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A few days after revealing the news to Chris' family, he takes Savannah shopping for nursery supplies at his place. She laughs as he excitedly piles clothes into the cart.

"Chris, how many clothes do you think a newborn needs? He's just going to spit up or soil them," she teases.

Chris shrugs, undeterred. "Then I'll change him. I don't care." He adds a video monitor to the cart.

"Babe, I already have a monitor," she points out.

He shakes his head. "Not a video one."

Savannah laughs, finding his enthusiasm endearing. "Okay, okay. You're going a little overboard."

Chris nods, determination in his eyes. "I know. I don't care. I told you I'm taking care of you and our son."

She smiles, playfully demanding a kiss. "Yeah, yeah. Kiss me."

He chuckles, leaning in to plant a soft kiss on her lips. "I don't know how I lasted so long without doing that."

Savannah giggles. "I don't know either. I practically begged you to. Let's get this stuff home."

"Home. Yes. I like hearing you say that," Chris replies with a contented sigh.


Upon their return, Lisa and Savannah's mom observe as Chris and Savannah carry everything in. Savannah can't help but laugh at their astonished expressions.

"Don't look at me. Chris went a little overboard," she confesses, teasing him.

Chris rolls his eyes, unperturbed. "I don't care. I told you that. It's my first kid, my first son."

"I know, babe. It's fine. Better to be overprepared than underprepared," she reassures him.

He nods, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you."

Lisa interjects, curious about the baby's birthday. "You never told us his birthday." She holds onto Robert, eager for the information.

Savannah's face lights up. "Oh! Sorry! May 21st! A Gemini, like his daddy."

Lisa's eyes widen in surprise. "That's my birthday too."

Savannah smiles warmly at her. "Really? So you'll share a birthday with your grandson." She then finds Chris in the nursery, which he decorated with Disney characters. "I have to go in a bit, babe. I have to meet with Lucy to look at dresses."

Chris nods, sensing her hesitation. "Okay. So go."

She hesitates, concern evident on her face. "What about the baby?"

Chris chuckles, trying to ease her worries. "Come on. Our moms are here. And he's my son. You can leave him with me."

Savannah nods, torn between her desire to go and her protective instincts. "I know. I've just never left him with anyone but my mom yet."

Chris shakes his head, leaving the nursery. "Don't you trust me?"

She follows him to the living room, where their mothers are waiting. "Chris, of course I do! It's just... I don't know!"

He crosses his arms, feeling slightly hurt. "It's just that you don't trust me to be alone with my own damn son."

Lisa steps forward before Savannah can respond, offering some perspective. She hands Robert to Chris. "Honey, it can be scary for any mom to leave their baby with someone, especially when they're so little. It doesn't matter who it is."

Savannah nods, realizing the truth in Lisa's words. She places her hand on Chris's cheek, looking into his eyes. "I do trust you. I'm sorry, babe." She kisses him on the cheek and then affectionately kisses Robert's head. Turning to Lisa, she says, "Thank you."

Lisa nods understandingly. "Sure, sweetie. We'll be here. Don't worry."

Chris huffs, feeling a mix of emotions. "I'll be fine, guys. I love you. Just go, Savannah."

"Okay. I love you too, babe," she says, her voice filled with reassurance.


Savannah meets Lucy at a local bridal boutique, where Lucy is already waiting with her sister Sam and her friend Wendy. Apologizing for her lateness, Savannah explains, "I'm sorry I'm late. I'm not used to leaving the baby with anyone but my mother."

Lucy shakes her head, dismissing any concerns. "Don't worry about it. You leave him with daddy?"

Savannah nods. "Yeah, we had a little tiff. He doesn't think I trust him."

"He'll be fine," Lucy reassures her. She then addresses the group, introducing her sister and friend. "So, this is my sister Sam and my friend Wendy."

Wendy, showing a hint of dissatisfaction, questions, "Why does she get to walk with Chris?" She gestures toward Savannah.

Lucy looks at Savannah, seeking permission to spill, but Savannah shakes her head. "That's just how it goes."

Lucy nods, asserting her authority. "Alex's best man is his brother Steve, who will be walking with Sam. Wendy will be walking with Scott, and Savannah will be walking with Chris."

Wendy, clearly disgruntled, crosses her arms. "Well, I'm okay with letting Savannah go ahead of me."

Lucy shakes her head firmly. "No, it's my wedding. I choose who walks with whom. Anyway, the wedding is just before Christmas, so I'm thinking red or green dresses. What do you guys think?"

Both Sam and Savannah express their preference for green, outvoting Wendy and further aggravating her. They proceed to browse through dresses, offering opinions and suggestions. They also take the opportunity to watch Lucy try on a few wedding dresses before deciding to call it a day.


Savannah returns to the house and hears Robert crying. She finds Chris sitting on the couch, visibly distressed and crying along with the baby.

"He won't stop crying! I don't know what to do!" Chris exclaims in frustration.

Savannah steps forward, taking the baby from Chris's arms. "Babe, it's okay. Just breathe. Is he dry?" she asks, trying to troubleshoot. Chris nods, indicating that the baby's diaper is dry. "Is he fed?" Savannah continues her inquiries. Chris nods again, confirming that the baby has been fed. "Okay, take off your shirt," Savannah instructs him.

Confused, Chris questions, "What? Why?"

Savannah insists, "Just do it." She watches as Chris complies, removing his shirt, and then lays Robert on his bare chest. Miraculously, the baby's cries subside. "You freak out, they freak out. He needs to get used to your smell. Do more skin-to-skin contact," she explains, sitting down next to Chris on the couch.

Chris rests his head against Savannah's, feeling a sense of relief. "Thank you," he whispers.

"We'll figure this out together, Chris. It's new to both of us. Let me guess, you sent the moms home as soon as I left?" Savannah asks, trying to lighten the mood.

Chris chuckles, "Yeah, sorry. I needed to do this myself. With you."

Savannah nods understandingly. "I know. You're already a great dad. We're going to be fine."

Chris smirks playfully, teasing, "If you wanted me out of my shirt, you could have just asked."

Savannah laughs, resting her head on Chris's shoulder. "Shut up."

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