Chapter Fifteen

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Savannah tries to text and call Chris the next day to talk about the kiss, but he doesn't answer. She goes to his house, knocking on the door repeatedly, but no one answers. She continues to try every day, growing more frustrated and concerned. On the day of her birthday, she sends him one last message to try and get through to him.

It's my birthday
You seriously going to ignore me today?

Feeling dejected, Savannah decides to visit Chris's house again on Thursday, still hoping for some answers. However, it appears that no one is home once more, leaving her wondering if Chris has left town entirely. She can't understand how he could kiss her and then vanish without a trace.

Seeking solace and companionship, Savannah goes to Alex's office and waits for him to finish his phone call. When he finally hangs up, he greets her with a cheerful "Happy Birthday!" and positions himself between her legs on the desk. She wraps her arms around his neck, accepting the birthday kiss, but her mind remains preoccupied with Chris and their unresolved situation. Despite Alex's obvious desire to take their relationship to a physical level, Savannah holds back, knowing that she can't fully commit until she figures out what's going on with Chris.

As Alex pulled away, his gaze remained fixed on Savannah, his desire evident in his eyes. "I want you, Savannah," he confessed, his voice filled with longing.

Savannah, fully aware of the depth of her feelings for Alex, replied with a mixture of understanding and regret, "I know. I'm sorry. I came to talk about tonight..."

Responding hesitantly, Alex inquired, "Okay, what about it? You don't want to go out?"

A heavy sigh escaped Savannah's lips as she tried to explain her conflicting emotions. "I want to spend time with you. I don't like being alone on my birthday... but celebrating it just doesn't sit right with me." Pausing for a moment, her voice softened, carrying the weight of a painful memory. "I had a best friend in New York who died on my birthday. When we were 22, she was in a car accident. She was with a guy who had been drinking. They were driving home from my party and got into an accident. They both lost their lives." She took a deep breath, the sorrow evident in her eyes. "Since then, I don't like to celebrate my birthday."

Understanding the profound impact of that tragedy, Alex shook his head in empathy and pulled her into a comforting embrace. Wrapping his arms around her, he offered solace and support. "God, Savannah, I'm so sorry," he murmured sincerely. Sensing her need for a more subdued celebration, he suggested, "We can just stay at my place if you want."

Considering his proposal, Savannah offered a compromise, hoping for a balance between intimacy and commemoration. "What about something small? Like going back to the bar where we first met?" A hopeful smile crossed her face as she awaited his response.

A nod and a smile conveyed Alex's agreement. "That sounds perfect," he affirmed, his enthusiasm shining through.

Feeling a mixture of hope and nervousness, Savannah took a leap of faith and asked, her voice tinged with vulnerability, "And maybe you could stay the night at my place?"

A wide grin spread across Alex's face, mirroring the excitement within. "You sure?" he asked, seeking reassurance.

With a nod and a gentle touch, Savannah ran her hands through his dark hair, her desire for him intensifying. "I want you to," she affirmed, her voice filled with conviction. Their lips met once more, igniting a passionate kiss that further deepened Savannah's longing. With Chris's unexplained disappearance casting a shadow, it felt as though nothing stood in the way of taking their relationship to a physical level.

Reluctantly breaking the kiss, Alex let out a playful groan. "I have work I need to do. You are a huge distraction, Ms. Davis," he teased.

Giggling, Savannah hopped off the desk, a mischievous spark in her eyes. "You love it," she quipped, her laughter filling the room.

A tender smile graced Alex's face as he replied, "You know I do. I'll see you tonight, love." With that, he offered her a final smile before settling back into his chair, ready to resume his work. Savannah left his office, her heart filled with anticipation for the night that awaited them.


"Thanks for letting me stay here, Mom," Chris said, sitting at the counter on Thursday morning, the day of Savannah's birthday. He had been avoiding her all week after their ill-advised kiss. Regret gnawed at him, realizing the mess he had created. He was going to hurt both Savannah and Alex, and he held himself accountable for it.

Lisa glanced at her son, concern etched on her face. "Are you going to tell me what's going on? It's about a girl, isn't it?"

Chris nodded; his expression heavy. "Yes, it's about a girl. But no, I don't want to talk about it."

Curiosity tugged at Lisa, pushing her to push him further. "Why can't you tell me?"

Chris let out a frustrated sigh, raking a hand through his hair. "Because... I'm in love with a friend's girl," he admitted, shaking his head. "It's complicated. We had a connection before she started dating him, but I messed it up. I couldn't confess my feelings, and now she's with him, and there's nothing I can do about it." He glanced down at his phone, noticing a message from Savannah. message stabbed at his heart, and he groaned, setting the phone aside.

Lisa observed his interaction with his phone. "Is that her?" she asked, gesturing toward the device.

Chris nodded, his guilt weighing heavily upon him. "Yeah, it's her birthday today. We haven't talked all week. I'm sure she's going out with her boyfriend."

Lisa shook her head, challenging his assumptions. "Then why would she be trying to reach out to you? It's clear that she wants to talk to you, Chris."

"I don't know, Mom," Chris admitted, feeling a mix of frustration and longing. "I have to go." Determined to confront his feelings, he left the house, hoping to find a resolution to the tangled mess of his emotions.

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