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I turn to head back to my room when I heard Amanda's scream. "Oh my God! My water just broke". My eyes widened in shock as Imen and Aayan rushed out of the room. We both look at each other and we didn't need to say anything as we all ran towards her room. We all stopped on our track immediately we entered her room because the person screaming her water just broke was busying eating ice cream and watching her favorite TV show. Imen and I heave a sigh of relief touching our chest while Aayan let out a smirk.

" Are you sure your water just broke ?" Imen asked her.

" Yes, it does " She replied, her face still glued to the television.

" Amanda !" Imen half yell at her.

" What!" She snapped back so blame that on the hormones.

Ever since Amanda got pregnant, she has been so spoilt by everyone. We didn't want her to feel so lonely not even after Zayed's death so we typically worship her in the house and her hormones are so crazy. One minute she is laughing and the next minute she is crying or moody. She is now two times her  size that Imen and I both wonder if she is going to get her body back after birth. Zayed's death hit Imen's mum so much so that her husband had to take her for Vacation since Imen is now better. They have not been around for the past two weeks but they do call us every blessed day to check on us even though they promised to be back this week before Amanda's due date but I guess baby Z can't wait any longer and ever since then Imen has typically turned to Amanda's mother. She has been sleeping with her in her room and watching over her.

" Amanda,  Are you pranking us or what ?" Imen says.

She looks at Imen with a tight smile and raises her oversize dress. We looked down and realized the bed is wet with her water.

"We need to get you to the hospital, Mindy, Ikram calls mum and tells her Baby Z is on the way," Imen says Panicky. She turns to Aayan. " Can you please get the car keys  ?".  She rushed towards the baby bags that was already packed at the corner of the room and pick them up while I don't know what else to do because I am scared.

" We need to get there before ....." Imen says but  her sentence was cut short as Aayan grabbed hold of her hand turning her to look up at him.

" Calm down, She is not  feeling the contractions yet  that's why she is calm.  Her labor will begin naturally within 24 hours so save your energy till then. Take a deep breath and do everything slowly".

She nods in accordance and mutters a ' Thank you' and gently releases his grip from her hand as she heads outside. I already made a  call to Imen's parents. They were so excited as they told me they are on their way. I wish Amanda's parents are also here to witness their daughter birthing a life but then  I realize that every child deserves parents but not all parents deserve a child.

After some hours, Amanda started feeling some slight contractions and we all know it's time for the baby to come. Imen and I helped her change into another dress as we assisted her out of the room to the car. We both sat at the back with her while Aayan sat at the driver's seat driving us to the hospital and I am so thankful that he was off duty today because we couldn't have been able to do it without him.

"Ahh....." She screamed in pain as she squeezed her eyes shut.

Imen grabbed her hand and squeezed it in assurance while I wipe her forehead which was laced with sweat. Despite the car  air conditioner, she was sweating so much and you could see how she was trying to control herself from shouting. 

HER RULES ( SEASON 2)Where stories live. Discover now