Chapter Fourteen

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Alex leads Savannah up the pathway towards a house, holding her hand tightly. Savannah appears nervous as she questions their presence, "Alex, are you sure this is okay?"

He stops at the front door, turning to reassure her, "Yes, it's okay. I told him I'm bringing a date. You look beautiful, Savannah. Come on."

Savannah nods, leaning in for a kiss as he opens the door, and they step inside. He guides her to the backyard where a group of people is gathered. However, her attention is immediately drawn to Chris and Scott, standing there with conflicted expressions. Chris's demeanor suggests he's displeased by her presence, causing Savannah to freeze in place.

Confusion fills Alex's face as he looks at them, "Well, I was going to introduce you guys to my girlfriend, but I guess you already know her?"

Savannah's focus remains on Chris as he responds, his tone laced with tension, "Savi is my assistant. I didn't realize you were the boyfriend."

She winces slightly at the use of her nickname, noticing it bothers Alex. "Yeah, Chris is my boss. I'm his assistant. I'm sorry I lied to you. I wasn't allowed to talk about it."

Alex shakes his head, seemingly unfazed, "Don't worry about it. I'm used to girls using me to get to him. I've never really been on the other side." He leans down to give her a gentle kiss on the lips, causing an undeniable tension to radiate from Chris. Sensing the need for privacy, Chris pulls Scott away, and the two of them retreat into a nearby bedroom to have a private conversation.

Scott, taken aback by the revelation, expresses his disbelief to Chris, "You have got to be kidding me, Chris. You're sleeping with Alex's girlfriend?"

Chris shakes his head, frustration evident on his face, "We haven't slept together since she said she was going to be with him. And I didn't know it was him." Overwhelmed by the situation, he sits on the edge of the bed, burying his head in his hands.

Sitting beside his brother, Scott attempts to make sense of the situation, "What's going on, Chris? Do you genuinely have feelings for this girl?"

Chris looks up at Scott, his expression filled with a mix of longing and regret, "More than that. I think I love her. I think I'm in love with her. But I've missed so many opportunities to tell her, to be with her. Now it feels like it's too late."

Scott shakes his head in disbelief, "So not only have you slept with your assistant, but you're also in love with her? And now she's dating one of our closest friends. This is a mess waiting to explode."

Chris groans, his pacing becoming more agitated, "I know, okay! I didn't tell you because I was ashamed of myself. And now I think she believes I'm ashamed of her."

Scott stands up, his voice firm, "If you truly love her, Chris, you need to tell her. Before she becomes too invested in Alex. He doesn't deserve to be caught in the middle of this. I've seen the way she looks at you. I think she feels the same. Fix this before it's too late."

Chris admits with a heavy sigh, "I fear it might already be too late. She told me she spent the night at his house last week." He locks eyes with Scott, remorse written all over his face, "I swear I had no idea that Alex was the guy she was seeing. I'm such an idiot."

Scott grips Chris's shoulder firmly, his voice filled with determination, "No, it's not too late. You need to tell her the truth, Chris. Lay it all out. Be honest. You owe her that much."

Meanwhile, Savannah turns back to Alex, intrigued by the birthday celebration and the connection between Scott and Chris.

"So, it's Scott's birthday? And he and Chris are your friends?" she asks, trying to make sense of the situation.

Alex nods, "Yeah, we've been friends since we were kids. I don't usually mention it to girls because, like I said, they just want to meet Captain America. But you liked me before knowing that."

Savannah laughs, "And I knew him before we started dating."

Alex smiles down at her, wrapping his arms around her waist, "Exactly."

She leans up on her tiptoes, grabbing the back of his neck as they kiss passionately. For a brief moment, they forget about the party around them, lost in their connection as she moans softly. As they pull away, Alex whispers with a mischievous tone, "I really want to hear that moan louder."

Blushing at his suggestion, Savannah kisses him once more before he takes her hand, leading her to meet his friends. Throughout the party, she notices Chris watching them intently, which makes her uncomfortable. Needing a moment to herself, she decides to walk down the hallway toward the bathroom, but she's suddenly pulled into a nearby bedroom. Chris closes the door, pushing her against it.

Startled, Savannah breathes out his name, "Chris..."

Chris, unable to control his jealousy, momentarily silences Savannah by placing his hand over her mouth. "I don't like seeing you with him. Kissing him. His hands on you. You're supposed to be mine, Savannah," he confesses, his voice laced with frustration and longing. He removes his hand and tightly grips her thighs, lifting her up while keeping her pressed against the door. His lips trail along her shoulder and neck, reigniting their shared desires. "God, I miss you so much, Savi..."

Savannah's voice wavers as she manages to speak, asserting herself, "No, Chris. Put me down."

Chris groans, reluctantly complying with her request and setting her back on her feet. She reaches out, grasping the nape of his neck, her eyes pleading with him. "If you want me to be yours, then kiss me. Alex kisses me."

His forehead resting against hers, Chris pleads, "Savi, please. You're killing me. I want you."

Savannah shakes her head, her touch gentle as she pushes him away, "Well, you can't have me anymore. Besides, you have your blonde." Her words carry a mix of sadness and resignation, indicating that their connection has reached its end.

Without waiting for his response, she leaves the room, returning to the couch where Alex is seated. He places his hand on her thigh, offering a sense of comfort as she notices Chris entering the room. It's clear that Chris is still angry, but he doesn't say anything, leaving the tension lingering in the air.


Alex escorts Savannah home after the party, and they make plans for a dinner date on Thursday, coinciding with her upcoming birthday. As she settles into her pajamas for the night, a knock on the door startles her. Opening it, she is taken aback to find Chris standing there. Frustrated, she groans, "What are you doing here?"

Without saying a word, Chris enters and forcefully slams the door shut behind him. He lifts her up once again, pressing her against the apartment door. This time, he finally fulfills her long-standing desire and kisses her passionately. She eagerly wraps her arms and legs around him, reveling in the sensation of their lips locked together. The kiss is everything she had yearned for, causing her to moan softly as their tongues dance in a sensual rhythm.

Reluctantly, Chris pulls away, gently setting her back down on her feet. He begins to leave, but she reaches out and grasps his hand, pleading with him, "Stay the night with me, Chris."

With a tear sliding down his cheek, he shakes his head, his voice filled with sorrow, "I can't. I've already done enough foolish things tonight."

Confusion and frustration wash over her as she watches him leave her apartment. She stands there, her eyes fixed on him as he walks down the hallway toward the elevator, his gaze fixed on the floor.

Chris knows he's already crossed a line by kissing her, further complicating her relationship with Alex and creating a mess for himself and Alex when the truth eventually comes out. Despite her plea for him to stay, he knows he can't. He shouldn't have kissed her in the first place, and staying would only make everything worse. He avoids looking at her as the elevator doors close, unable to bear the weight of his emotions. Keeping his feelings in check requires every ounce of his strength.

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