Chapter Twenty-Two

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As Chris's family gathers, Savannah sits in a bedroom with her mother and Robert, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Chris paces back and forth, his own nerves apparent. "Babe, you're making me nervous," he admits.

Savannah stands up, her voice filled with a touch of anxiety. "How do you think I feel? They're going to hate me for keeping him from you and them."

Chris reaches out, running his fingers gently across her cheek. "It'll be fine, love. I love you, and that is enough."

Nodding, Savannah hands Robert to her mother and follows Chris to the living room where his family and their close friends, including Alex and Lucy, anxiously wait. She can sense their eyes on her, especially his mother's.

Chris clears his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "I gathered everyone here because we have an announcement."

Scott jumps in, his voice filled with excitement. "You're getting married? About time."

Chris shakes his head, a small smile on his face. "No, Scott. Not yet, anyway."

Savannah chuckles softly. "Okay, no. Let's just rip off the band aid, babe." She heads back to the bedroom and signals for her mother to join her. Holding Robert, she returns to the living room and faces their expectant audience. "This is my mom, Carol," she introduces, motioning towards her mother. Then, she gestures toward the baby in her arms. "And this is Robert Alexander. Our son."

A smile brightens Chris' face as he kisses Savannah on the cheek. "You never told me the last name."

Savannah crosses her arms, a playful gleam in her eyes. "What last name would you like him to have?"

"Mine," Chris states with certainty.

Savannah smiles warmly. "Of course, I gave him your name. You think I wouldn't give your son your name?"

Lisa interrupts, standing up and voicing her doubts. "Um, hello? How do you even know it's yours? She's been gone for months. And before she left, she was dating him." She points at Alex, who blushes.

Alex leans forward, clarifying the situation. "We never slept together. She was sleeping with Chris."

Savannah shakes her head, acknowledging Alex's admission. "Okay. Thank you for that, Alex."

Chris takes a step forward, handing Robert to his mother. "Just look at him."

Tears well up in his mother's eyes as she gazes at the baby and then back at Chris. "He looks just like you did as a baby."

Chris chuckles, his voice filled with love. "That's because he's mine. I have no doubts." He looks at Savannah. "We were only sleeping with each other."

Scott rises from his seat, his tone serious. "Okay, but you left. Did you know you were pregnant when you left?"

Savannah looks at Chris and then answers Scott. "Yes, I did. I found out right before I left."

Lisa shakes her head in disbelief. "Then how could you leave?"

Savannah takes a deep breath, trying to explain her perspective. "Look, our relationship was never conventional. It was complicated at best and toxic at worst. It was full of co-dependency, jealousy, and insecurities. I couldn't be around that while I was pregnant. I'm sorry. I always intended to come back. I would never keep his son from him."

Chris shakes his head, pulling Savannah close to him. "It's okay, love."

As the family and friends gather around the baby, Lucy pulls Savannah aside. "You've been keeping a lot from me."

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