the tub. "I meant with no clothes!"

"Oh! Sorry. You should be more explicit," he teases as he undresses, eventually sitting facing her in the tub.

Savannah props her legs up on his, bringing them closer. "Chris, I miss you," she confesses. Chris nods, crashing her lips into his, feeling him respond and pressing her body closer to his. But she soon pulls away, sighing. "I can't, Chris."

He nods, resting his forehead against hers. "I know. I know. When?"

She chuckles. "I have a doctor's appointment next week. If she says it's okay, then we can. But I'm not on birth control yet."

Chris shakes his head, his desire evident. "I don't care. I want more."

"Chris, Robbie is barely a month old. Let's not get too ahead of ourselves. And I only just got back. I want to get us in a good place before we discuss more kids," Savannah explains.

He smiles. "You didn't say no in there."

She shakes her head, chuckling. "Definitely not a no. Just a not now."

Chris nods. "Good. I love you. I'm gonna go call my manager."

Savannah watches him get out of the tub, playfully smacking his ass as he does. He turns around and laughs at her before leaving the bathroom.


A few days after Chris talked to his manager and PR team, he is awakened by Savannah with breakfast in bed. He looks at her with surprise. "What is this for?" he asks.

Savannah smiles, "Don't you know what today is?"

Chris sits up, shaking his head. "No. What is it?"

"It's your first Father's Day! And Robbie is officially a month old today," she announces happily. She sets a tray of food in front of him as he sits up. Leaning down, she kisses him softly.

"Thank you, Savannah!" Chris expresses his gratitude. He notices a small box on the tray and asks, "What is this?"

Savannah sits next to him on the bed. "Open it!"

"Okay. Okay." Chris laughs and opens the box, finding a watch with an ivory face and a brown leather band. She pulls it out to show him the engraved back.

Father Est. May 2020Love Always, Savi

"Savi, thank you. I love it." Chris leans over to kiss her just as they hear the baby cry.

Savannah stands up. "I'll get him."

Chris watches her leave to tend to Robbie and then come back to sit next to him. "We never got to do a Mother's Day for you," he remarks.

Savannah laughs. "It's okay. Even on a day that's meant for you, you're thinking about other people. He was born after Mother's Day. It's fine, babe."

"Well, I leave tomorrow to do that interview for The Tonight Show," Chris mentions.

Savannah nods. "I know. But you'll be back on Tuesday, right?"

Chris leans towards her. "I'm not staying away for longer than I have to, love." He kisses her softly before returning to eating his breakfast. "I love you, Savi."

Savannah rests her head on his shoulder as she feeds Robbie. "I love you too, Chris. I'm glad I'm here with you."

"Me too, love."

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