Chapter Sixteen

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Savannah carefully selected a long-sleeved green smock dress adorned with small white dots for the evening. Stepping into the bar, she spotted Alex waiting for her in the same booth where they had shared their first date. With a warm smile, he stood up and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek before taking his seat across from her.

Expressing her gratitude, Savannah said, "Thanks, Alex, for changing the plans. I didn't want anything extravagant." She felt his hand reaching out, gently intertwining their fingers.

"Of course, love. It's all good," Alex reassured her, his affectionate gaze reflecting his sincerity.

As they settled in, the couple ordered their drinks. Savannah noticed Alex motioning for someone to join them at the table. Looking up, she saw Chris accompanied by the blonde woman she had seen at the coffee shop.

"Chris! Hey! Who's the girl?" Alex exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and curiosity in his voice.

Chris looked at Savannah first, "Happy birthday, Savannah."

Realizing that Chris hadn't been out of town but had been intentionally ignoring her, Savannah responded with a polite "Thanks."

The blonde woman introduced herself as Allison, and Alex suggested, "Hey, do you guys want to join us for dinner?"

Both Savannah and Chris shook their heads, but Allison promptly took a seat beside Alex, causing Chris to groan and sit next to Savannah, who instinctively scooted away slightly.

Engaging in polite conversation, the group ordered their drinks and selected their meals. Allison leaned forward, curiosity evident in her tone, "So, it's your birthday? Why are you eating here when you could have gone anywhere?"

Shaking her head, Savannah replied, "Well, it's not really your business, but I like it here." She turned to Alex, a tender smile gracing her lips. "And this is where we met. I don't like making a big deal out of my birthday."

Unrelenting, Allison pressed on, "Why not? I love my birthday! I enjoy having everyone fawn over me."

Growing increasingly annoyed, Savannah leaned forward and responded, "Well, I'm simple. I don't need much to be happy, unlike you, I guess."

Misunderstanding the underlying tension, Allison continued, "Oh well, I like having a big celebration on my birthday."

Feeling the need to assert herself, Savannah leaned in further, her voice tinged with frustration. "Well, my best friend died on my birthday, so I'm sorry if I don't feel like celebrating it." Alex's comforting grip on her hand on the table offered her solace, while Chris's gaze remained fixed on her.

"I didn't know that, Savi," Chris admitted.

Savannah glanced at him, her irritation evident. "Please don't call me Savi, Chris. And you don't really know much about me," she retorted. Grateful for the arrival of their food, she shifted the conversation back to more polite topics. She noticed Alex's understanding of the tension between her and Chris but appreciated that he didn't address it directly.

Observing Allison persistently calling Chris by the nickname "Cap" and noticing his discomfort each time, Savannah couldn't help but speak up. "Why do you do that?" she questioned, directing her gaze towards Allison.

Allison shook her head innocently. "Do what?"

Feeling Chris nudge her leg, Savannah turned her attention back to Allison, her tone laced with sarcasm. "Why do you call him Cap? His name is Chris. Are you looking to date Captain America or Chris?"

Alex interjected, addressing Savannah with a disapproving tone, "Savannah." He shook his head, silently urging her to stop, and she complied, returning her focus to her dinner.

Unwilling to let it go, Allison snapped, "What does it matter to you what I call him?"

Meeting Allison's gaze head-on, Savannah looked back at her and then at Chris and Alex, her frustration palpable. "Because he's my friend, and it seems like you're more interested in the title than the person."

Annoyed, Allison huffed and stood up abruptly. "It's not really your business," she retorted before turning to Chris. "Let's go, Chris."

Chris leaned over and kissed Savannah on the cheek. "Happy birthday," he muttered before leaving with Allison.

Savannah maintained a polite smile as she watched them depart, then turned her attention back to Alex, who was regarding her with a puzzled expression. "What?" she asked.

Setting his fork down, Alex shook his head, his tone filled with concern. "What's going on between you and Chris?"

Savannah averted her gaze, unable to meet his eyes, and murmured, "Nothing. I work for him." Her voice lacked conviction as she focused on her food.

Frustration evident in his voice, Alex leaned back in his seat. "No, I've been friends with Chris since we were kids. I know when he's into someone, and he certainly isn't into that tart. I thought I sensed something at Scott's party, but I dismissed it as my imagination. However, seeing you two here together now... Savannah, look at me."

Sighing, Savannah reluctantly met his gaze. "Alex, please, let it go."

Shaking his head, Alex replied, connecting the dots, "I can't. This is why you've been keeping me at arm's length. How long has it been going on?"

"It started before you called me to ask me out the first time," Savannah confessed, her voice tinged with regret. "But when things started getting serious between us, I stopped sleeping with him. Alex, I'm sorry." Her eyes welled up with tears as she watched him rise from the table.

Alex motioned for the waitress and discovered that Chris had already paid. Turning back to Savannah, he said, "I knew something was off when he called you 'Savi' last weekend. Figure out what you want, Savannah. It obviously isn't me."

Shaking her head, Savannah followed him outside, desperate to salvage their connection. "Alex, wait. I do want you. That's why I invited you over to my place tonight. Please."

With a heavy sigh, Alex turned to face her. "And when was the last time you slept with him?"

Avoiding his gaze, Savannah muttered, "The night before our date at your place when you made me dinner."

"F**k," Alex cursed under his breath. "No. I'm not doing this, Savannah. Not again. Not with another girl. I'm sorry. I can't."

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