Chapter Nine

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Savannah arrived at the bar, her eyes immediately drawn to Alex who was waiting for her in a corner booth. Dressed in dark jeans and a neatly tucked dark purple button-down, he exuded a sense of effortless style. She couldn't help but blush as she noticed his gaze roaming appreciatively over her body as she approached.

As she reached him, Alex stood up and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. "Wow, Savannah. You look amazing."

Her smile widened as she removed her jacket and slid into the booth opposite him. "You look great too, Alex. How have you been? I almost thought you wouldn't call."

He let out a soft groan, a hint of embarrassment coloring his expression. "I'm really sorry. I was always planning to call."

Shaking her head, they both ordered drinks—whiskey this time—and she teasingly remarked, "Don't worry about it, Alex. I'm just giving you a hard time."

Leaning forward, Alex rested his arms gently on the table, his gaze fixed on her. "So, besides the job, what brought you to Boston?"

Savannah shrugged, taking a sip from her water before replying, "I guess I wanted a change. I recently ended a long-term relationship, and it was a lot to overcome. I needed a fresh start."

Curiosity sparked in Alex's eyes as he asked, "Can I ask what happened?"

She sighed, saved momentarily by the arrival of the waitress who brought their drinks and took their dinner order. Savannah smiled gratefully at Alex before taking a large gulp from her glass and placing it back on the table. "Well, we were together for a few years, but it seemed like he grew bored of me. I came home one day to find him in bed with another woman..." Her voice trailed off, memories of the painful betrayal still lingering.

"Bored of you?" Alex scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. "He must have been out of his mind. I'm sorry you had to go through that, Savannah."

"It happens," Savannah chuckled, her laughter tinged with a touch of resignation. She shrugged, maintaining eye contact with Alex, and couldn't help but notice the golden hues around his irises. The sight of his dimples appearing made her blush, realizing that he had caught her staring.

As they both settled back in the booth, their conversation continued amidst the arrival of their food. Alex's gaze remained fixed on her, his interest palpable. "So, how's your new job going? Are you enjoying it?"

Savannah squirmed slightly in her seat, a momentary flash of Chris being inside her less than an hour ago crossing her mind. She could still feel him inside her as she sat there, smiling at Alex. "It's going fine. Actually, I'll be leaving with my boss tomorrow for a few days. He's going out of town, and I'll be accompanying him."

She couldn't help but wonder what kind of adventure awaited her on this unexpected trip, and how it would impact her budding connection with Alex.

He nodded, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Of course, I'd love to see you when you get back."

A mischievous smirk curved Savannah's lips as she noticed the faint blush that colored his cheeks. "Planning the second date already, huh? We haven't even finished our first one."

Alex chuckled nervously, his sheepishness endearing. "Well, I can't help but be eager. How about next Friday? I'll make you dinner at my place."

Before she could respond, Savannah's attention was drawn to her phone as it emitted a notification sound. She retrieved it from her purse and glanced at the message from Chris: "Text me when you get home so I know you go home alone."

Suppressing a laugh, she shook her head and tucked her phone back into her bag without sending a reply. "Sorry, just my boss reminding me about something for tomorrow," she fibbed.

Concern flickered across Alex's face. "Is everything alright?"

Savannah nodded reassuringly. "Everything's fine. I'll answer your request for a second date after you kiss me goodnight later."


After dinner, Savannah found herself thrilled when Alex took her to the small ice cream shop where she had first met Chris. As they walked together towards her apartment, she leaned against her door, a sense of anticipation building within her. "Kiss me," she whispered softly, her voice filled with longing.

Alex chuckled, his eyes sparkling with delight, and he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her closer to his chest. "I adore your assertiveness," he murmured, his breath warm against her ear.

Finally, she thought, someone who would willingly indulge her desires. Her anticipation turned into a moan of pleasure as their lips met, her hands finding their place on his chest. She let one hand slide up to his shoulder, tangling in his dark hair. The kiss deepened, their mouths moving in sync, their tongues exploring each other's depths. His hand, which had rested on her waist, found its way to caress her cheek.

When they eventually pulled away, their breaths mingling, Savannah was left breathless. A wide grin spread across her face as she wrapped her arms around Alex's torso. "So, dinner at your place?" she suggested, her voice filled with playful anticipation.

He nodded, his hands returning to her waist, their touch sending shivers down her spine. "If you'd like."

Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she bit her lip, her gaze fixed on his dimples. "Will there be more kissing?" she inquired, a hint of seduction in her voice.

He teasingly brought a hand to her cheek once again. "If that's what you desire," he replied, his voice laced with intrigue. "Is that something you want?"

A decisive nod escaped her, her fingers finding the nape of his neck as she pulled his lips to hers once more, their kiss growing hungrier, more fervent. After savoring the moment, she pulled away, a hunger still lingering in her eyes. "Goodnight, Alex. Text me your address and a time for next weekend."

He nodded, his thumb gently stroking her cheek. "Yes, ma'am. Goodnight, Savannah."


Chris lay in bed, his thoughts consumed by Savannah's whereabouts. Images of her with another man wearing the dress he had selected plagued his mind. He couldn't shake off the possessive feelings that had taken hold of him. He knew he might have crossed a line, but he couldn't help it. He was too deeply invested to turn back now.

As he stared at the ceiling, lost in his thoughts, the sound of his phone vibrating on the nightstand startled him. His heart skipped a beat, hope and anticipation surging through him. He quickly reached for the phone, eager to see a message from Savannah. When he opened it, his breath caught in his throat as he beheld a picture she had sent.

The image showed Savannah lying in her bed, dressed only in a pair of panties and a bra. His possessive desires stirred within him, a mixture of satisfaction and longing. It was a visual reminder that she was his, even if she was physically alone in that moment.

Goodnight Chris

Good girlGoodnight SaviSee you in the morning

The image before him reassured him that she had followed his instructions, that she had returned home unaccompanied. It validated his possessive tendencies, soothing the anxious thoughts that had plagued him earlier. He could now rest easier, knowing that she was where she belonged — alone and under his watchful gaze.

With a sigh of relief, he set the phone aside, allowing himself to succumb to the weariness that had enveloped him. Sleep came more easily now, as the knowledge of her solitary presence eased his troubled mind. In that moment, he found a sense of tranquility, reassured that she was safe and under his control, even from a distance.

As Chris closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, his thoughts filled with visions of Savannah in that intimate space, his possessiveness intertwined with a growing desire to protect and care for her. 

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