Chapter Nineteen

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The following weekend, Savannah agreed to meet Scott for lunch. When she arrived, she found him already waiting at the table. "I'm sorry I'm late. I still don't really know the city that well," Savannah apologized as she took her seat.

Scott smiled, motioning to the chair across from him. "Don't worry about it. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me."

Savannah smiled politely. "Well, I figured I didn't really have much say. You and Alex weren't going to leave me alone until I agreed, right?"

He laughed. "That's probably true, yeah. I'm sorry. And while I'm here, I want to apologize in general for how I've acted toward you."

"Thank you. It isn't really necessary though. I'm not sure what Chris told you, but our relationship wasn't exactly conventional. I'm sorry for hurting Alex; I did actually have feelings for him," Savannah expressed sincerely.

He nodded understandingly. "I know you did. And I know about your 'unconventional' relationship. And so does Alex."

Savannah groaned, feeling embarrassed. "Seriously? I can't imagine what you all must think of me now."

Scott shook his head, reaching over to hold her hand. "No, no. Chris is the one in the wrong here. Even he knows it."

As they ordered their lunch, Savannah leaned back in her chair. "When does he come back?"

Scott chuckled. "Why, are you going to actually talk to him?"

Savannah shrugged. "I don't know. I don't even know if he wants to."

"Of course he does. He loves you, you know he does," Scott reassured her.

Savannah groaned, feeling conflicted. "Oh, Scott. He might, he might not. But he's pulled me around too much. I'm not sure if I care anymore."

He sighed, understanding her frustration. "I know, love. I know. But I've never seen him like this about a girl before."

"When does he get back?" She repeats the question, trying not to sound too interested.

"Thanksgiving," Scott replied. He hesitated for a moment before continuing, "Hey, I have an idea. I have a Friendsgiving every year. Alex will be there, and you should come."

Savannah shook her head, hesitant. "Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Chris won't be there. I promise," Scott assured her.

Sighing, Savannah considered his suggestion. "Okay. I'll think about it."


When Savannah arrived home after lunch, she barely made it to the bathroom before she threw up. Groaning, she changed into comfortable lounge clothes and lay down. She tried to recall what she had eaten, realizing she must have food poisoning. Lying down, she heard her phone ding with a message from Chris.

I know you aren't talking to me.
But I miss you Savi...

Frustrated, she tossed her phone aside and quickly fell asleep.

Two weeks later, just a few days before Scott's "Friendsgiving," Savannah fell ill again. She rushed to the bathroom, vomiting before frantically searching through her drawers. Despite being on birth control, she always kept spare pregnancy tests just in case. Finally finding one, she quickly took the test and left it on the counter, pacing nervously in the bathroom. This was the last thing she needed after everything she had been through.

As two pink lines appeared on the test, Savannah felt her heart sink to her stomach. She immediately called the doctor, fortunate to secure a quick appointment. Nervously tapping her fingers on the exam table, she waited for the doctor to arrive. When the doctor finally entered, Savannah laid back, feeling a mix of anxiety and uncertainty. It was revealed that she was almost 10 weeks pregnant, indicating that she had conceived shortly after everything had happened. After the doctor left, Savannah lay there for a while, lost in her thoughts, contemplating the weight of the situation.


Savannah showed up at Scott's place a few days later and was quickly ushered inside. Frustrated, she groaned upon seeing Chris and turned back to Scott, expressing her disappointment that he had said Chris wouldn't be there.

"I'm sorry, love. You guys needed to talk," Scott explained before leaving the apartment.

With Chris standing before her, Savannah shook her head, feeling a sense of reluctance. "I can't do this," she voiced her hesitation.

Chris reached out and grabbed her hand, pleading, "Please, just hear me out." Letting out a sigh, Savannah took a seat on the couch, already feeling a wave of nausea washing over her. Chris knelt on the ground in front of her, pouring his heart out. "I love you, Savi. And I miss you so much. I need you. Please, I want to start over."

Shaking her head, Savannah realized that the decision had crystallized in that very moment. "I can't, Chris. It's been too much. Far too much. The constant back and forth, the mixed signals. I can't handle it anymore," she admitted, her voice tinged with exhaustion. She cupped his face in her hands, tears brimming in her eyes. "I love you, but sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes two people just aren't meant to be together."

Chris shook his head, tears streaming down his cheeks. "No, that's not true. I love you. Love is always enough. I know I messed up, but we can make this work. I know we can."

Standing up, Savannah made up her mind. "No, Chris. I'm moving back to New York. I'm sorry." Ignoring Scott's calls for her, she left the apartment, her resolve firm, and her heart heavy with the weight of her decision.


Savannah knocked on the door on Thanksgiving, surprising her mother, Carol. Seeing her daughter's tear-streaked face, Carol immediately embraced her, offering comfort. "What's the matter, Savannah?"

Amidst sobs, Savannah managed to speak, her voice choked with emotion. "Mama, I messed everything up."

Carol held her daughter for a few minutes, providing solace. Eventually, she pulled back and noticed the gathering of people in the house. Savannah, feeling self-conscious, apologized. "I'm sorry. I'm interrupting."

Carol shook her head, reassuring her. "No, it's fine. Come on." She guided Savannah to a spare bedroom. "Clean up and come eat something. We can talk later if you want."

Savannah nodded, grateful for her mother's understanding. "Thanks, Mama." She changed her clothes and washed her face before rejoining the gathering in the dining area. Carol's friends welcomed her, attempting to engage her in conversation. However, Savannah couldn't find the words to participate fully. She felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness, except for the occasional flutter in her stomach, where Chris' baby now resided. Was she really going through with this? Was she truly not going to tell him? She nodded silently to herself, convinced that it was for the best. Their relationship had been complicated at best, toxic at worst.

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