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Long Episodes are coming very soon, I just don't want to leave you guys hanging that's why I had to force myself to compose this and I stopped where my brain told me to stop because my inspiration works with my mood . Atleast short Episode is better than no update







"No. no.. this .. can't.. be. .." Imen's mum said as she winced in pain holding her chest. Tears rolled down her eyes as she collapsed on the floor.

"Sanaya!" Imen's Dad called out her name panic written all over his face as he rushed to her side and pick her up in his arms. Norbert was about to dialed 911 when  Aayan quickly moved closer to Imen's Dad and said;" Allow me to check her pulse, I am a doctor ".

Imen's Dad looked at him for a second before giving him a chance to check his wife. He placed his hand on her wrist as he calmly tries to find her pulse while we all look at him fear written all over our faces.

"She doesn't have a pulse, we need to give her CPR, " He told Imen's Dad as he looked at him.

"This is all my fault," Amanda says as she covered her mouth and cried silently.

"Please give her mouth to mouth CPR while I press her chest," Aayan says and Imen's Dad nodded his head as he gently lay his wife down and gives her mouth to mouth breathing while Aayan keeps pressing her chest. After what seems like an hour, she started gasping for breath as she started breathing again and we all heave a sigh of relief.

Imen's Dad picked her up in a bridal style in his arms and took her inside while we followed behind.  He gently laid her down on the couch and sit beside her stroking her hair as her breathing becomes normal back.

"Afreen!" She said sadly and try to sit up but she was quickly held down back by her husband.

"Just lie down," He told her .

"Imen, is she going to be save?" She asked as tears pooled in her eyes.

" We are going to find her and I am very sure Zayed won't hurt her just that....." He cut his short sentence as he ran his fingers through his hair in frustration.

Imen's mum burst into fresh tears. " I should have known, I wasn't just too observant. I thought he was just being protective of his sister.  Remember, how he used to dictate the dress imen should wear when she was still little? Remember how he never wants anyone to come near her? Remember how he always flare-up or gets sick whenever Imen's was not in his sight or went to spend some time with granny without him.  Oh my God! I should have known. Remember the doctor said he may experience obsessive-compulsive symptoms. I should have known " She said and hit her forehead as hot tears streamed down her face.

" No wonder he was always cold to ladies in college, " Aayan said.

" How do you know?" Imen's Dad asked.

"I am his best friend. We both studied in Seneca college" Aayan says.

" Oh!" Imen's Dad nods his head.

" Afreen, what should we do? " Imen's mum said as she tried to sit up while her husband supported her propping a pillow at her back so she can lean on it as she sits upright.

"Why don't we report this to the police?" Norbert said suggestively.

" I think that's a good idea maybe they might help us in tracking where he's," I said nodding in a Yes to what Norbert says.

"Wait, what of Imen's phone? Her location is always on, we can track her with that to know where she's " Aayan said.

" And you think he hasn't turned off her phone's location? I thought you said you are his best friend "Norbert scoffs.

" Yes I am but I never knew he was suffering from Schizoaffective disorder," Aayan says calmly.

" Aren't you a doctor ?" Norbet said in a sarcastic tone.

" I was in college then and he never shows any signs of it " Aayan replied trying to control his anger.

"  You also have an explaining to do because you also want to take revenge on imen for what Zayed did to Amanda. You never love her " Norbert said through gritted teeth.

" Don't talk as if you know the whole story, remember you only heard Amanda's side of the story " Aayan said angrily.

" Guys, this is not the time for this. Our concern should be how we are going to know where he took Imen to. Remember, Imen doesn't know he is obsessed with her. We need to make sure we quickly get there because he might harm her if he gets to know she's married to Aayan" I stated.

" Please forgive me, I know this is all my fault," Amanda said as she clasped her hands pleadingly facing Imen's parents.

"It's not your fault Amanda, stop blaming yourself," Imen's mum said.

" He won't have been able to kidnap her assuming I didn't tell Imen he wasn't her blood brother," She says.

" I am so sorry".

" Amanda!" Imen's Dad called out her name. You need to stop with the self-blaming. It's not your fault okay?".

" What should we do now?" Imen's mum asked her husband.

"Let me call one of my FBI private investigators," Imen's Dad said and we all nodded our heads in accordance as he brings out his phone and dialed his number.


It's been a week ever since  Imen's Dad called his private investigator about Zayed kidnapping Imen and the FBI agents already took up the case after telling them everything they need to know about Zayed. The last place where Imen's phone location was turned off was in front of Aayan's apartment.
They have been trying their best looking for information that may lead to the location of where Imen is because every lead they get from Amanda was futile. 

Imen's mum has become a shadow of herself. She could cry every time the leads the FBI got became fruitless.  Aayan has been trying his best to give the FBI agents information about where he and Zayed used to go chill but it seems Zayed was smart enough not to hold Imen hostage there.  We are now back again in Imen's parents' home with the three  FBI agents as we all try to gather another information about where Zayed could be.

"Can you try calling his line again? Maybe he might pick up, you know you brought him up. Maybe if you said some sweet motherly love to him, he might tell you where he's" Zane one of the FBI agents told  Imen's mum.

" I have but none of his lines are going through. Have sent him several text message, drop several voicemail messages from him but there's no response from him " She said as she wiped the tears on her face with her sleeve while her husband pats her back.

"Amanda, you are the most victim of Zayed so you should know him better than anyone of us here " One of the FBI agents who all came to know as Spencer said.

"Do you have any idea where he always takes you to? like torture you?" he asked.

" No, he always make sure to blindfold me anytime ...." She cut her sentence short immediately she felt the urge to puke. She covered her mouth and quickly ran towards the guest bathroom while Imen's mum and I rushed after her worriedly.


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