Chapter Eighteen

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Chris went to Savannah's apartment the next day only to find it completely cleared out. Worried, he messaged her, but received no response. After two weeks of unsuccessful attempts to reach her, he decided to face the inevitable and went to Alex's place. He knew he had to confront him sooner or later. When he knocked on the door, Scott answered.

"Big brother, what are you doing here?" Scott asked, stepping aside to let Chris in. From the other room, Alex's voice could be heard.

"Is that Chris?" Alex called out.

Before Chris could reply, Alex stormed into the room, his anger evident as his fist connected with Chris's jaw. "Fuck!" Chris winced in pain, and moments later, Alex returned with an ice pack, throwing it at him. "I deserve that."

"Yes! You do!" Scott chimed in, his disapproval clear.

Sitting on the couch, Chris spoke up, addressing Alex. "Alex, I'm really sorry. I had no idea her Alex was you."

Scott shook his head, his disappointment apparent. "No. The bigger issue here is you using some girl."

Chris defended himself, albeit remorsefully. "It wasn't like that. Not exactly. We both agreed it would only be sex. It was a mutually beneficial situation."

Alex let out a frustrated huff. "I can't believe you. This is by far the most unethical thing you've ever done."

Chris groaned, fully aware of his mistakes. "I know! Don't you think I know that!" He turned to Scott, explaining further. "That's why I didn't want you to meet her. I didn't want you to know what we were doing. Though she thinks I was embarrassed or ashamed of her, I was really ashamed of myself." He rested his head in his hands. "And now she's gone, ignoring my calls."

Scott sighed, considering the situation. He looked from Alex to his brother. "Do you know if she's really gone?"

Chris shrugged, looking up. "Her apartment is cleared out, and she is ignoring me. I have to assume she's gone."

Alex, feeling a sense of responsibility, made a decision. "I'll see if she talks to me, okay?"

Chris nodded, grateful for the support. "Thanks, Alex."


After spending a week in the hotel, Savannah managed to secure another apartment in Boston, albeit a less luxurious one than before. Despite the challenges she had faced, she had grown fond of the city and was determined to start anew. It had been almost three weeks since she moved into her new place and found a new job as a legal assistant.

A little bit after Halloween, Savannah was working at the ice cream shop when she heard a familiar voice calling her name. She let out a sigh, recognizing the voice as Stella's. Soon, Stella was joined by her brothers and mother, Carly.

Carly greeted Savannah with a warm smile, mentioning their previous encounter at Scott's party. Savannah felt a mix of embarrassment and apprehension. She wasn't sure what Carly had been told about her or about Chris, but the last time they saw each other, she had been with Alex. Wanting to avoid any uncomfortable conversations, Savannah quickly excused herself, leaving the shop before Carly could say anything further. She realized she would have to find a new place to get her ice cream fix, away from familiar faces and reminders of her complicated past.


Savannah let out a groan as she glanced at her phone and saw a text from an unknown number. It was Scott, Chris' brother, who had obtained her number from Alex. She decided to ignore the message and put her phone down. But her phone dinged again, and this time it was a text from Chris himself.

You're still in Boston?
I need to see you
I leave for my tour soon
I was an idiot
Please, Savannah

Savannah tossed her phone onto the couch and leaned back, feeling conflicted.

The next day, Savannah headed to work and was greeted by Lucy, another assistant in the office. Lucy had become the first real friend she had made since arriving in the city almost two months ago. Lucy greeted Savannah with a smile as they met at the office. She couldn't help but notice Savannah's lack of social activities in the past two months. Curiosity getting the better of her, Lucy asked, "What are you doing tonight?"

Savannah shrugged nonchalantly, not having any concrete plans in mind. "I don't know. I don't usually do anything. Why?"

Lucy let out an exasperated groan, finding it hard to believe that Savannah had been in the city for nearly two months without any romantic prospects. She was determined to change that. "Come on, you've been here for almost two months and no boyfriends or dates? You've been working here for a few weeks now, and I never see you outside of work. Come and have drinks with me tonight."

Savannah couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lucy's persistence. "First of all, I never said I didn't have any dates. And second of all, fine. We can have drinks tonight." She chuckled as she observed Lucy silently cheering in response to her agreement.


Savannah rushed back to her apartment, quickly changing into a pair of jeans, a lacy halter top, and a leather jacket. As she made her way to the bar, she realized it was the same place where she had first met Alex. She hadn't set foot inside since her birthday. Upon entering, she spotted Lucy engaged in a conversation with someone, and to her dismay, it was him. It was Alex.

A groan escaped Savannah's lips as she considered turning around and leaving the bar, hoping to avoid any encounter. But it was too late. Alex's eyes met hers, and she couldn't escape his gaze. The familiar dimples that she once adored seemed to have disappeared.

"Savannah," Alex called out, finally acknowledging her presence since her birthday. "We had thought you left Boston. No one has been able to get ahold of you."

Feeling awkward, Savannah shifted her gaze between Lucy and Alex. "I just needed a clean break. From everyone."

Lucy, confused by the situation, interjected, "I'm sorry, how do you two know each other?"

Alex spoke up on Savannah's behalf, his gaze never leaving her. "We used to date. She broke my heart."

Savannah shook her head, her gaze fixed on the floor, until she felt Alex gently grabbing her chin, forcing her to look at him.

"It's okay, love," Alex said softly. "I understand what happened. I've talked to him. But why haven't you? He knows you're still here."

Tears welled up in Savannah's eyes as she struggled to find her voice. "I can't, Alex. I can't bear to see him. Did you give Scott my number?"

Lucy, feeling left out of the loop, stood up with an impatient tone. "Is someone going to tell me what is going on?"

Savannah met Lucy's gaze, her voice determined yet shaky. "I will. But not right now."

Alex, wanting to ease the tension, admitted, "I did give Scott your number. You weren't talking to me, or Chris. So we thought maybe you'd talk to him." Tenderly, he brushed away her tears with his thumbs before pulling her into a comforting hug. "Call Chris, love. He's an idiot and tempestuous, but he loves you."

Pulling away from the embrace, Savannah looked at Alex, her expression filled with uncertainty. "I'll think about it, Alex." She then turned her attention to Lucy. "I'm going to go home. But you should give him your number. He really is the best guy you could ask for." Without waiting for a response, she swiftly left the bar, leaving both Alex and Lucy behind, unsure of what the future held.

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